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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
RaS 2dy postd sme instrctns on hw 2 dwnld th/ p.p.e.h succssflly

Post in thread 'PPH April 2022'
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Jul 1, 2022
Is there anyone whose N shipment was intercepted that didn't also order SN before that? So far I've read two seizure reports and in both cases the purchaser had SN on hand. I'm wondering if the SN purchase flagged the address for customs.
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May 19, 2022
Has anybody had any experience ordering from Canada? If so, how did it go?

I'm a little too paranoid about getting caught here.......


Apr 19, 2022
I agree SN isn't the ideal method, but it surely has to be better than a gun?!
If you do it right, a gun is the most quickest and painless way of dying, everyone who failed with a gun done so because they used a pistol and/or aimed at their chin like in the movies. If you follow the instructions on my profile you wont ever fail, especially with a large caliber rifle since they dont put a bullet through your head but actually blows the entire thing off.
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Dec 15, 2021
That is your choice. But, if you read this thread, you know there appears to be a problem currently. I know I am out a good chunk of change. I cannot recoup that. I sincerely believe this is not D. I watched the package as it moved. I know it stopped in the same place others packages stopped. Maybe if given some time the situation pacifies we might all be able to receive packages.
But this is happening mostly in North America and I would order for it in Europe.

Smart No More

May 5, 2021
But this is happening mostly in North America and I would order for it in Europe.
It doesn't seem like the EU customers have received any wellness visit in this recent lot but they did in the previous ones a few years back. I'd say be prepared for the sake of prosperity. Also consider that your parcel could have a higher chance of being picked off at customs whilst passing through the countries currently getting visits. Oddly though, it seems not all purchases in the effected countries have received visits so there's clearly not a full on breach in the supply chain.

Somebody mentioned a price hike. I'm not entirely certain what the new price is but this is obvious a factor too. It was always most expensive to purchase to the EU already I think.
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Dec 15, 2021
It doesn't seem like the EU customers have received any wellness visit in this recent lot but they did in the previous ones a few years back. I'd say be prepared for the sake of prosperity. Also consider that your parcel could have a higher chance of being picked off at customs whilst passing through the countries currently getting visits. Oddly though, it seems not all purchases in the effected countries have received visits so there's clearly not a full on breach in the supply chain.

Somebody mentioned a price hike. I'm not entirely certain what the new price is but this is obvious a factor too. It was always most expensive to purchase to the EU already I think.
Hope it goes well for everyone who order it.


Jul 4, 2022
Hi everyone

I know some people are trying to buy Nembutal and are having issues downloading the Peaceful Pill Handbook PDF for April 2022 with the email address for the seller called D. There are other people that can not open the file on their phone or the phone thinks they have a virus etc.

Here is another post of mine with more details about Nembutal

Just post a message here and i will send you a PM with details for D

I think I am still too new to be able to send a message but have been having trouble accessing the PPH from a few different sources on this site. Would love to have a working link as well as details for contacting D. Thank you.


Banned Scammer
May 5, 2022
I think I am still too new to be able to send a message but have been having trouble accessing the PPH from a few different sources on this site. Would love to have a working link as well as details for contacting D. Thank you.


You need to have at least 10-20 messages to receive a pm.

Please follow the following instructions from the mod that should help fix your issue

If you are still having trouble viewing it after trying the solution above pm me and i will help you

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Jul 4, 2022

You need to have at least 10-20 messages to receive a pm.

Please follow the following instructions from the mod that should help fix your issue

If you are still having trouble viewing it after trying the solution above pm me and i will help you

Thank you kindly!


Apr 15, 2022
I respect your position, but using a gun is not a way I will ever use, even though I have several at my disposal. Simply too ghastly. And the SI "flinch" can still screw you up at the point of squeezing the trigger. No method is 100%, either.

Smart No More

May 5, 2021
Just going to clear up a bit of confusion posted earlier.

There was very brief mention of prices for N from D going up now there is new stock available. A quick discussion cleared it up and it was in fact a misunderstanding so, good news, the price hasn't changed and D currently has stock available.

Obviously the issue of wellness visits and increased chances of customs interception is still looming but now there's stock again hopefully we'll start hearing something positive on that front in the near future.

As you were. 👋
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Feb 21, 2022
At no point did I say they would come to arrest you. Nobody has been arrested in the recent months. They have been asked to hand over their items and one person voluntarily went along for a psych eval. That's all.

I understand that you are on edge and scared right now. It's a very stressful experience to order N. hope all goes well.
Thanks. I apologize


Jun 26, 2022
It's ALL traceable, including Bitcoin. I just watched a special on TV on cryptcurrency and there are plenty of electronic traces made as the $ move from payer to payee. Same for all of them. Just because there isn't enough regulation (on cryptocurrency) doesn't mean there isn't some regulation.
Exactly...all traceable
At no point did I say they would come to arrest you. Nobody has been arrested in the recent months. They have been asked to hand over their items and one person voluntarily went along for a psych eval. That's all.

I understand that you are on edge and scared right now. It's a very stressful experience to order N. hope all goes well.
Though, for some of us, LE or wellness visits are pretty much the same as being arrested. Causing a total shit show where one lives and possible eviction, to say the least.
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Jul 23, 2021
Precipitate, like little solid particles at the bottom of your bottles. If the bottle is shaken they will move through the liquid making it cloudy instead of clear as it should be.
I've stored mine in a cool dark and temperature stable room and it turns cloudy when I shake it... Am I just screwed then?? I never even did as much as remove the blue cap. Please tell me it's just air bubbles instead. It's so hard to tell in this kind of bottle. Fuck me.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
I've stored mine in a cool dark and temperature stable room and it turns cloudy when I shake it... Am I just screwed then?? I never even did as much as remove the blue cap. Please tell me it's just air bubbles instead. It's so hard to tell in this kind of bottle. Fuck me.
If there's sediment in if it sinks to the bottom when you leave the bottles still for some time, then it's an issue. If the liquid is clear and there's not crap at the bottle or floating in it or on the surface it is just the result of bubbles (as you said) when you're shaking it. Bubbles are fine.
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Jul 23, 2021
If there's sediment in if it sinks to the bottom when you leave the bottles still for some time, then it's an issue.
It's hard to tell, how long is 'some time'? A lot of them go towards the top which does lead me to believe it is the result of bubbles like you've said (in my original panic I never considered looking at which way they went 🤦‍♂️), but a lot just kind chill in the middle of the bottle if that makes sense. I can't see them very well unless I keep a light against the bottle.
If the liquid is clear and there's not crap at the bottle or floating in it or on the surface it is just the result of bubbles (as you said) when you're shaking it. Bubbles are fine.
I find it really tough to see if there's crap at the bottom or the surface. Just to clarify, the sediment/crap, should it be clearly visible to the naked eye without having a light shoved against the bottle?

Smart No More

May 5, 2021
It's hard to tell, how long is 'some time'? A lot of them go towards the top which does lead me to believe it is the result of bubbles like you've said (in my original panic I never considered looking at which way they went 🤦‍♂️), but a lot just kind chill in the middle of the bottle if that makes sense. I can't see them very well unless I keep a light against the bottle.

I find it really tough to see if there's crap at the bottom or the surface. Just to clarify, the sediment/crap, should it be clearly visible to the naked eye without having a light shoved against the bottle?
In all honesty I'm not sure. In those bottles it can hard to see. If you haven't already, maybe take the labels off. Shining your light through it then should show a clearer picture. I'd say let it sit for a good couple of hour and check back. It's slightly viscous so it's slower to settle than water.
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Jul 23, 2021
In all honesty I'm not sure. In those bottles it can hard to see. If you haven't already, maybe take the labels off. Shining your light through it then should show a clearer picture. I'd say let it sit for a good couple of hour and check back. It's slightly viscous so it's slower to settle than water.
If I'm not actively looking at it I won't know if they went up or down, but if they didn't go up with the rest of them they'll probably be settling at the bottom instead after a while, no?
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
If I'm not actively looking at it I won't know if they went up or down, but if they didn't go up with the rest of them they'll probably be settling at the bottom instead after a while, no? Fuck I really don't want to wake up and get yet another police escort.
It doesn't matter which way they go. Stop over thinking things. You'll drive. Yourself crazy. Leave it to sit a few hours then check the bottles wihtout shaking them. If there's and bits in the bottom you should be able to see it. Especially using the light as you mentioned. You'll also be able to check the top for floaters too. It's okay to tilt the bottle on it's side for that if you want. As long as you're not shaking it up like a oringina drink it's not going to be an issue. Slight movement is no problem. Not sure why you shook it up but that will cause bubbles to form without doubt.
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Jul 23, 2021
Not sure why you shook it up but that will cause bubbles to form without doubt.
Because I started overthinking and went down the rabbit hole, then stumbled upon the post by intr0verse. I shook it to check -> went cloudy instead of clear like he said -> panic. Sorry. I just can't afford to fail.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
Because I started overthinking and went down the rabbit hole, then stumbled upon the post by intr0verse. I shook it to check -> went cloudy instead of clear like he said -> panic. Sorry.
No problem. I wasn't being funny with you when I said/wrote that. I did kind of guess you might be down a rabbit hole tbf. Give it a couple of hours or longer if you can allow yourself, then check it again. It should be okay if it's been stored the way you said. Try not to worry yourself for now. It should be pretty obvious if there's actual bits floating in it once it's settled and the bubbles have dissipated.
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Jul 1, 2022
Is there anyone whose N shipment was intercepted that didn't also order SN before that? So far I've read two seizure reports and in both cases the purchaser had SN on hand. I'm wondering if the SN purchase flagged the address for customs.
Man, really need some data here. If we can confirm that prior SN orders are driving N seizures then those of us who haven't ordered SN could take a swat at N and report back. Or if not we can order SN as a backup and wait for the heat to die down.

/sorry, this is my lizard engineer brain overthinking


Apr 19, 2022
It's ALL traceable, including Bitcoin. I just watched a special on TV on cryptcurrency and there are plenty of electronic traces made as the $ move from payer to payee. Same for all of them. Just because there isn't enough regulation (on cryptocurrency) doesn't mean there isn't some regulation.
Monero isn't traceable, that's its entire point. That's why most modern online drug sites require the user to use monero instead of bitcoin.
Monero is a bit difficult to get however, the website (Official website for Monero) explains how one can get it
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Banned Scammer
May 5, 2022
Does this include Australia?

I really should have ordered back in March or April.

If i knew about N i would have ordered it a long time ago and kept it in storage rather than to deal with these issues with shipping and getting into trouble.


Jul 9, 2022
If i knew about N i would have ordered it a long time ago and kept it in storage rather than to deal with these issues with shipping and getting into trouble.
Well, I'm making the purchase today and will post updates. Cannot wait any longer. If it does not arrive, I will have to do something drastic like jump under a train (I do not care, it would be society's fault that I would have to do that). Wish me luck. I am spending my entire savings on it. All I want to do is die, and that should not be so difficult. I will do it one way or another.
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