
Jun 14, 2018
Anyone here driven to this site by "mother's little helper"?

I took only 14 pills of bromazepam recommended by a school counsellor and prescribed by the doctor. Threw me into 6 months of withdrawal hell: sensation of stabbing in the chest, confusion, convulsions, inability to focus, restless legs. Worst is the psychiatric "treatment" that gave me akathisia and made me unable to focus.

All my emotions are scrambled now: stress gives me pain, sexual pleasure give me a stinging sensation, excitement now manifests as anxiety, happiness and contentment doesn't seem to come as easily.

Hope to get some N so I can stop this nightmare.
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May 30, 2018
Got some Benzos laying around here but never bothered with them. When I got them prescribed the doctor said I shouldn't take them longer than a week or else i might get hooked which got me scared.
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May 25, 2018
Yes, benzodiazepines are shit!
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Jun 14, 2018
Got some Benzos laying around here but never bothered with them. When I got them prescribed the doctor said I shouldn't take them longer than a week or else i might get hooked which got me scared.

The doctor never told me that! I took that shit for two weeks and had terrifying withdrawals. In the acute phase I had hypnic jerks, complete insomnia, constant adrenaline rush, inability to focus, restless leg syndrome.

Worst was 4 months later I had a relapse of insomnia and had "psychosis" (at least according to the doctors). There was this stabbing sensation in the stomache, my thoughts were uncontrollable and spiraling, had mini-seizures where my genitals went numb, the sensation of breathing became shallow, I kept experiencing depersonalisation/derealisation

Ended up getting poly-drugged with anti-depressants and anti-psychotics. I can't feel the full range of emotions now other than anxiety. I don't know if it's PSSD from being drugged with Paxil or the mini-seizure but sexual stimulation is now painful in that it gives a stinging sensation. The stabbing sensation is now a zapping sensation that is driving me nuts. I live in constant fear of relapsing into psychosis. In the process of it all I lost my job.

I just wanna CTB now, I can't live this pleasureless life.
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May 8, 2018
It's crazy, it's like you are describing my exact experience with persistent/permanent side effects that I got from a completely unrelated drug. Well, unrelated on the surface of things anyway, but I don't want to get into that. I'm really sorry this has happened to you, for me these persistent sides have been something I would never have dreamed possible. What they have done to my mind has been unimaginable. It's a terrible thing how alot of these medications are poisoning people, especially when prescribed for small things.

As I myself have ranted on before, we live in a world where it's accepted that things as benign as sugary foods can cause relatively permanent dysfunction of beta cells (diabetes). We live in a world where it's accepted that meth can permanently cause dysfunction of different dopamine receptors, same stories with alcoholics, same stories with numerous hard drugs. Yet doctors then prescribe ritalin (nearly meth) and act as if persistent sides are impossible. It's obvious that the regulatory systems of are body for receptors, hormones, neurosteroids, enzymes, etc, etc, etc, are not infallible. And there's a group of people who will always be predisposed to these things for every drug. I find it criminal that the medical world does not accept this yet, especially with the evidence that sits in their face and when the new age of epigenetics can explain these things so well. Like wtf? How is this not more accepted in the medical community? I have my suspicions, but I also suspect in the future it will finally become more accepted. Hard to hide the truth for long in scientific fields. I hope atleast.

It actually makes me wonder how much of the suicides these days are due to exposure of all these odd exogenous medicines and chemicals people are exposed to these days (Not that these drugs don't have their place). Seems a bit of theme on these boards, maybe not a common one, but a theme. And our body is obviously not designed to handle much of these (as it's not like mankind evolved in exposure to these things). But I better end rant.

Best of luck, what you write sounds like hell.
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Jun 14, 2018
It's crazy, it's like you are describing my exact experience with persistent/permanent side effects that I got from a completely unrelated drug. Well, unrelated on the surface of things anyway, but I don't want to get into that. I'm really sorry this has happened to you, for me these persistent sides have been something I would never have dreamed possible. What they have done to my mind has been unimaginable. It's a terrible thing how alot of these medications are poisoning people, especially when prescribed for small things.

As I myself have ranted on before, we live in a world where it's accepted that things as benign as sugary foods can cause relatively permanent dysfunction of beta cells (diabetes). We live in a world where it's accepted that meth can permanently cause dysfunction of different dopamine receptors, same stories with alcoholics, same stories with numerous hard drugs. Yet doctors then prescribe ritalin (nearly meth) and act as if persistent sides are impossible. It's obvious that the regulatory systems of are body for receptors, hormones, neurosteroids, enzymes, etc, etc, etc, are not infallible. And there's a group of people who will always be predisposed to these things for every drug. I find it criminal that the medical world does not accept this yet, especially with the evidence that sits in their face and when the new age of epigenetics can explain these things so well. Like wtf? How is this not more accepted in the medical community? I have my suspicions, but I also suspect in the future it will finally become more accepted. Hard to hide the truth for long in scientific fields. I hope atleast.

It actually makes me wonder how much of the suicides these days are due to exposure of all these odd exogenous medicines and chemicals people are exposed to these days (Not that these drugs don't have their place). Seems a bit of theme on these boards, maybe not a common one, but a theme. And our body is obviously not designed to handle much of these (as it's not like mankind evolved in exposure to these things). But I better end rant.

Best of luck, what you write sounds like hell.

Only a few drugs can drive people to the state we're in: benzos, fluoroquinolone anti-biotics, opiate painkillers, some psychiatric medicines (e.g. pregabalin).

I've lodge a complain at the counsellor and doctor but Big Pharma has hijacked the medical literature to say that use below 2-4 weeks should not cause dependency. It's simply not true!

I've read of so many people harmed by benzos on benzobuddies.
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Jun 14, 2018
Have you tried looking at the resources at benzobuddies.org? it's a support group and has a lot of good info. It couldn't help me as I have been on benzos for over 10 yrs. It might help you.

Yes, I have been referring to benzobuddies.

It's too late for me too. Or if not I think recovery is a lie! I think it is because I cold-turkeyed off it. I had convulsions and that probably gave me permanent brain damage. After 4 months all the acute symptoms seemed have had disappeared and I seemed to have had gotten better, that was when the sharp stabbing pain came, confused thoughts, severe anxiety, insomnia, dissociation all came rushing in.

After treatment, the anxiety is a lot better and I can sleep, but what lingers is this zapping pain that makes me want to harm myself and the despair now the sexual pleasure is replaced with pain.
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May 8, 2018
Definitely mostly or generally, but I do know a few more groups of drugs that can severely and persistently fuck a person up. 5ar withdrawl syndrome is what got me, it's a 'syndrome' that I've come to find has affected people taking drugs from lupron to finasteride to accutane. These days I think it's still most commonly called post finasteride syndrome (as finasteride is the most researched drug of this phenomenon), but the 'post' style symptom profiles of these different drugs are uncanny. Some people are allergic to peanuts, some to grass, some people can get a lethal rash just from sun exposure. My point is there's always a group of people who might get fucked up by a certain chemical. A differing chemical for differing people, but there's a predisposed phenotype for everything. What we want to know is the likely-hood of these things. And more and more I hear of new and different kinds of drugs that can do this. I actually didn't know that benzos and opioids could cause issues like above. Knew of pssd and antibiotics and different complaints of psych drugs though. These day's I'll like read about some neuro-endocrine disrupting pesticide of some sort causing some supposed persistent effects and think to myself probably.

It's all about what percentage chance a compound has of fuckery in a given population, what percentage does the group of people predisposed to fuckery from a given compound make up in a population. And how severe the effects of fuckery I suppose.

Big Pharma disgusts me. So much "research" funded by corporations whose main goal is the bank accounts of their shareholders. The bias involved is ridiculous. There's just so many issues and so many past examples of obvious misinterpretations that border on forgery (if not in some cases forgery itself). Got to be a better way.

Sorry if I sound like a broken record, these things just frustrate me so much.
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Jun 14, 2018
Definitely mostly or generally, but I do know a few more groups of drugs that can severely and persistently fuck a person up. 5ar withdrawl syndrome is what got me, it's a 'syndrome' that I've come to find has affected people taking drugs from lupron to finasteride to accutane. These days I think it's still most commonly called post finasteride syndrome (as finasteride is the most researched drug of this phenomenon), but the 'post' style symptom profiles of these different drugs are uncanny. Some people are allergic to peanuts, some to grass, some people can get a lethal rash just from sun exposure. My point is there's always a group of people who might get fucked up by a certain chemical. A differing chemical for differing people, but there's a predisposed phenotype for everything. What we want to know is the likely-hood of these things. And more and more I hear of new and different kinds of drugs that can do this. I actually didn't know that benzos and opioids could cause issues like above. Knew of pssd and antibiotics and different complaints of psych drugs though. These day's I'll like read about some neuro-endocrine disrupting pesticide of some sort causing some supposed persistent effects and think to myself probably.

It's all about what percentage chance a compound has of fuckery in a given population, what percentage does the group of people predisposed to fuckery from a given compound make up in a population. And how severe the effects of fuckery I suppose.

Big Pharma disgusts me. So much "research" funded by corporations whose main goal is the bank accounts of their shareholders. The bias involved is ridiculous. There's just so many issues and so many past examples of obvious misinterpretations that border on forgery (if not in some cases forgery itself). Got to be a better way.

Sorry if I sound like a broken record, these things just frustrate me so much.

Oh no... I nearly fell for the Finestaride trap. The effects are so acute that I could feel the effects just after 3 days of it and I stopped. Things went back to normal but it took a week.
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