Thank you so much for this post, ctr_alt_delete. I am please that A came through for you, and that WU worked so well and fairly easily as well, as I think that will be my choice, too. I just wrote A another email thanking him for his first one to me and asked several more questions which hopefully he will answer in time. I think being polite and understanding is a very helpful tactic in this situation. I also got a protonmail account today to keep our communications more secure. Wasn't sure about the VPN, so didn't do that. Do you recommend getting that, is it really necessary? Seems complicated to me, but then I'm not that computer-saavy. Rather keep things as simple as possible.
I realize that until one takes the N, there's no sure way to know if it's the real deal unless you test it first. Someone posted about a kit you can buy for that - who was that? For me, though, seeing as A was a veterinarian, and he's supplied countless others before and there are no survivor stories from his N anywhere here, the conclusion can be drawn that it's the real deal. I know we all hope that's so, of course.
From A's recommendations, it looks like I may only need one bottle for my weight. That would help a lot. I'm still going to be delayed, though, to save up the money I need to do this, cutting my monthly funds in half to do it, so will have to go without some food and other things, unless I can figure out a way to earn some. This is too important to me to let it slide, so I'm looking at either the end of March or sometime in April as my exit date. (sigh) I so wish I had known about all this in October when I had the money to buy, dang!
Will keep an eye on your future posts with interest. I hope you will tell us how you are feeling, your state of mind and all as you move through the process you have set for yourself. Could you share what exactly you are doing and how it's going along the way? Maybe start your own thread in this regard.
I will say for myself, since I've made my decision to ctb and the method, I actually feel much calmer and if possible, a little happier, knowing there is an end in sight. Not that the depression has lifted, it hasn't, but getting through the day is just a little easier as I look forward to my freedom. Still, I can go off easily, too, as I found out tonight as I got several prank calls on my cell phone and I was screaming at these people to not call me ever again and I was blocking them. Yikes!? Don't mess with the crazy lady, y'all!!
More later.