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Aug 1, 2020
What methods gives 100% certain death and takes lowest time to death.


I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
Short and simple answer: none ;).
Maybe just euthanasia, but that's a bit different.
We don't have a button to turn life off.

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages.
Each method has its problems.
Every method is risky, some are just less risky.
Not every method is for every person.
Some methods are difficult to configure/use.
And I can mention other arguments.

Nobody here can advise you what to do. Nobody.

All I can tell you is to start with the collection of the most popular methods on this site.
Think everything through slowly and make the final decision without pressure.

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Coconut blue

Coconut blue

May 13, 2024
Jumping from 30 stories
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Trust in my self righteous suicide
May 26, 2024
Nothing is 100%. But a shotgun to the head is most likely to kill.
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Why am i here?
May 26, 2024
15gm of nembutal
DDMAPh cocktail 🍸
Gun to the brainstem
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Death is new departure and beggining of a journey.
May 27, 2024
If one manage to cut of their head completely, I guess that's 100%.
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May 31, 2024
What methods gives 100% certain death and takes lowest time to death.
Safest way to die (least pain and fast)

: Digoxin 50 mg, Diazepam 1 gm, Morphine 15 gm, Propranolol 2 gm.
Time to death: 2h (average) to 39h (max)
D-DMP2: As above, but digoxin is given separately, 30 minutes before the other medications.
Time to death: 1.5h to 13h
DDMA: Digoxin 100 mg, Diazepam 1 gm, Morphine 15 gm, Amitriptyline 8 gm.
Time to death: 1.5h to 12.5h
D-DMA: As above, but digoxin is given separately, 30 minutes before the other medications.
Time to death: 1.5h to 4h
DDMAPh: Digoxin 100 mg, Diazepam 1 gm, Morphine 15 gm, Amitriptyline 8gm, Phenobarbital 5 gm.
Time to death: 1.1h to 5.1h
D-DMAPh: As above, but digoxin is given separately, 30 minutes before the other medications.
Time to death: 1.1h to 3.8h

DDMP2 vs D-DMP2: NOTE: The dash in D-DMP2 signifies a pause of 30 minutes between giving
the digitalis and the morphine/diazepam/propranolol. The reason is that without giving digitalis separately, the tiny amount of digitalis
(100 milligrams) gets lost amid the huge mass of the other meds (18,000 milligrams)—and the digitalis doesn't get absorbed. By using pre-digitalis, i.e. dig alone for
30 minutes, the dig is rapidly absorbed—providing more rapid and thorough digitalis toxicity.
Using Pre-digitalis (D-DMP2 vs. DDMP2), we cut the mean times to death by 33% compared with DDMP2.
D-DMP2 vs. D-DMA. Times to death
again dropped significantly by using D-DMA, now with 90% of deaths occurring in <2 hours. D-
DMA is both faster and more reliable than D-DMP2, and markedly better than DDMP2.
In summary: D-DMP2 improves DDMP2 by 33%. D-DMA improves D-DMP2 by another
33%. Compare D-DMA with DDMP2: It's 69% better—a very significant difference.
MOST SIGNIFICANTLY: The long time-to-death outliers have been markedly decreased with D-
DMA, both in total time to death and in frequency of long deaths. D-DMA has a shorter mean
time to death (1.1. hours) and maximum time to death (4.4 hours).
Times to death of >2 hours are now only 10% of cases (down from 34% with DDMP2 and 19%
with D-DMP2).

Additional ressources:
- https://www.acamaid.org/wp-content/...on-Protocols-for-Medical-Aid-in-Dying-1-1.pdf
- https://www.acamaid.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/12-5-19-DDMA-instead-of-DDMP2.pdf
- https://endoflifewa.org/wp-content/...r-Taking-Life-Ending-Medications-Jan-2020.pdf
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Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
Rules out any poisons unless they are injected or snorted.

Gun shots can fail if people aim wrong but are like 99%

The only method I can think of that no one is known to have survived is a direct fall onto concrete.

Hanging is also close to 99% if the blood flow is properly blocked.

The issue is when people skew the reliability figures by including people who don't do the method properly.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
There isn't really a method that is 100% guaranteed aside from euthanasia
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Dec 14, 2023
People have survived falls from great heights. There is no method that has never failed.
Firearms are statistically the most reliable.
It's hard to filter stats to account or discount people who didn't do things properly or used poor techniques
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Feb 10, 2023
Getting hit by a nuke
  • Yay!
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enough of this

enough of this

Jun 4, 2023
I've been investigating this for quite some time. I thought I would be able to take all my meds all at once, and that would do the job. But then, I read drugs work only 2% - 3% of the time. So, that was discouraging.

I've experienced a lot of violence in my life, and don't want to die a violent death, so I didn't want to shoot myself. But even that is guaranteed something like 83% of the time. That was surprising to me. That's something I certainly wouldn't want to survive - living as a vegetable for whatever time I had left.

You can't find helium any more in high enough concentrations to work. That was disappointing to me.

My latest thought, is to position myself in a noose, then take all of my medications as quickly as possible, which should surely render me unconscious after a relatively short time. When I went unconscious, my body weight would be enough to insure a painless hanging. (Although, I did go to a gun shop yesterday to see what they had.)
Getting hit by a nuke
That would be effective. I would want to be at ground zero. It would be quick and painless.
15gm of nembutal
DDMAPh cocktail 🍸
Gun to the brainstem
Yes, "the peaceful pill" would definitely be the best. The problem is finding it.
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Apr 11, 2024
12 gauge shotgun in mouth aimed at brain has never failed to kill instantly as far as I can find. Genuinely challenge anyone to find a case showing it's not 100% unless the gun/shell was faulty.
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Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
People have survived falls from great heights. There is no method that has never failed.
Firearms are statistically the most reliable.
It's hard to filter stats to account or discount people who didn't do things properly or used poor techniques
Got an example of anyone who has ever survived a fall of more than 300 ft onto concrete? I couldn't find any neither could chatgpt.
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Hey, I paid $7.10 for this split!
Jun 1, 2024
I want to say if used proper material for charcoal burning then carbon monoxide is like 95% That or cutting blood supply into brain from blocking carotid vein.
Take everything with a grain of salt there always outliers nothing is 100% certain in this world some things are just more reliable then others I guess just hope your not the 1%
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Dec 14, 2023
Got an example of anyone who has ever survived a fall of more than 300 ft onto concrete? I couldn't find any neither could chatgpt.
I don't have a lot of specifics to give you as i am not sure what 300 feet equates to in floors or stories high but there is a locally famous and well documented case in Reno of a man who tried to ctb. From the top of the 6 story circus parking garage onto the sidewalk. He broke nearly every bone in his body but did survive. Is the 6 floor parking garage 300 feet or more? Idk. Is the sidewalk concrete or just cement? Again idk. There have been cases where people skydiving and chutes not opening correctly have survived those much greater than 300 feet falls but they are landing on various surfaces. Trees. Grass. Water in some cases. Someone here cited the case of 1 survivor who jumped from golden gate bridge. That's over 300 feet but landing in water. What does 300 feet equate to in number of floors. Again idk
The guy in reno may also have impacted on the street and not the sidewalk. The street is asphalt which is softer than concrete or cement. I don't know where his exact point of impact was. I just know it's a true story. An account was published in the reno gazette journal local newspaper. It was many years ago.
I do know that 300 feet equates to a football field and I am trying to imagine that vertically and it doesn't seem all that high to me. If it were me I would want to be much higher up and have absolutely no doubt. I would be surprised if more people haven't survived falls of that distance
I am contemplating fall from 13 floors up because of easy access to the location. No type of security whatsoever. But I am not 100 percent convinced that I couldn't possibly survive. If I do it that way I would want an empire state building type of height where no human being can possibly survive. If you jumped from or fell from 1 of these lesser distances and survived that would be the worst imaginable outcome. Not only multiple physical injuries but they'd also have you in psych ward for quite a while.
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Dec 14, 2023
300 feet is about 25 floors/ stories
Really? If you flip the length of a football field vertically it's that high up? I would agree then about it being not possible to survive a fall that high up. I had in my mind set the limit at 20 floors the point where it's 100 percent probability of death or as close to 100 percent as you can get. Always a possibility some kind of fluke or divine intervention or something.
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ham and potatoes

ham and potatoes

Just some hillbilly
Mar 27, 2024
Really? If you flip the length of a football field vertically it's that high up? I would agree then about it being not possible to survive a fall that high up. I had in my mind set the limit at 20 floors the point where it's 100 percent probability of death or as close to 100 percent as you can get. Always a possibility some kind of fluke or divine intervention or something.
Yeah, I'm with you there. I would imagine 20 floors is completely unsurvivable if jumping onto solid ground.
Hell, the Golden gate bridge is just about 20 stories off the water, and it's got like a 98 percent death rate.
And you know, that's above water. So you land on something harder, just going to increase it
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Dec 14, 2023
Yeah, I'm with you there. I would imagine 20 floors is completely unsurvivable if jumping onto solid ground.
Hell, the Golden gate bridge is just about 20 stories off the water, and it's got like a 98 percent death rate.
And you know, that's above water. So you land on something harder, just going to increase it
What I read was there was only 1 person known to survive golden gate bridge. But in that situation if you survive the initial impact you're then in the icy, shark infested bay a long way to shore.
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