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Mar 18, 2021
It's definitely his fault that his mother not only knew about this website, but also opened herself to harassment.

In fact, his mother mentions him leaving open the website in all his devices and also leaving the letter to have it closed down, definitely not a nice thing to do for many people here.
I think that's a disgusting, twisted thing to say.
Is this the point you've been wanting everyone to pay attention to?

Did you hear what the mother said in the podcast? Somebody phoned her pretending to be her son.
Can you get more disgusting than that?!

It's not anybody's fault why that person did that and claiming it is the fault of anybody else other than the person who did it is infantile; it exonerates the culprit of accountability and responsibility for their own actions.

I can't imagine anybody else on this forum justifying such behaviour.

Now where is that rock you crawled out from under?


Nov 25, 2019
Did you hear what the mother said in the podcast? Somebody phoned her pretending to be her son.
Can you get more disgusting than that?!
Well a person could sink as low as to just make that up, for instance.


Jul 7, 2019
I think that's a disgusting, twisted thing to say.
Is this the point you've been wanting everyone to pay attention to?

Did you hear what the mother said in the podcast? Somebody phoned her pretending to be her son.
Can you get more disgusting than that?!

It's not anybody's fault why that person did that and claiming it is the fault of anybody else other than the person who did it is infantile; it exonerates the culprit of accountability and responsibility for their own actions.

I can't imagine anybody else on this forum justifying such behaviour.

Now where is that rock you crawled out from under?
Now, petty insults and deliberatly missinterplreting what I said? you are really starting to post like someone we've talked about here.

I've already said in a post above that I get his motivation for doing what he did, I don't think it's selfish, just a terrible way to show us his appreciation. I'm not condemning the mother in any way.

No one forced him to do anything, and that includes leaving that letter and making his mother aware of this place, she is literally getting destroyed by what she found here and the harassment that she got over her dead son's actions.

And this is a supporting place for many people, what he did is having repercussions in their lives, so it was shitty, but with a "good" intention.
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Oct 13, 2020
What the fuck kinda false equivalent are you trying to make here? No I OBVIOUSLY dont think all muslims are part of ISIS OR terrorists WHY? bc the basis of being a muslim isnt the same as the basis of being a god damn incel WTF.

The basis of being a muslim from my experience and understanding is respect/love/community etc.

What exaclty is the basis of being a fuckin incel bc it isnt just "lonely men" and if y'all think that after all these years and MULTPLE EVENTS then ur being willingly ignorant.

False equivalence and I'm not here for it try again.
You're a fucking dick. Seriously. Obviously the point I'm trying to make is you can't judge an entire group by what one person does. You are trying to link the event in Canada to the incel site. That guy was apparently an 'incel' and you are linking his actions towards women to the group.
I am saying your thought process is small minded, saying one persons actions suggest the methodology of an entire group.
Again thats GREAT FOR U. a lot of people have experienced extremely predatory behavior on this site so NO incels arnt just harmless and you don't speak for all women sooo yeah thats great that as a women u feel like that but... no.

Incels are not just people fucking venting this shit transfers to real life. Like. Its 2021 and y'all are really gonna try to cap for the whole incel movement???


And just because u don't see it doesnt mean it isnt there. Cmon gurl... he couldn't even answer that question calmly... like...
How do you know I haven't experienced predatory behaviour??? For your information I have! And I never said I speak for all women. How old are you? 12? The way you express yourself is seriously immature.... 'ew' :haha:
Yeahh sorry but we have WAY DIF experiences then. I live in Canada and a guy ran over a few women with a fucking car in the middle of the city like a few years ago. A lot around it would indicate what an incel can mean and like... yeah.

Just no like incels aren't these harmless people so. I don't agree but respect ur opinion nonetheless.
Just going to put you on ignore now actually.. twat.
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Dec 8, 2019
You're a fucking dick. Seriously. Obviously the point I'm trying to make is you can't judge an entire group by what one person does. You are trying to link the event in Canada to the incel site. That guy was apparently an 'incel' and you are linking his actions towards women to the group.
I am saying your thought process is small minded, saying one persons actions suggest the methodology of an entire group.

How do you know I haven't experienced predatory behaviour??? For your information I have! And I never said I speak for all women. How old are you? 12? The way you express yourself is seriously immature.... 'ew' :haha:

Just going to put you on ignore now actually.. twat.
I'm a dick for pointing shit out? How many times did u insult me in ur reply?

I never implied that a whole website is responsible for the event in Canada. all im saying is the movement is harmful and has done harm. To go so hard for it does nothing for anyone and especially does nothing for victims

Insult me and then ignore me thats fine gurl. Im def used to that in life.

Fucking stupid calling me a dick, immature bc i say "ew" like gtfo. Least im not defending a shitty group/movement.

Like honestly go fuck youself. Never called you any names before in repplies so im not sure why im such a "twat" now. You are a fuckin dick.
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Aug 18, 2020
I've not read everything in this thread and I want to point out that I am also not a big fan of incel culture. However I think we should not let them divide us. The alliance of suicidal people is relatively weak compared to the prolifers. I am too scared that this forum is falling apart. It is too important for many of us. However there are limits what we should not accept.
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Bat 17

Bat 17

Bat 17
Mar 30, 2021
Bloody hell, I've just got back from work and catching up and....WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THIS THREAD?!

The last 3 pages sure made gruesome, irritating and depressing reading !

I preferred it when it was straightforward lesbian coming of age stuff or even, you know, on the original topic...
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Mar 18, 2021
Bloody hell, I've just got back from work and catching up and....WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THIS THREAD?!

The last 3 pages sure made gruesome, irritating and depressing reading !

I preferred it when it was straightforward lesbian coming of age stuff or even, you know, on the original topic...

I believe the key takeaway from this thread is that myself and @TotallyIsolated are forming an army to rise up take back control of our forum.

The army was going to be called I.N.C.E.L - International Circle of Established Leavers. However the name was dropped for unwanted connotations and instead we've adopted ASS - Army of Sanctioned Suicide.
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Bucket of Chicken
Mar 31, 2021
I believe the key takeaway from this thread is that myself and @TotallyIsolated are forming an army to rise up take back control of our forum.

The army was going to be called I.N.C.E.L - International Circle of Established Leavers. However the name was dropped for unwanted connotations and instead we've adopted ASS - Army of Sanctioned Suicide.
You put way too much work into it. :D
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Apr 30, 2019
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Useless since day 1
Jan 3, 2020
can't wait for the next podcast....

girl door GIF
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I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
WTF even is this thread now??
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Incel just means involuntary celibate. There can be female Incels and nothing about those two words means anything about hating women. It's unfortunate that a few incels have made the news for doing terrible things but you can't let the media manipulate you into taking a few isolated incidents and making them all a pariah because that will just push them further and further away into the dark corners of society which is exactly what modern journalism wants because they want more stories like this. Instead of condemning them you can either ignore them or try to get to the root of their problems and offer help. Either way is fine.

Also for anyone who really hates incels so much, you should be happy that some of them want to kill themselves instead of other people since that's such a big concern of yours.

Imagine being on a website for suicidal people and going off and hating an entire group of people who have good reason to be suicidal because of a few cases on the news. What if someone suddenly realized "oh shit there's a bunch of antinatalists on here, I heard they're baby killers! They hate children! I can't associate with these heathens anymore!" You might say "well that's not the same thing at all! That's a misrepresentation!" Well what do you think is happening with the incels? You think just because you don't belong to them that their feelings don't matter? That lonely mens' feelings don't count because there are a few (okay a lot of) asshole men out there?
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I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
356 is kinda shady ngl. There are people casually saying things like sand nigg*r & normalf*g, justifying rape, etc.; it's disturbing since many folks here are victims of bigotry, sexual harassment and so on. But if that's the price we have to pay for free speech to say our suicidal thoughts...
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Jun 12, 2018
The right to die is a human right, period.
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May 27, 2020
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Jul 7, 2019
The price of freedom is the fact that you have to accept the freedoms of others, as long as they aren't directly hurting anyone, of course. even if you don't like what they have to say, or what they do. You are also free to look away. No one is forcing anyone to read them, and no crimes are being committed in either forum.

I'm not the biggest fan of the incel rhetoric, I'm not one of them by any stretch of the imagination. And even if I don't understand what it must be like to suffer so much from involuntarily celibacy, I don't think that their right to say these things should be taken away. Just like us here, we do say some things that make perfect sense to ourselves, however, many people are appalled by them. I wish that they just fucked off and leave us alone, but we live in a world where fixthe26 is openly attacking us and asking for our views and information to be punished and censored.

So, what I'm trying to say is that incels suffer from the same censorship, no wonder that this page exists thanks to them.
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Mar 18, 2021
So, what I'm trying to say is that incels suffer from the same censorship, no wonder that this page exists thanks to them.
I thought you (maybe someone else) had previously argued that the two websites were separate?


Jul 27, 2020
I believe the key takeaway from this thread is that myself and @TotallyIsolated are forming an army to rise up take back control of our forum.

The army was going to be called I.N.C.E.L - International Circle of Established Leavers. However the name was dropped for unwanted connotations and instead we've adopted ASS - Army of Sanctioned Suicide.

This is not a place for you to be openly hostile and confrontational and it's really not the place to shit on other users and engage in clique-y behavior.

Go join a public discord if you're going to behave like this.
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Mar 18, 2021
This is not a place for you to be openly hostile and confrontational and it's really not the place to shit on other users and engage in clique-y behavior.

Go join a public discord if you're going to behave like this.
That's a good effort however I would encourage you to adopt the following:

1. Good effort at taking the moral high ground completely unnecessarily, however I would advise doing so rather more assertively. You can achieve this by referencing the victim(s) or by stating how a group of people are effected (exaggerate this a bit).
In the mid-2010's it was fashionable to compare people to Adolf Hitler if they disagreed with you. That's out of fashion now so DON'T do it!
Definitely accuse your opponent of potentially being responsible for killing people!!

2. Use the context to your advantage!
The context here is that we are on a suicide forum where vulnerable people express their deepest challenges.

3. Reference similarities to BipolarGuy whenever possible!

Here, I'll change what you said to make it more effective and if you have any questions feel free to ask

You said this:

"This is not a place for you to be openly hostile and confrontational and it's really not the place to shit on other users and engage in clique-y behavior.
Go join a public discord if you're going to behave like this".

I would suggest something like this:

"This is not a place for you to be openly hostile and confrontational. This forum is used by some highly vulnerable people; would you want to be responsible for tipping people over the edge? This is really not the place to shit on other users and engage in cliquey behavior. Please stop being so manipulative and narcissistic - you remind me of someone we've talked about on this thread...
Go join a public discord if you're going to behave like this".

Only minor changes and already it sounds more punchy.

Now you try.
  • Hmph!
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Jul 27, 2020
That's a good effort however I would encourage you to adopt the following:

1. Good effort at taking the moral high ground completely unnecessarily, however I would advise doing so rather more assertively. You can achieve this by referencing the victim(s) or by stating how a group of people are effected (exaggerate this a bit).
In the mid-2010's it was fashionable to compare people to Adolf Hitler if they disagreed with you. That's out of fashion now so DON'T do it!
Definitely accuse your opponent of potentially being responsible for killing people!!

2. Use the context to your advantage!
The context here is that we are on a suicide forum where vulnerable people express their deepest challenges.

3. Reference similarities to BipolarGuy whenever possible!

Here, I'll change what you said to make it more effective and if you have any questions feel free to ask

You said this:

"This is not a place for you to be openly hostile and confrontational and it's really not the place to shit on other users and engage in clique-y behavior.
Go join a public discord if you're going to behave like this".

I would suggest something like this:

"This is not a place for you to be openly hostile and confrontational. This forum is used by some highly vulnerable people; would you want to be responsible for tipping people over the edge? This is really not the place to shit on other users and engage in cliquey behavior. Please stop being so manipulative and narcissistic - you remind me of someone we've talked about on this thread...
Go join a public discord if you're going to behave like this".

Only minor changes and already it sounds more punchy.

Now you try.

My reply doesn't require editing. Your reply, however, is once again evidence that you are not participating in the community in good faith or with any modicum of maturity that the rest of try to operating under.

If you feel targeted and are lashing out, I understand. It still doesn't excuse your aggressive and antagonistic actions.
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Mar 18, 2021
My reply doesn't require editing. Your reply, however, is once again evidence that you are not participating in the community in good faith or with any modicum of maturity that the rest of try to operating under.

If you feel targeted and are lashing out, I understand. It still doesn't excuse your aggressive and antagonistic actions.
Good effort. Much better.

Anyway, how are you today?
Feeling ok, I hope?


Грустная Сука
Jul 31, 2020
My listening skills are not great, I don't understand a lot of what is said. But maybe that's a good thing. I thought this drama was finished.
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Dec 8, 2019
So its wrong to "shit on a whole group" by pointing out the harmful aspects of the movements and all y'all can continue to coutber and say is "they're just hurting people/they're just lonely )"

So if motherfuckers here start acting predatory and engaging in shitty behavior its ok bc "theyre isoalted and hurting"?

Like can y'all cut the crap and stop acting like anyone came for ur precious fucking incels. The owner of the website has enagaged in shitty behavior.

Within the podcast Marquis couldn't even answer about the pedophilia and shit without having a tantrum/getting upset.

Like I dunno why ur all ok with that or why ur all sooo defensive of this shit but its weird.

And if ya dont wanna talk about incels then let's talks about the pretarory behavior MANY people : women AND MEN on this site have experienced and how it continues to be unaddressed.

Theres is a limit to free speech and
such. Theres a ppint where what is being perpetuated isn't healthy. The same can be said of this website and someone a few pages back made a good example of that.

Sometimes people are pro-suicide on here.

There needs to be a balance.

Like this is what I mean. The fuckin owner of the wesbite is trashy kinda incel but its ok right?

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