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Apr 15, 2024
That's where you and her are different. She doesn't think that we can have compassion for people she considers to be "disgusting and criminal" and she sees everything as black and white, absolutely good or absolutely bad.
Yeah okay, I understand.
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Apr 15, 2022
I agree that everyone has right to their own opinion. What they don't have right to is trying to evangelizing their opinion by an incredible amount of agressive, repetitive posts. She is not AI. She is a young woman who is severely mentally ill, and I don't think that anyone severely mentally ill should be in the position of influence. (Also true for politics).
I also don't think we can hide behind our mental conditions. I am autistic too but I don't think this should be used as a "get out of jail" card, in the game of Supreme Victimhood.
Yes, she's autistic. In my book, that's not severely mentally ill, not in most cases, anyway. I believe she has several physical maladies, as well. I think if one just doesn't want to read her repetitive posts, then just don't read her repetitive posts. She's venting. She has no other outlet. I doubt she's even allowed out of her house and is pretty much watched over constantly. One could also just hit the ignore button on her if they desired to not see any of her vents. We all need to just stop hating so much. It's destroying this world.
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When life is a nightmare...
May 18, 2024
It was a whole world for her. I never spoke with her but wherever i looked she was there. By baning her probably you make a huge harm for her, you just took from her everything. I feel sorry for her, i can imagine how she feels now.
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Apr 22, 2024
Yes, she's autistic. In my book, that's not severely mentally ill, not in most cases, anyway. I believe she has several physical maladies, as well. I think if one just doesn't want to read her repetitive posts, then just don't read her repetitive posts. She's venting. She has no other outlet. I doubt she's even allowed out of her house and is pretty much watched over constantly. One could also just hit the ignore button on her if they desired to not see any of her vents. We all need to just stop hating so much. It's destroying this world.
Yet, you defend someone that hates everything and everybody and evangelizes her views in repetitive posts even against Admin warning to use previous posts instead of creating repetitive new ones.
I have autism and I don't consider autism severally mentally ill. But I do consider her severely mentally ill as Autism alone doesn't explain this level of extreme behaviour. I assume she has some coexisting conditions, only she and her therapist know (if she has one). I don't think Autism would generate the HATE that she has for everyone and everything (but sure, as you said, we should just stop hating so much)
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When life is a nightmare...
May 18, 2024
There is more people full of hate over here...
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Jun 20, 2023
fwiw, I don't think she poses a legitimate threat in any sense. To me, her posts' vague nature, tendency to generalise, and lack of nuance or perspective makes it pretty clear that they really are just vents. They're not intended to persuade, or to proselytise. I don't think anyone on here would read one of her posts and decide to espouse promortalism or ctb on that basis.
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Aug 24, 2023
"Stop sanctioned suicide" are having the best time of their lives knowing that DB has CBT and now FC is banned
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Apr 15, 2022
Yet, you defend someone that hates everything and everybody and evangelizes her views in repetitive posts even against Admin warning to use previous posts instead of creating repetitive new ones.
I have autism and I don't consider autism severally mentally ill. But I do consider her severely mentally ill as Autism alone doesn't explain this level of extreme behaviour. I assume she has some coexisting conditions, only she and her therapist know (if she has one). I don't think Autism would generate the HATE that she has for everyone and everything (but sure, as you said, we should just stop hating so much)
I defend her right to believe, and expouse those beliefs, as she will. Aren't there different "levels" of autism? Idk.
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CTB by a ticket soon
Jun 19, 2023
I'll just add my 5 cents. She's a normal human to me, lol. Pretty adequate in her judgement. Fully agree with her antinatalism sentiment. Though, it seems that the only thing she didn't realise is that in order to stay free we shouldn't forbid anyone to not have kids nor to have them. In both cases it would be a form of totalitarism. In short, the prolifers' right to have kids = my right to stay child free. I totally understand her disgust for people who bring kids into this shithole, but it seems that the people enjoy it. It's not affecting me, so who am I to tell them what to do. Insulting each other doesn't make sense neither.
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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Who's DB?
A user called "dead battery" I assume. He contributed to sharing SN sources publicly on this site which is probably why the pro lifers are happy over his death
It's all recuckadur's fault. He snitched on me. Anyways, is for losers
Fuck rekamadur. Snitches are losers
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CTB by a ticket soon
Jun 19, 2023
"Stop sanctioned suicide" are having the best time of their lives knowing that DB has CBT and now FC is banned
This site still have famous Brick In The Wall with their highly influential comments in game threads, nothing is gonna stop them
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Feb 3, 2023
I think the ban of FC is wrong.
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Jul 23, 2022
Damn. I never thought that FC would actually get banned after a long time of the status quo being the status quo. Frankly that is how I know I've lingered on this site for way too long lol.

I remember first encountering her posts here and taking in her presence. Honestly it was kind of amusing to me to see new members' impressions of and reactions to her as they first got to know her. It was like a rite of admission.

I do hope she is okay. You don't generally know how you'll feel about something till it happens and I must admit, there is an element of the monkey paw curling!
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Aug 24, 2023
Who's DB?
A user called "dead battery" I assume. He contributed to sharing SN sources publicly on this site which is probably why the pro lifers are happy over his death
Exactly, he was a fun and caring person, he also leaked some screenshots of the "Stop Sanctioned Suicide" telegram group and taunted them.
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
Sadly some users tend to repeatedly contribute to the increase of their warning points despite given several chances and a broad leeway. I believe they can't help themselves which is quite sad to witness this issue causing them to lose the only sense of community they believed they had. My heart aches for her. Even though I didn't always agree with her views I know she was deeply hurting and now she has lost whatever this place offered her.
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main character of sasu
Mar 31, 2024
I hope FuneralCry is okay
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I think the ban of FC is wrong.
Same but it isn't a perma ban as they're only banned for a month so I guess it's somewhat okay?
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welcome home old friend, how was your life?
Mar 24, 2024
Same but it isn't a perma ban as they're only banned for a month so I guess it's somewhat okay?
now will wait for that day, i mean confetti or smth
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Same but it isn't a perma ban as they're only banned for a month so I guess it's somewhat okay?
Not going to launch into FC now she has no right to reply but going to state here, (given the white noise being made around how awful it must be for FC abd how she must be afforded special consideration not extended to others) on behalf of myself and the not insignificant number of sound users who no longer feel welcome here as a result of interacting with her, that l hope she remains banned.
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
This actually raises concern, because the "auto ban" suggests these decisions are automated and out of the hands of staff when in reality each warning is given by staff depending on how a violation is perceived to have taken place. It would be more honest to say "we banned x user" than to pass the responsibility for such a decision over to some mythical automated system.

Every time a user gets a warning they get a certain amount of % warning. Most of those warnings expire in 2 months .
( Depending on the rule violation)

When you reach 100% it automatically results in a ban.

So, the warnings are given by staff, not ' a mythical system's

FC had just to many % warning that the last time a mod warned her she crossed the 100% line.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Every time a user gets a warning they get a certain amount of % warning. Most of those warnings expire in 2 months .
( Depending on the rule violation)

When you reach 100% it automatically results in a ban.
Yes l know this, but there is no such thing as an "automatic" ban, because a mod has to decide which percentage points are applied, and when, and the percentage points which take someone over 100% are all decided by a mod.

You are describing something as "auto ban" whilst also describing the fact that this automatic output is governed entirely by moderator assessment and decision making. I don't have a problem with this fwiw, even as someone who has been given flaky percentage points for bullshit reasons because I'm on the staff naughty list, l just think it may be better if staff would acknowledge someone was banned because they were repeatedly warned and failed to heed the warning rather than suggest it was automatic and essentially in the hands of a calculated algorithm.
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Life is no more beautiful than its cruelest suffer
May 15, 2024
I haven't been here long and I won't be here long. I don't know FC as person. And I don't know her real life situation either. I can't guarantee that my assessment of her is correct, but I would like to share it anyway...

She doesn't hate people, she just hates her situation. It is pain, great pain.
She wants to die but can't, for whatever reason. She is stuck between life and death. When she talks about being hollow and empty, that is even one of the positive feelings.
This person is suffering so much and is powerless to change the situation. This person does not want to go through this suffering again under any circumstances. She doesn't hate, she begs... Why do we procreate, why did we procreate, it creates unbelievably cruel suffering with an endless depths. And she's damn right about that. Every birth exists out of selfishness. Even if the birth had a good reason, it is always selfish. You don't have a child for the good of the child. And if that's what you think, then that's naive. Because you don't know if the child will be happy in life.
And even if you are parents, it doesn't change reality.
You are not bad people because you have children. She has nothing against her parents. So why should she hate other parents?
It questions reproduction as a whole, not that of the individual. She refers primarily to the history of evolution. The fact that humans as a whole have never stopped procreating is a selfish tragedy.
She doesn't hate people who are happy, she just doesn't understand them. What she hates are people who are happy and behave disgustingly. Out of her desperate anger, she generalises a little too much.
I find it so sad to see how short-sightedly people talk about her. I don't understand why people don't just ignore her.
I hope that the ban doesn't affect her too much, but I'm afraid it will. The only refuge in her lonely agonising life has abandoned her. Things are getting worse. The depth knows no bottom unless it is the most intense pain one can consciously bear.
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Jan 21, 2024
This really sums it up for me.

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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Ah, I thought permanent ban.
@Placo @ijustwishtodie @Dr Iron Arc everyone on this thread :

from what @Bed said . it doesn't seem definite FC will be allowed back. what it seems they said is that for now banned but will determine again? in a month if they will let FC back or not ?
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Sep 1, 2020
I'll tell you something that was done to her that she wouldn't ever think of doing to another human being who is suffering. Laugh at anybody's post. She was always there to show support and to let people know that she understands. She may have made generalizations that people didn't like, but she would never do to others what was so callously done to her. You don't laugh and make fun of other peoples sufferings...ever.
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Jul 23, 2022
I'll tell you something that was done to her that she wouldn't ever think of doing to another human being who is suffering. Laugh at anybody's post. She was always there to show support and to let people know that she understands. She may have made generalizations that people didn't like, but she would never do to others what was so callously done to her. You don't laugh and make fun of other peoples sufferings...ever.
That's because all humor was evil in her eyes.
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