Well, I told you I'd be back. That didn't take long at all, did it?
As usual, this is about my sister-in-law. It's gotten to the point now where I feel like all of her constant and and unasked for "help" is starting to make me want to ctb more because I feel like it's the only way I'm going to get away from it. I have told her I don't need or want any help and if I need anything I'll let her know, but she still continues to do things that she thinks are helping. I keep telling her they are not helping and she won't listen to me!
I just got a text from her stating that she is sending her granddaughter down here to help me get some new health insurance for next year. She is sending her to my house without even asking me first if I want her here! I don't really give a damn about health insurance because well, all you all know that I'm not going to be here. She doesn't know that, but she does know that I don't care about the health insurance. I'm perfectly fine with the insurance I have. She doesn't like it so she wants me to change it next year. I keep telling her I don't want to and she keeps trying to drag me to her house to change it. Since she can't get me to go to her house, I guess now she's decided to send her granddaughter down here to invade my privacy and my space and force me to get new insurance that I don't even want!
Her "help" it's becoming more and more intrusive in my life. First, she comes over to my house uninvited and ruins my Thanksgiving. Then she makes a doctor's appointment for me that I don't ask for or want and drags me to it. And now she's invited her granddaughter over to my house without asking me if I want her here first, and she's trying to force me to get insurance that I don't even want. And I told her I don't want it and she's not listening to me!
Again, I know she think she's helping me, but she isn't. I'm actually starting to feel like I would just want to go now just to get away from her. I'm not going to do anything tonight, even though I really have a strong urge and I've gone and checked my supplies two or three times already to make sure it's still there. For some reason it makes me feel calmer just holding it in my hands.
Does anyone else have any intrusive friends or relatives that think they're helping you when they're not, and even though you keep telling them you don't need or want their help or that they aren't really helping you, they won't listen to you and they just keep doing things without asking you?