Did you recover from your inceldom
I've been lonely but I don't think you could ever say I was an incel. I now sleep with the love of my life every night.
I don't know, I think certain people here making fun of incels is the pot calling the kettle black.

You'll get over it eventually.
I'd never make fun of people for being lonely. I relate a lot to guys who have a hard time finding a partner. To me there's a difference between "can't get a girlfriend" and that internet subculture filled with sexism and racism that deserves to be made fun of. I don't know what I need to get over
Good grief. The original post and nearly all the comments are in opposition to the pro-mortal position.
Well, this is the recovery forum. Although interestingly this now weeks-old post is suddenly getting a lot of attention in the last 24-hours. Dunno if it was posted somewhere or what.
Where are all these "pro-death" people you speak of? The problem is not that there are too many, but that there are too few.
While they claim to be high IQ, they often can't deal with a back-and-forth on the merits of their ideals. I'm not going to call them out individually. Plenty have made it clear to me that they see the rhetoric and it discourages them. Apparently you are one if you unironically think more people need to be "pro-death." This post is not directed at them, as I've made clear. It's directed at people trying to feel better.
Pro-mortalists recognize that people sometimes enjoy themselves.
Well, we're now dealing with your newly-defined term of "pro-mortalists," but the people I'm talking about do not recognize fulfillment without caveat. They will say that - yes - some people enjoy life, but those people are brainwashed or lying to themselves or too dumb to see the true way of the world.
It's just that this enjoyment is outweighed by the benefits of death.
Not for everyone, imo, which is a premise this post is based on. My life is worth more than the benefits of death to me.
People who do not want to CTB aren't "sheeple", but they are beholden to their survival instinct, and not rationality.
So . . . not "sheeple," just irrational animals controlled by instinct rather than thought. . . sounds like a distinction without a difference.
Pro-mortalism categorically rejects defeat. We want everyone (at least everyone who wants it) to enjoy the benefits of death. That's why those who have not yet died by suicide (and believe me, many already have) spend so much time talking about these ideas.
I know a lot of people have died by suicide. I also want those who desire ctb to have that option.
We want more people to understand our position and embrace its truth.
... See, it's the "truth" that I disagree with. Death being better than life is a case-by-case evaluation, not some universal "truth." I understand your position, although if I'd be happy to hear more if you want to discuss, but I will push back where I disagree.
I would advise everyone to disregard this "pro-death cult" fearmongering. What irony it is that the pro-lifers wants to re-educate us back into their false ideology when we have already discovered the truth.
I'm in favor of the right to painless suicide, so I'm not sure how I'm a "pro-lifer." I advocate for actual choice. If you disagree, I'm happy to have a back-and-forth with you as long as you'd like. I also don't see how the word "fearmongering" makes any sense in a post where I say that I believe everyone can feel better, the right to ctb should still be allowed, and no one deserves hate . . .
Much more could be said about this. I only typed this up in haste after noticing - to my surprise - that this "pro-death" group has had no advocate in this thread.
Again, it's in the recovery section, which the people I refer to don't frequent, and in my experience those people don't want to get too deep in the weeds. Feel free to be the "advocate" if you want, but the point of this thread is not to debate the merits of being pro-death. The point of the thread is that if you are trying to recover, do not let people who are pro-death tell you that happiness is impossible. It's against black-and-white thinking.