These are just SOME of the people on here that have played a big role in my life; if you don't see your name, it's not because I don't love you; it's because if I wrote one for all the incredible people on here I wouldn't be able to stop writing :D
@S like suicide - Even though we've been through some hard times and arguments over silly things together (silly goose XD), talking and watching movies with you has been fantastic! Moments like us talking about Christmas day together only strengthened my belief that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how hard life gets. You will ALWAYS have a very special place in my heart. Thank you for everything X <3
@Pookie - I've known you for the longest time I've known anyone on the forum. To my dear friend and an incredibly smart and compassionate individual, I'm so pleased you're in a healthier place mentally now. I know you've had bad karma these last few years. I only hope it was all in exchange for the beautiful years you have ahead of you x
@painoflife - OMG, WHERE DO I GET STARTED? HAHA !! (I have to be completely honest) You were trying to ctb so much that I'm still shocked that not only have you pushed through those rough times, but you are now actually happy! Like what!!! I'm so proud of you! <3
@BridgeJumper - We haven't spoken for a while now, but id like to thank you for opening up and being vulnerable to me about your situation and everything you've been through <3
@whywere - I couldn't make this list without adding you here, Walt! Thank you for being so kind to me and everyone in this community, no matter what their background is. I hope I can one day be just as lovely to others as you are <3
@sadgirl2002 - R.I.P. I miss talking to you! You were a wonderful soul too good for a human body R.I.P. <3
@gottablast888 - Thank you for showing me Pocket styler and being my shaman for my future mushroom trip <3
@.CTB @Bed @LookingforAnswers @namelessX8 @Ame @Heavenly Pup - You are all incredible people to talk to in general chat. It's always a pleasure when you're in chat! Bless you all <3
@ImsooDone1N @Weeping Garbage Can @_Minsk @.CTB (AGAIN!)
@death137 @lobster salad @Angel Goddess @Imustbefree @Dead Meat @LastLoveLetter @Circles @whywere (AGAIN!) - You are always posting or reacting to my profile comments and pictures, it feels indescribably good to log online and be met with lots of hugs and hearts so here is a big hug and heart for you

Last but not least I'd like to thank the whole moderation team for everything they have done and do for us despite the difficulty of protecting us crazy animals

@Despondent @Symbiote @RainAndSadness @Meretlein @Hass @SuicidalSymphonies @Dot @_Minsk @watereyes x 1,000
@throwaway_2620 @blueming and