Anything that your system can't digest, no matter how small or blunt, can cause problems.
In my case, very minor surgical scars (the original surgery was
adjacent to my intestines,
not in my intestines) from more than a decade prior (2008) were determined to be the cause of
horrendous GI issues that I suffered for more than a year (Jun 2022 - Sep 2023) and which ultimately required
a month on the surgical ward, with a tube down my nose, not able to consume any food or drinks (more on this in a moment), surgery to fix, and very nearly left me unable to ever "eat" again (I was literally days away from having to get all my nutrition [TPN, total parenteral nutrition] through a PICC line, i.e. something like a near-permanent IV that allowed nutrition and fluids to be pushed straight into my heart)
for the rest of my life!
During that entire month on the surgical ward, there were like 3 days that I was allowed to eat a single cup of ice (not a typo, i.e. a single cup of small chunks of frozen water) and suck on 6 cough drops, over the course of the entire day, and those felt like they were f'ing feasts!
Most of that month, I was literally not allowed to eat or drink anything -at all- to include just sipping water! Trust me, you really do NOT want to experience this!!!!
I didn't get my PICC line (i.e peripherally inserted central catheter) until a few days before I was discharged, but once inserted for nutrition, they can be there for years (at the time I got mine, I heard that the record was a woman who had the same PICC line for 7 years before it was replaced). The one that I was given, well, I wouldn't have lasted years having to deal with it. Imagine
NEVER again being able to eat anything at all, and instead having to get all your nutrition through a tube straight into your heart!
So, please know that just because it feels like things are moving through your system without problems, it does NOT mean (a) that they are actually moving through and (b) much more importantly, and even if they have moved all the way through,
it doesn't mean that they aren't inflicting damage on you that will become horrifically painfully apparent later!!!

tell your CPN about this ASAP and don't swallow any more non-food items before that discussion!!!