One thing that helps a lot is a cool or cold room. I can't sleep if it's hot. My uncle used to sleep outside even during cold weather.
Also, whenever you do sleep or feel calm, immediately write down WHY you fell asleep or felt calm. There was a person who couldn't sleep unless they smelled orange or was it lemon because they used to live at an orange or lemon farm in their childhood.
They also use oranges when selling houses, because somehow it automatically relaxes people and makes them like the house more. So maybe you could try sniffing some oranges or put oranges beside your bed. Or any other things that smell nice for you.
Also, always wash your mouth and flosh. I cannot sleep if my mouth tastes of anything or if my mouth hurts. And pay attention to smells. I cannot sleep if I smell anything I don't like.
And pay really close attention to whether you're thirsty or have a need to pee. I can't sleep if I feel even a bit thirsty or in need of peeing.
And buy a good pillow that won't make your neck hurt.
And notice how your pillow feels. Is it too hard? Too soft? Is it too warm? Too cold?
Also about caffeine, I knew one person who could NOT sleep unless they drank caffeine. So maybe it's your body nagging "Give me caffeine, I'm suffering from withdrawals" and it might be best if you either took a tiny bit of caffeine in the night or stopped using caffeine completely and taught your body to live without.
Physical activity also helps. I still remember when I moved and after moving boxes from one apartment to another I was so tired I just fell asleep immediately.
But also, too much physical activity is bad. And if you eat too much certain things, your body goes into a hypermode and you can't fall asleep. I was really tired today the whole day but then I ate some things and now it's morning and I feel like I could run a marathon. Eat a tiny bit less and pay attention to what ingredients make you more active. But also, if you're really hungry at night, it's best to eat slightly, at least I cannot fall asleep if I'm hungry. But usually it's recommended to eat less for night.
Do calming things before bed. Social activity can make you agitated, even positive social activity. So no social activity before bed. No seeing other humans, talking with other humans, no social media or youtube. DON'T DO ANYTHING THAT MAKES YOU THINK HARD OR FEEL STRONG EMOTIONS! Let the hour before you go to bed be "you time". Doodle something, or read something, or just sit down and relax or take a bath or give yourself a massage or sit in a massage chair, or stretch gently or clean things or just watch out of window.
At least for me, the more social activity I get (on the internet or offline) the harder it is to sleep. Also, use a blue light filter app on PC/phone.
I really hope this can help!