- Oct 27, 2018
- 381
There's a lot of discussion on this thread worth studying. You're not alone if finding it hard to make yourself pass out. Ben, the OP of this thread, (who seems to have been banned????) and a strong advocate for this method seemed to think that if you're having trouble making yourself pass out, you're simply not hyperventilating enough. And it may be just that simple. Remember, one of the factors associated with what is considered such a dangerous accidental death is serious physical exertion prior to submersion/breath holding. So if Ben, the real expert on this thread, were still here, I think he'd suggest simply extending the length of your hyperventilation. There are others, here, with whom I've conversed, who are less convinced this is a viable option for us. I hope he/she doesn't mind me referencing him/her but @Virgo makes some strong arguments as to why this might not be such a good choice. So if you haven't already done so, read the exchanges in this thread, follow the links provided and maybe you'll pick up something you might have missed. If you don't mind, let me know how this progresses (or doesn't). Because I'm still leaning toward this method... good luck!I tried this this morning and can't seem to pass out. I hyperventilated for about five minutes and start to feel really strong tingling in my limbs but was still fully conscious even after holding my breath. Does anyone have more specific instructions for this for it to be more effective? When hyperventilating, do I take quick, short breaths or long ones? Before holding my breath do I inhale or exhale? How long should I hyperventilate and what feeling should I be waiting for to be sure that I'll pass out when I hold my breath?