

May 24, 2020

Any one can download and share main pdf of article?​

Nitrites are chemicals that are abundant in the environment, widely used as preservatives for meat, and in pharmaceuticals. Volatile products containing nitrites have been used recreationally for the euphoric effect associated with mild hypoxia. Dietary exposure to small amounts is considered harmless. Deaths by ingestion of nitrite salts are not common, but accidental exposure and as suicidal and homicidal agents have been noted. Death is a consequence of oxidation of hemoglobin ferrous (Fe+2) iron (Hb) to the ferric (Fe+3) form (methemoglobin, MetHb), causing a reduction in the oxygen‐carrying capacity of the blood. We report three cases of ingestion of sodium nitrite in two college students (one mildly decomposed) and one adult in early middle age. All of the decedents in these cases developed fatal methemoglobinemia. Sodium nitrite in chemical form was found near the bodies. MetHb was detected in the postmortem blood of each decedent. The MetHb concentrations in the two decedents with a short postmortem interval were less than MetHb concentrations reported in the current literature. The MetHb concentrations reported in the mildly decomposed person were greater than for the other two, but still less than the concentration previously considered lethal. The data from these cases indicate that levels of MetHb can vary widely in fatal cases, and should not be used as the sole criterion for determination of a death caused by sodium nitrite. Following a discussion of the cases, there is a review of the pathophysiology of MetHb production and a current literature review.
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Oct 13, 2019
Do you have a link to the full text?

Need to pay on that site.

Edit: I see that's what you were asking too - my bad.


Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Full article PDF attached. Gotta love having an @edu email.


  • 1556-4029.14689.pdf
    922.6 KB · Views: 124
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May 24, 2020
Very interesting reports. Case 2, passed away even after vomiting and receiving emergency helps.

Case #2 is a 22-year-old Caucasian man who was reportedly well and
in his home until his brother heard him vomiting in the restroom. His
brother went to check on him and found him unresponsive on the
floor. His brother called emergency medical services and attempted
CPR. Upon paramedics' arrival, he was "discolored," exhibited agonal
breathing and had a pulse of ~40 beats per minute. Resuscitative efforts, including administration of naloxone, were unsuccessful, and
he expired while still at home. The medicolegal death investigator
found a four-page suicide note in plain view on the desk in his bedroom. It was signed with the current date and timed approximately
20 min after his brother had last seen him alive. There was a warning
note, also in plain view, stating "Danger! Lethal dosage of NaO2 Call
911 immediately if Drank!" (sic). A bottle labeled sodium nitrite and
a glass with white residue were found near the notes and collected
by the investigator. We were unable to determine the source of the
sodium nitrite. His body temperature taken in the axilla was 85.4°F,
and the ambient temperature was 75.7°F.
The decedent was 71 inches in height and 171 pounds. An external examination performed the day after he died revealed that the
skin of the face had a gunmetal gray (blue–gray) discoloration. Some
of the skin on the fingers also appeared gray. The nailbeds were
dusky. All of the autopsy blood was brown, thin, and in the liquid
form. The brown color of the blood is demonstrated in comparison
with the usual color of blood from a deceased person in Figure 1. The
heart weighed 390 g, the lungs were 390 g each without significant
edema, and the brain weighed 1310 g and was not edematous.
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Narcissist Gay NEET-cel
Mar 4, 2020
Sci hub :wink:
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Suffering Autointoxification
Nov 22, 2020
Thank you for sharing. Interesting read, i feel reassured sn is still the best of available options for me having read.
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"Please, finish my story."
Nov 25, 2020
Wow, that was an amazing and interesting read.

The three cases we described all involved individuals who used sodium nitrite to kill themselves. The mechanism of death for each individual in this report is severe hypoxia due to elevated MetHb. This appears to be an extremely uncommon method of suicide. In the years of collective experience in our office, no pathologist had encountered such a case.
No wonder Sodium Nitrite isn't being restricted in the US yet. This study was published in December 2020, revised January 2021. That's extremely recent. I suppose most people think of committing suicide by the usual slitting wrists, hanging, or gun to the head. It's actually a good thing that SN is such an unknown method since there'd definitely be more of a rally to restrict it if it were ever to go more mainstream. I'm afraid the government would not allow such an easy and painless way to die to be so accessible.
Sodium nitrite could be considered the "perfect" homicidal agent. It looks and tastes like table salt, is cheap, and is easy to purchase.
Well, I've always pondered this hypothetical situation and honestly, it could be just a matter of time before someone gets an idea...
Some online social media information sites related to suicide and "self-deliverance" that discuss the use of sodium nitrite as a means of suicide are available. Contributors to these sites also caution about gastric upset and hypoxia-induced headache. It may be impossible to know where the patients in these cases got the idea and why they chose this method, but online sites could have been an influence.
Hey, that's us.
The sources of the sodium nitrite products are also unknown. However, the exact reagent bottle of sodium nitrite found in case #1 can be easily purchased on a well-known online product website. The jar of product that the man in case #2 used is available at a local retail store for about $20. The source in case #3 is still unknown.
Remember to rip off labels. I don't want to open my package until I'm absolutely sure I'm gonna go through with it, but I might throw the bottle away so they don't recognize the brand, just to be on the safe side. It looks like they can identify it even without the label, so be cautious.
The ingestion of sodium nitrite as a suicidal gesture appears to be a new form of poisoning, at least in our region of the country. The cases mentioned in this report involve young people. It may be that social media and websites may be sources of information and discussion regarding new means of suicide in this demographic. It is important that those that investigate death should become aware of new pathways people are choosing to attempt suicide. It is also important to make educational and other institutions aware of these new findings because they may be on the front lines of suicide prevention and could educate and prevent their students from an apparent painful death.
Well, I won't comment on this last part. There's a reason people choose SN over other methods since SN is relatively easy and simple. It is reported to be painless in most cases, providing at most a great amount of discomfort, but other than that, I haven't seen much of "painful death".
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May 24, 2020
Thank you for sharing. Interesting read, i feel reassured sn is still the best of available options for me having read.
I feel same. Reading scientific reports give me complet comfort and assurance about SN method
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broken spirit
Mar 12, 2021
SN is my method, i hope to ctb soon
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