

Apr 15, 2022
This entire commercial campaign for the Medicare Coverage Helpline has got to be the MOST annoying bunch of has-been actors and personalities ever assembled for a commercial campaign in the history of the world! And Jimmy Walker, with the way he talks and expresses himself, has to be the amongst the top most-annoying people ever! I can't stand looking at him let alone listening to him. I know they're all getting paid well for what they're doing, but come on, is it really worth degrading oneself like that and sacrificing likeability, at least for Shatner and Namath, and coming off looking like utter fools. And yeah, I get it, like utter fools all the way to the bank. Because of this ad campaign. I know FOR A FACT that if I were of Medicare age, and needed to contact someone about Medicare Advantage plans, that because of these stupid commercials, I would assign that stupidity and the annoyance they impart to the COMPANY behind them, and that alone would keep me from EVER dealing with this company. There are plenty of other companies that advertise for the same thing that don't try drumming up business like this.

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