Update: today was the day. But I chickened out. I don't know what to do.
If it makes you feel any better, I was supposed to go on Wednesday morning. At 5 am I was dropping off possessions at a friends house. He just so happened to be awake. He came out to say hi. That I was in a hurry to leave, was dropping off possessions in wee hours of the morning, and had been feeling depressed lately, was a red flag.
As I'm driving to my final destination before stopping to the park to hang, he texts me asking if I'm planning to kill myself and that he better hear from me tomorrow. He's not the type to call the cops. I knew if I left to hang myself and he did nothing to stop it, he would blame himself for the rest of his life.
I couldn't do that. I stayed with him. I'll be writing him a letter. New date is early sun morning. I have to leave this earth. Especially since I sent a time delayed email I couldn't delete and my friend saw it and is now pissed I scared him to death.
Whatever happens, I wish you peace and freedom from suffering. You aren't a coward. It is hard to ctb