Emissary of the right to die.
- Aug 30, 2018
- 6,874
Introduction and purpose of this thread:
This thread might be confusing at first, and it may seem like a vent (while there is venting), but the main focus of this thread is to taking an example of a post on Reddit and then interchanging the terms, flipping the scenario/script, and using symmetry to prove prolifer's hypocrisy. Many of you on this forum already know that pro-lifers are hypocrites and perhaps this may be preaching to the choir, but the thread I found on Reddit shows how prolifers don't have any (valid) arguments other than just pure assertions (as well as a plethora of logical fallacies) for the mental health system as well as involuntary commitment. Normally, I would just show the thread and the interaction between the prolife psychiatric apologist and the victim (the person who was harmed by the mental health system), but in this thread I will show the original argument/interaction and then use symmetry along with flipping the scenario to show that if it were any other situation, prolifers would NOT tolerate an IOTA of the same treatment that they love to justify, stick up, and defend (psychiatry). Therefore, it would be proof of hypocrisy through symmetry.
With that said, here is the segment of the (original thread) in quote:
So as you all can see, the disgusting pro-life mental health professional sticks up for psychiatry, invalidates, gaslights, and infantilizes the person commenting (Confident flow 795), and when confronted, continued to willfully ignore and even play dumb when replying to said person. This pro-life clown would then pretend and keep telling him/herself that he is infallible and can never be refuted.
Now, let's flip the script, and interchange the scenario and see how it plays out:
(Start hypothetical script)
For this hypothetical example of interchanging and flipping the script on the scenario, I will change the roles of 'Confident_Flow_795' and 'Addisonmorgan' so now 'Confident_Flow_795' would be 'Adverse2Hugz' (Note: I just made up some name for this scenario), and 'Addisonmorgan' to 'Confident_Flow_795', which respectively would be 'ProAffectionHugz'. In other words, the situation will be reversed and using hugs as the example just to prove how pro-lifers wouldn't tolerate being treated the same way they treat others (by denying their autonomy).
Obviously, if a pro-lifer (especially those who are not physically affectionate) was the recipient of this blatant, gross, and insulting treatment, infantalizing of their concerns, they wouldn't put up with it and would be quick to shut down the conversation before it even gets that far/anywhere. This just proves that when it comes to the talk about mental health or CTB, they wouldn't have a problem doing all sorts of abuse, dismissal, and even defending the (cruel) treatment of people under the mental health system. Yet, when it comes to a different scenario, especially the hypothetical one I just inserted as an example, they would be up in arms and reject this kind of treatment. Therefore, this thread yet again, proves why pro-lifers are hypocrites.
Basically the point is that they (the pro-lifers) are NOT any more objective or 'right' in their assessment, yet they claim to be and use that as an pretext to rule over/control other dissidents, opponents' rights, freedom, and liberty. Therefore, by interchanging the terms and scenario, it would prove that they wouldn't accept that framework, thus they would be hypocrities to only apply these abhorrent violations of human rights, freedom, and civil liberties just under the pretense of MI, BUT NOT FOR ANY OTHER SCENARIO.
Tl;dr summary: This thread isn't just solely a vent and while I vented some, it is mainly to expose and prove that prolifers have no good argument (or none at all) to justify the cruel treatment of others through the mental health system and if similar things happen to them, even in a different context, they wouldn't accept it. Thus, proving that they are hypocrites.
What are your thoughts on this take? Besides the ludicrosity and bizarre take with physical affection (and hugs), did the logic check out?
@RainAndSadness @FuneralCry @Forever Sleep @SilentSadness @Shadowlord900 @ksp
This thread might be confusing at first, and it may seem like a vent (while there is venting), but the main focus of this thread is to taking an example of a post on Reddit and then interchanging the terms, flipping the scenario/script, and using symmetry to prove prolifer's hypocrisy. Many of you on this forum already know that pro-lifers are hypocrites and perhaps this may be preaching to the choir, but the thread I found on Reddit shows how prolifers don't have any (valid) arguments other than just pure assertions (as well as a plethora of logical fallacies) for the mental health system as well as involuntary commitment. Normally, I would just show the thread and the interaction between the prolife psychiatric apologist and the victim (the person who was harmed by the mental health system), but in this thread I will show the original argument/interaction and then use symmetry along with flipping the scenario to show that if it were any other situation, prolifers would NOT tolerate an IOTA of the same treatment that they love to justify, stick up, and defend (psychiatry). Therefore, it would be proof of hypocrisy through symmetry.
With that said, here is the segment of the (original thread) in quote:
[–]Confident_Flow_795 21 points 3 months ago
I was 15 the first time I was "hospitalized". Stripping down and lifting my breasts/fat, exposing myself to a stranger was absolutely traumatizing. Suicidal people deserve a place to talk about their feelings without being threatened with shit like this. Having done it three times, IT DOES NOT HELP.
[–]AddisonmorganPsychiatric Councilor 2 points 3 months ago
I think you might misunderstand what a hospital is for. A hospital for mental health, just as a medical hospital is for emergencies. They keep you safe and treat the emergency but are not really intended for "curing" or treating you. That is why you need follow up care with a therapist. It did help because you're still here. That's the point.
[–]Jebbers199 14 points 3 months ago
How is treating someone like a criminal supposed to make them less suicidal?
[–]AddisonmorganPsychiatric Councilor -2 points 3 months ago
It may not make you much less suicidal but that's not the point. That might take years. The point is to keep you safe and keep others safe. These actions are more often than not impulsive and guided by temporary emotions that feel permanent which lead to making permanent decisions. The point of going into a hospital is to stabilize and let those feelings pass (and hopefully learn a few coping mechanisms along the way). Treatment should be done in therapy, not necessarily at a hospital. You wouldn't go to the emergency room for chronic pain, you'd work with your doctor. You'd go to the hospital with emergent and life threatening pain.
Measures taken to keep a patients and staff safe are not "treating you like a criminal". They are measures brought about either by law or by prior incidents.
You aren't under arrest and you likely don't have charges pending while in these facilities (some do have charges which is why I say "likely").
[–]giraffeperv 8 points 3 months ago
I mean, justify it all you want. I've been in this position & a visit to the hospital traumatized me to the point where I would rather die than be humiliated like that again.
And it is being treated like a criminal. I've literally been arrested before and was not violated to the degree as when I went to the hospital for suicidal thoughts.
[–]MoonFox1288 -2 points 3 months ago
And yet, you are still here. So the hospitalization actually did what it was meant to do. Albeit not without its costs to your peace of mind. I hope one day that process isn't so traumatizing.
[–]AddisonmorganPsychiatric Councilor -3 points 3 months ago
I think some hospitals don't do a very good job at explaining why certain things are done. If you could elaborate maybe I could shed some light.
[–]Confident_Flow_795 3 points 3 months ago
17 years later... I'm still suicidal. I can't get decent follow up treatment because when I try to talk about my suicidal ideation, I get threatened with being put in the hospital again. I've NEVER attempted suicide or hurt anyone else. I just need to talk to someone without the fear of additional trauma and thousands of dollars in bills. It's terrifying. While in the hospital they don't want us to talk about it either. Just take drugs and come to useless fucking groups. I feel worse and even more hopeless afterward.
[–]AddisonmorganPsychiatric Councilor 0 points 3 months ago
Most employees of hospitals are not therapists so it is unethical for them to act as therapists. This risks further damage. It is not the fault of the hospital that you still have these feelings or are not finding effective therapy. It sounds like you need to try something new if what you're doing is not working for you.
Expressing SI is not necessarily enough to be placed in a hospital. It crosses that boundary when there is intent or reason to believe that an individual will do harm to themselves or others.
Groups are what you take from them. They aren't going to help everyone and not everyone is very receptive to what is being talked about, and that's okay. A secondary reason to have groups is to avoid stagnation and isolation. They are giving you something to focus on rather than turning on a TV and letting you sit there your whole stay and learn nothing.
These treatments aren't magic. You do have to want to get better in order to get better.
[–]Confident_Flow_795 2 points 3 months ago
Read your message again and take a good look at how condescending you are. We're not stupid. We've been through this before. We know who we're supposed to talk to and who we're not supposed to talk to.
I have been TRYING TO GET BETTER for 20 fucking years.
I've never had a plan. I have never hurt anyone else and haven't hurt myself in years. I have been hospitalized 3 times (most recently this summer) and every time is worse than the last. More isolating, traumatizing, and expensive. I have seen dozens of therapists and psychiatrists and counselors and social workers. I have been put on countless drugs. I have tried meditation, massage, plant medicine, energy work. PLEASE tell me again that I'm not trying hard enough.
Every single mental health "professional" I have tried to open up to about this pain and despair threatens me with hospitalization. So, I can't talk to a therapist AND I can't talk to someone in the hospital they'll force me into if I try? How the fuck do you people expect us to process anything without basic fucking SAFETY?
[–]AddisonmorganPsychiatric Councilor 0 points 3 months ago
I am not saying you aren't trying hard. Some people are more treatment resistant so need to keep tweaking treatment methods. You might even look into something like ECT which is used in cases like this.
I understand that you're frustrated but hospitals are not a cure and I think your anger is not well placed in this circumstance.
The purpose of hospitalization is safety, I'm not sure what you're referring to when you are upset with a lack of safety.
Obviously I don't know your circumstances, and I can't speak to what your therapists have said because I wasn't there so in the general sense I can only say that as frustrating as it is and maybe it feels like a violation of your trust, therapists are mandated reporters. However you're not likely to be put on a mental health hold without reason to believe you are a danger to yourself or others. Perhaps you didn't see it that way but that doesn't mean you appeared to be stable at that moment.
Expressing that you have had these thoughts in the past or that you SH is not enough for a hold.
[–]Confident_Flow_795 1 point 3 months ago
If I can't talk about my suicidality with a therapist or they send me to a hospital and nobody in the hospital is qualified to talk to me or allow me to process it, nothing ever changes. DON'T YOU FUCKING GET IT!?!?!?!?
I've tried telling my doctors I think my diagnosis is wrong because nothing works and my symptoms don't fit and they tell me I don't know what I'm talking about and tell me to try another drug. They told me I have a mood disorder but ECT isn't right for me. Nobody listens.
You're not listening either. People like you are why we don't want to fucking try.
Condescending assholes who treat us like idiotic problem children because we're in pain. We need support. We need to talk. We don't "stabilize" by being pumped full of drugs and cut off from our lives for days/weeks. You go in with a life-threatening gunshot wound and they'll stop the bleeding, remove the bullet, stitch you up, and tell you what to do do to follow up.
You go in dealing with an emotional wound and you're treated like a piece of shit.
Everyone wants us to survive but nobody gives a FUCK about how much pain we're constantly in. IT'S NOT WORTH IT. People claim suicide is selfish. I say people who beg you to stick it out or tell you you have to keep going because people need you are fucked up.
As soon as I can figure out how to guarantee I won't fuck it up, I'm out.
[–]AddisonmorganPsychiatric Councilor 0 points 3 months ago
What about your diagnosis do you think is wrong?
[–]Confident_Flow_795 1 point 3 months ago
Well, for starters, "mood disorder" isn't a diagnosis. Is it depression? Bipolar I/II? NO IDEA! But here's an antidepressant. Since that's not enough, take this mood stabilizer. Not helping? Here's another one! Still depressed? Let's try lithium! Oh, that doesn't do anything? Let's change your antidepressant. Oh, the side effects are bad? Guess we better go back to your old one. Here's a bill for $4,000.
[–]AddisonmorganPsychiatric Councilor 0 points 3 months ago
It sounds like you have been doing a lot of medication management and not a lot of helpful therapy. Medication is great but it should be supplemented by therapy.
It is important to note that some "mood disorders" may be medication resistant (such as BPD) and it might be worth finding someone who can further explore this diagnosis and reevaluate your treatment accordingly.
If you do meet the criteria for say, BPD, there is evidence that this disorder is well treated by ECT because antidepressants are not often very effective.
[–]Confident_Flow_795 1 point 3 months ago
I can't get decent therapy because when I try to, you know, talk about how I'm feeling, I get FUCKING THREATENED with an involuntary hold. JUST FOR TALKING ABOUT IT.
I'm not a fucking moron. I've been doing this for 20 years. I studied everything I possibly could. I am VERY WELL AWARE that "mood disorders" may be medication resistant.
You can't therapy me into finding something I want to live for. You can't therapy your way out of burnout and chronic illness. You can't therapy your way out of this capitalist hellscape.
[–]AddisonmorganPsychiatric Councilor 0 points 3 months ago
I have to say that based on your tone and hostility towards me calmly talking to you, I don't think your diagnosis of mood disorder is a mistake. I think you should take responsibility for how your disorder may make it more difficult to accept treatment rather than blaming it on those that have tried to help you.
Blaming hospitals is not productive. Maybe you didn't feel helped, but that isn't an accurate depiction of the care others may receive. Don't discourage others seeking help
[–]Confident_Flow_795 1 point 3 months ago
Is "calmly talking" the new cover for being a condescending, insensitive cunt?
Who the fuck do you think you are?
Have you considered that my hostility might be based on the fact that you're glossing over my comments to find places you can stick up for psychiatry? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you're talking to me like I'm a child. Or maybe I'm just fucking fed up with twenty years of being told I'm not trying hard enough to fix myself. Take responsibility? What do you think I'm doing by continually seeking out care that has so far failed me every step of the way?
I don't know why I'm surprised you're not listening.
I'm not blaming hospitals. I'm blaming the whole fucking system for traumatizing people who need help and treating us like criminals for trying to talk about why we're in pain. You're complicit.
[–]AddisonmorganPsychiatric Councilor 1 point 3 months ago
Everything is as you perceive it to be
So as you all can see, the disgusting pro-life mental health professional sticks up for psychiatry, invalidates, gaslights, and infantilizes the person commenting (Confident flow 795), and when confronted, continued to willfully ignore and even play dumb when replying to said person. This pro-life clown would then pretend and keep telling him/herself that he is infallible and can never be refuted.
Now, let's flip the script, and interchange the scenario and see how it plays out:
(Start hypothetical script)
For this hypothetical example of interchanging and flipping the script on the scenario, I will change the roles of 'Confident_Flow_795' and 'Addisonmorgan' so now 'Confident_Flow_795' would be 'Adverse2Hugz' (Note: I just made up some name for this scenario), and 'Addisonmorgan' to 'Confident_Flow_795', which respectively would be 'ProAffectionHugz'. In other words, the situation will be reversed and using hugs as the example just to prove how pro-lifers wouldn't tolerate being treated the same way they treat others (by denying their autonomy).
(End of hypothetical script)[–]Adverse2Hugz 21 points 3 months ago
I was 15 the first time I was "hugged". Pulling ones arms towards another person against their will to a stranger was absolutely traumatizing. Adverse-affectionate people deserve a place to talk about their feelings without being threatened with shit like this. Having done it three times, IT DOES NOT HELP.
[–]ProAffectionHugz 2 points 3 months ago
I think you might misunderstand what a hugspace is for. A hugspace for affection boost, just as a medical hugspace is for imminent affection-level replenishment. They keep you safe and treat the imminent affection-starvation but are not really intended for "curing" or treating you. That is why you need follow up care with a affection-consultant. It did help because you're still here. That's the point.
[–]Jebbers199 14 points 3 months ago
How is treating someone like a criminal supposed to make them less traumatized?
[–]ProAffectionHugz -2 points 3 months ago
It may not make you much less traumatized but that's not the point. That might take years. The point is to keep you affection-sated and keep others from being affection-starved. These actions are more often than not impulsive and guided by temporary emotions that feel permanent which lead to making permanent decisions. The point of going into a hugspace is to stabilize and let those feelings pass (and hopefully learn a few coping mechanisms along the way). Treatment should be done in affection-therapy, not necessarily at a hugspace. You wouldn't go to the emergency room for chronic pain, you'd work with your doctor. You'd go to the hugspace with emergent and affection-depleted status.
Measures taken to keep a patients and staff safe are not "treating you like a criminal". They are measures brought about either by law or by prior incidents.
You aren't under arrest and you likely don't have charges pending while in these facilities (some do have charges which is why I say "likely").
[–]giraffeperv 8 points 3 months ago
I mean, justify it all you want. I've been in this position & a visit to the hugspace traumatized me to the point where I would rather die than be humiliated like that again.
And it is being treated like a criminal. I've literally been arrested before and was not violated to the degree as when I went to the hugspace for anti-affection thoughts.
[–]MoonFox1288 -2 points 3 months ago
And yet, you are still here. So the hugging actually did what it was meant to do. Albeit not without its costs to your peace of mind. I hope one day that process isn't so traumatizing.
[–]ProAffectionHugz -3 points 3 months ago
I think some hugspace don't do a very good job at explaining why certain things are done. If you could elaborate maybe I could shed some light.
[–]Adverse2Hugz 3 points 3 months ago
17 years later... I'm still adverse-affectionate. I can't get decent follow up treatment because when I try to talk about my adversity to affection, I get threatened with being put in the hugspace again. I've NEVER attempted to affection-starve myself or hurt anyone else. I just need to talk to someone without the fear of additional trauma and thousands of dollars in bills. It's terrifying. While in the hugspace they don't want us to talk about it either. Just take pro affection drugs and come to useless fucking groups. I feel worse and even more hopeless afterward.
[–]ProAffectionHugz 0 points 3 months ago
Most employees of hugspace are not affection-consultants so it is unethical for them to act as affection-consultant. This risks further damage. It is not the fault of the hugspace that you still have these feelings or are not finding effective hug treatment. It sounds like you need to try something new if what you're doing is not working for you.
Expressing adversity to affection is not necessarily enough to be placed in a hugspace. It crosses that boundary when there is intent or reason to believe that an individual will affection-starve themselves or others.
Groups are what you take from them. They aren't going to help everyone and not everyone is very receptive to what is being talked about, and that's okay. A secondary reason to have groups is to avoid stagnation and isolation. They are giving you something to focus on rather than turning on a TV and letting you sit there your whole stay and learn nothing.
These hug treatments aren't magic. You do have to want to get better in order to get better.
[–]Adverse2Hugz 2 points 3 months ago
Read your message again and take a good look at how condescending you are. We're not stupid. We've been through this before. We know who we're supposed to talk to and who we're not supposed to talk to.
I have been TRYING TO GET BETTER for 20 fucking years.
I've never had a plan. I have never affection-starved anyone else and haven't affection-starved myself in years. I have been sent to hugspace 3 times (most recently this summer) and every time is worse than the last. More isolating, traumatizing, and expensive. I have seen dozens of affection-consultant and affection-doctors and affection-police and affection workers. I have been put on countless affection drugs. I have tried meditation, massage, plant medicine, energy work. PLEASE tell me again that I'm not trying hard enough.
Every single hugverse health "professional" I have tried to open up to about this pain and despair threatens me with sending me to hugspace. So, I can't talk to a affection-consultant AND I can't talk to someone in the hugspace they'll force me into if I try? How the fuck do you people expect us to process anything without basic fucking SAFETY?
[–]ProAffectionHugz 0 points 3 months ago
I am not saying you aren't trying hard. Some people are more affection treatment resistant so need to keep tweaking affectionate methods. You might even look into something like HCT (Hug-compulsion therapy) which is used in cases like this.
I understand that you're frustrated but hugspaces are not a cure and I think your anger is not well placed in this circumstance.
The purpose of sending people to hugspace is safety, I'm not sure what you're referring to when you are upset with a lack of safety.
Obviously I don't know your circumstances, and I can't speak to what your therapists have said because I wasn't there so in the general sense I can only say that as frustrating as it is and maybe it feels like a violation of your trust, huggers are mandated reporters. However you're not likely to be put on a affection status hold without reason to believe you are a danger to yourself or others. Perhaps you didn't see it that way but that doesn't mean you appeared to be stable at that moment.
Expressing that you have had these thoughts in the past or that you affection-adversity is not enough for a hold.
[–]Adverse2Hugz 1 point 3 months ago
If I can't talk about my affection-adversity with a affection-consultant or they send me to a hugspace and nobody in the hugspace is qualified to talk to me or allow me to process it, nothing ever changes. DON'T YOU FUCKING GET IT!?!?!?!?
I've tried telling my affection-doctors I think my diagnosis is wrong because nothing works and my symptoms don't fit and they tell me I don't know what I'm talking about and tell me to try another affection-drug. They told me I have a affection disorder but HCT isn't right for me. Nobody listens.
You're not listening either. People like you are why we don't want to fucking try.
Condescending assholes who treat us like idiotic problem children because we're in pain. We need support. We need to talk. We don't "stabilize" by being pumped full of affection-positive drugs and cut off from our lives for days/weeks. You go in with a life-threatening gunshot wound and they'll stop the bleeding, remove the bullet, stitch you up, and tell you what to do do to follow up.
You go in dealing with an emotional wound and you're treated like a piece of shit.
Everyone wants us to survive but nobody gives a FUCK about how much pain we're constantly in. IT'S NOT WORTH IT. People claim affection-adversity is selfish. I say people who beg you to stick it out or tell you you have to keep going because people need you are fucked up.
As soon as I can figure out how to guarantee I won't fuck it up, I'm out.
[–]ProAffectionHugz 0 points 3 months ago
What about your diagnosis do you think is wrong?
[–]Adverse2Hugz 1 point 3 months ago
Well, for starters, "affection disorder" isn't a diagnosis. Is it affect-starved? Bipolar I/II? NO IDEA! But here's an anti-affection-starvant. Since that's not enough, take this affection level stabilizer. Not helping? Here's another one! Still affection-adverse? Let's try copious-copium-lithium! Oh, that doesn't do anything? Let's change your anti-affection-starvant. Oh, the side effects are bad? Guess we better go back to your old one. Here's a bill for $4,000.
[–]ProAffectionHugz 0 points 3 months ago
It sounds like you have been doing a lot of affection medication management and not a lot of helpful affection-consultant. Affection Medication is great but it should be supplemented by affection-consulting.
It is important to note that some "affection disorders" may be medication resistant (such as AAD - Affection-adversity disorder) and it might be worth finding someone who can further explore this diagnosis and reevaluate your treatment accordingly.
If you do meet the criteria for say, AAD, there is evidence that this disorder is well treated by HCT because anti-affection-starvants are not often very effective.
[–]Adverse2Hugz 1 point 3 months ago
I can't get decent affection-consulting because when I try to, you know, talk about how I'm feeling, I get FUCKING THREATENED with an involuntary hugspace hold. JUST FOR TALKING ABOUT IT.
I'm not a fucking moron. I've been doing this for 20 years. I studied everything I possibly could. I am VERY WELL AWARE that "affection disorders" may be affection medication resistant.
You can't affection-consult me into finding something I want to accept or like. You can't affection-consult your way out of burnout and chronic affection adversity. You can't affection-consult your way out of this affectionistic hellscape.
[–]ProAffectionHugz 0 points 3 months ago
I have to say that based on your tone and hostility towards me calmly talking to you, I don't think your diagnosis of affection adversity disorder is a mistake. I think you should take responsibility for how your disorder may make it more difficult to accept treatment rather than blaming it on those that have tried to help you.
Blaming hugspaces is not productive. Maybe you didn't feel helped, but that isn't an accurate depiction of the care others may receive. Don't discourage others seeking affection
[–]Adverse2Hugz 1 point 3 months ago
Is "calmly talking" the new cover for being a condescending, insensitive cunt?
Who the fuck do you think you are?
Have you considered that my hostility might be based on the fact that you're glossing over my comments to find places you can stick up for affectiontry? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you're talking to me like I'm a child. Or maybe I'm just fucking fed up with twenty years of being told I'm not trying hard enough to fix myself. Take responsibility? What do you think I'm doing by continually seeking out care that has so far failed me every step of the way?
I don't know why I'm surprised you're not listening.
I'm not blaming hugspaces. I'm blaming the whole fucking system for traumatizing people who need help and treating us like criminals for trying to talk about why we're affection-adverse. You're complicit.
[–]ProAffectionHugz 1 point 3 months ago
Everything is as you perceive it to be
Obviously, if a pro-lifer (especially those who are not physically affectionate) was the recipient of this blatant, gross, and insulting treatment, infantalizing of their concerns, they wouldn't put up with it and would be quick to shut down the conversation before it even gets that far/anywhere. This just proves that when it comes to the talk about mental health or CTB, they wouldn't have a problem doing all sorts of abuse, dismissal, and even defending the (cruel) treatment of people under the mental health system. Yet, when it comes to a different scenario, especially the hypothetical one I just inserted as an example, they would be up in arms and reject this kind of treatment. Therefore, this thread yet again, proves why pro-lifers are hypocrites.
Basically the point is that they (the pro-lifers) are NOT any more objective or 'right' in their assessment, yet they claim to be and use that as an pretext to rule over/control other dissidents, opponents' rights, freedom, and liberty. Therefore, by interchanging the terms and scenario, it would prove that they wouldn't accept that framework, thus they would be hypocrities to only apply these abhorrent violations of human rights, freedom, and civil liberties just under the pretense of MI, BUT NOT FOR ANY OTHER SCENARIO.
Tl;dr summary: This thread isn't just solely a vent and while I vented some, it is mainly to expose and prove that prolifers have no good argument (or none at all) to justify the cruel treatment of others through the mental health system and if similar things happen to them, even in a different context, they wouldn't accept it. Thus, proving that they are hypocrites.
What are your thoughts on this take? Besides the ludicrosity and bizarre take with physical affection (and hugs), did the logic check out?
@RainAndSadness @FuneralCry @Forever Sleep @SilentSadness @Shadowlord900 @ksp
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