

Jun 20, 2018
I suggest you read NDEs and other accounts of that sort that maybe show the true nature of God. It's very different than in Christianity and in my eyes God is much more benevolent and loving in those accounts than he ever was in Christianity (I hope I'm not saying anything bad about anyone's faith, I used to be a Christian myself).
Those beings that people talk to in NDEs are dick-bags. They'll always find some excuse as to why life is worth living and suicide is wrong, blah blah blah. You can hear that from plenty of people on Earth, if that kind of thinking gives you hope. I prefer rationality, so I'm not playing the game of these wardens, anymore.
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Jul 18, 2018
My spiritual belief is actually pretty simple. I believe we are all animals and that we should not cause unnecessary sufferings.
It is stated in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, that "One who is killer of animal, he cannot understand the spiritual science."
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Jun 20, 2018
My spiritual belief is actually pretty simple. I believe we are all animals and that we should not cause unnecessary sufferings.
It is stated in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, that "One who is killer of animal, he cannot understand the spiritual science."
Hinduism is based. A big part of the belief system is about escaping the cycle of birth and death. I disagree that the God of Liberation has been directing nature, though, as Krishna says that he has in the Bhagavad Gita.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Well there is truth to that statement as religion does affects suicide rates differently around the world. I read somewhere that there is low suicide rates in Latin America whereas in East Asia it its the complete opposite and it is all due to religious involvement; and how the relationship between religion and community are in each region of the world.

High Suicide rates vs shitty life to the end and filled with countless disorders starting with ocd