His dog is save but truly disturbed. The dog is with his loving mother, who is definitely living the worst nightmare someone could imagine. As his sister, I am not feeling better. There are so many things I'd like to say to say to you, most of them are not very kind... but as I am very familiar with depressions, I know exactly how useless it would be. So here's what I want to say: Yes, he was successful. If his journey was peaceful and if he found peace now? I don't know. I didn't and maybe never will again. So if there is ANY chance you can fix your lifes and get along and if there is ANY person who still cares about you, TAKE this chance - Instead of stupid SN. Because with ending your life, you might ruin some others. That's it. And it's at least quite selfish. And for sure, it is everything else but brave or something to be proud of or as maybe in your case even jealous...