I don't believe you. Your story doesn't add up. If it was from the canadian guy it would have been labeled "Instant Cuisine". So if there wasn't that label on the one you gave the cops that's the one you would have left. In both cases you would know which one you gave based on the one left.
Highly disagree, based purely on personal experience.
I'm not from the UK but in the EU, so when I ordered from IC, I had to pay customs for it. That's already an increased risk since it doesn't blend in with regular mail but gets scrutinised in the system and is held at the customs where police are cracking down on drugs and any white powder would seem extra suspicious despite the label. It went through without a hitch, they hadn't even opened the package. I ordered in April, soon before the site went down so not sure how relevant that is to the police response time. One month later, I got a welfare check from the police. I wrote about it here before when it happened but here it is in more detail.
There were 2 officers, asking to be let in, said they just wanna talk. I didn't have to let them in but I did, police in my country are mostly quite chill and reasonable so I wasn't worried. They said they had been alerted by the customs that I had ordered a substance used to self-harm. I clarified asking if it was about the salt and checking it's legal, they said yes to both. They also said on their own, that they cannot force me to hand it over, they can only ask that I do. I declined. I was honest with them about most of the things and told them how I'm still struggling and that it might feel weird but just having the substance on me brings me comfort. And they understood that.
The only thing I lied to them about was saying I have a contact with a professional at a psyciatric polyclinic. They see enough shit on their day job, the last thing I wanted to do is add to it by making them feel guilty not being to help me, so I was hoping that would remove the feeling of responsibility from their shoulders. I emphasised that things are difficult right now but I'm working through them with a professional because honestly, that I can acknowledge it's not okay to feel this way, I don't actually want to die. And that was only half a lie, I didn't get therapy but did see a psychiatric nurse at the clinic for a bit, but I pretty much gave up. At first I thought it was her who called the police, since I had recently stopped going the meetings, plus I had shared my thoughts and plans honestly and to great detail. My biggest fear with the police would've been that they're there to commit me and what would become of my cat then. I had already said before (in the meetings) that I would agree to being admitted if I can make arrangements to my cat first, but was told there is no need since I'm not psychotic. But being admitted wasn't a risk there since that visit was just asking about SN, so all we did was chat for a bit.
And then they left.
And that was that, there's not been any follow-up or contact attempts from any place since.