Are you here because of discrimination issues? Homophobia?
I can't say I want to ctb because of homophobia or because of my homosexuality (female here, lesbian).
I have a mental disorder.
But I guess being a minority (and belonging to many of them simultaneously doesn't help). Yes it makes you feel not normal, excluded etc.
Still, the biggest problem I have with being a lesbian is the extreme small dating pool (not to mention that you end up dating your ex's ex).
But just in terms of opportunities there's nothing to compare. When you're a woman, almost every man wants something with you. Literally every single day you could have an opportunity (now, obviously, most of that attention is just for sex).
Still, most straight (or bi) women I know are married. Some for the second time. Some even for the third time.
Sometimes quite quickly. Not even one year after the relationship started; about 1 year and a half, 2 years.
Talk to me about a female homosexual being able to have multiple girlfriends like that in her teens (2, 3, 4), then marrying a woman at age 25, then another one at age 35. And then another one at age 50.
Well, I'm not trying to make it sound like it's desirable to just keep marrying and divorcing.
I'm just trying to make a parallel, so one can understand that the struggle is real: that is to find a woman who is into women. Who wants to date. Possibly for something serious, long-term. And then getting married.
Actually, I am also struggling with the fact that many people who were known (and described themselves) as lesbians end up transitioning i.e.: claim they are NBs (this one can still be ok maybe for a female homosexual) but sometimes it's just man's identity. So you have to refer to them as such, talk about them in society as such. This does have an impact on your sexual identity. You said you're a female lesbian. How can you come to terms that you're supposed to be in a relationship with a man, now?
The dissonance can even be greater if the medical transition is present and goes stronger. T shots, facial and body hair, lowering of voice, mastectomy and so on.
While I have no problems with transmen and could be friends with anyone (it's personality that matters), I do think it's problematic both for that person and for me if we do date.
Problematic for me: I explained why but problematic for them because: well, if you date a female who says she is into women, what does it tell about what she considers you as? Does she really see you as a man?
Well, so yes... I am talking about this because multiple lesbians I knew (they called themselves that and some continue... puzzling) just "became" NBs or transmen (I recall 5 just now and I was attracted to part of them prior to all that and for one of them, I almost dated them, distance was the problem). I recall one additional person, who's nothing less that my ex.
So yes, for me it does bring me some confusion. And I do acknowledge that I am worried to be in a relationship with someone who decides to transition. I sure will support them. Love is love <3
I'm just saying it makes me anxious because this messes with my sexual identity and my orientation.
I certainly do not want to discard the anxiety transpeople feel, I know it's super hard. I would support a friend no matter what. But sexuality is something very intimate and attraction is what it is. It's difficult to expect (I guess most?) lesbians to still be into it when it's a fully-blown man lying next to them.
So yes, for me the fluidity of sexual orientation, multiplicity and fluidity of gender is a source of discomfort and anxiety. I guess I have a more rigid mind and I need some certainties or at least stability. It's a source of anguish knowing something I put care, energy and commitment in can just be shattered just like and that it can happen in just any area to the same extent and probability. We do need some sense of stable self, we need those healthy expectations about the people we're supposed to know. That's supposed to make us feel secure.
It's a problem if you do not know if you're just going to lose your job like that (having no security), if the landlord can suddenly tell you to clear off (and you have no guarantee), if you're partner can just leave you like that without giving any signal.
I guess that's also the kind of things that make us ill. We always need a kind of safe haven. Now many got rid of God, so what is left.
Ok, so that was just my 2 cents. As I said, I do not intent to hurt anyone. Take this post for what it is: a single person's viewpoint, who is not claiming to have the ultimate truth. I wouldn't be here otherwise looking for methods and/or a partner to end it.
My life is a misery and maybe it's also because I do not think right. So there may be many errors of judgment in everything I laid down here. Maybe a certain amount of lack of open-mindedness is killing me. I don't know. But hopefully, the end is near.
Also, thanks for asking that very useful and helpful questions.
Yes we have higher rates of suicide. We should love on and care for one another.