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Dec 22, 2023
Just wondering as Ive heard about people suffering from it...


Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
Depends what peaceful means to you. Probably no physical pain but personally I think SN and pentobarbital would be too slow to give emotional peace.

I couldn't cope with being stuck in my head for upwards of 15 minutes knowing I was about to die. I understand why so many call for help.
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Suicide Girl

Suicide Girl

Feb 28, 2024
Só estou me perguntando como falar de pessoas que sofrem com isso ...

Os seguintes sintomas podem ser observados através do envenenamento por SN:
  • Náusea
  • Pele, lábios ou leito ungueal pálidos, acinzentados ou azulados (cianose).
  • Falta de ar.
  • Fadiga.
  • Confusão.
  • Dor de cabeça.
  • Tontura.
  • Frequência cardíaca rápida (taquicardia).
Abaixo está o cronograma geral, mas pode ser diferente

3 minutos
5 minutosMuito sonolento, responsivo
12 minutosInconsciente
15 minutosSono profundo/não despertável
25 minutosAumento da cianose
30 minutosRespiração irregular e superficial
40 minutosmorte

Abaixo um relato de um usuário que teve sucesso

Depois de tomar sn:
22:45 SN ingerido
22:49 comecei a fumar pela última vez
22:50 começando a sentir náuseas
22:50 a tontura está se instalando
22:51 vomitei um pouco em um saco plástico
22:52 caiu, não respondi mais ao som
22:53 Tentei dizer alguma coisa, o corpo está em convulsão
22:54 inconsciente , respiração superficial
22:55 mais convulsões, a respiração está ficando mais difícil
22:58 mal respira agora
23:02 parece que ele está respirando com mais firmeza agora?
23:04 ainda respirando de alguma forma
23:07 ainda respirando, embora lentamente. não consciente
23:10 não respira mais (não tenho 100% de certeza disso)
23:18 nenhum movimento, achamos que ele está em paz agora

O observador comenta:
No geral, pareceu muito rápido e pacífico.


* indica alguma incerteza, ** indica mutabilidade

CritérioSN (nitrito de sódio)
Confiabilidade (10)7*
Tranquilidade (10)7
Disponibilidade (10)9**
Preparação (5)5
Indetectabilidade (5)2
Velocidade (5)3*
Segurança (5)5
Armazenamento (5)4
Legalidade (5)5
Total (60 ou 100%)47 ou 78%
Last edited:


Dec 22, 2023
Depends what peaceful means to you. Probably no physical pain but personally I think SN and pentobarbital would be too slow to give emotional peace.

I couldn't cope with being stuck in my head for upwards of 15 minutes knowing I was about to die. I understand why so many call for help.
Well, only 15 minutes? If it really works 15 minutes is nothing..
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Feb 17, 2024
A guy livestreamed his SN CTB in 2020. Sounds awful to me. But he did die in about 30 minutes.

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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Depends what peaceful means to you. Probably no physical pain but personally I think SN and pentobarbital would be too slow to give emotional peace.

I couldn't cope with being stuck in my head for upwards of 15 minutes knowing I was about to die. I understand why so many call for help.
I'm not looking forward to it but my choices are limited. I just hope it fucking gets the job done.
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Feb 17, 2024
I think SN and pentobarbital would be too slow to give emotional peace

The two are totally different. Every pentobarbitol/Nembutal (N) CTB I've watched on video, which is at least 10 of them, all of them were unconscious in less than a minute, and dead within 3-4 minutes.
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
Unless you have access to N or inert gas, dying can't fully be peaceful. A definite sure success can only be guaranteed in assisted dying. The rest you will be taking a risk of failure, be it small or big. It differs on everyone's opinion what they consider peaceful, but for me SN is the next best thing if you don't have access to the above methods. From all the reports of SN, I wouldn't call the symptoms suffering or agonizing in any way.
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Mar 6, 2024
i think the biggest problem with SN is the nausea.
Antiemetics are important
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Apr 7, 2023
Unless you have access to N or inert gas, dying can't fully be peaceful. A definite sure success can only be guaranteed in assisted dying. The rest you will be taking a risk of failure, be it small or big. It differs on everyone's opinion what they consider peaceful, but for me SN is the next best thing if you don't have access to the above methods. From all the reports of SN, I wouldn't call the symptoms suffering or agonizing in any way.
What about carbon monoxide with charcoal? How does that method rate for you?


Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
What about carbon monoxide with charcoal? How does that method rate for you?
Another good alternative. I love the fact that there are many accedental deaths with this one. It shows you how peaceful it can be with the right concentration level. But if you don't have a CO meter to insure that or a tight seal the effects of CO can be hell.
Tommen Baratheon

Tommen Baratheon

Dec 26, 2023
Unless you have access to N or inert gas, dying can't fully be peaceful. A definite sure success can only be guaranteed in assisted dying. The rest you will be taking a risk of failure, be it small or big. It differs on everyone's opinion what they consider peaceful, but for me SN is the next best thing if you don't have access to the above methods. From all the reports of SN, I wouldn't call the symptoms suffering or agonizing in any way.
Jumping will only take a few seconds. No vomiting, no convulsions and if it's high enough chances you will die are close to 100%.

I thought SN was it, but it doesn't sound peaceful to me. Boudewijn Chabot writes in Uitweg (Dignified Dying): SN and SA sometimes do not cause a peaceful death. However, he says more witnesses are needed to gain more information (the book I have was revised in 2022).
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
Jumping will only take a few seconds. No vomiting, no convulsions and if it's high enough chances you will die are close to 100%.
Yes jumping only takes a few seconds but for me personally, the terror of jumping from that hight doesn't come close to drinking a 50ml salty solution. Plus, yes we can do everything to insure success but the possible failure from jumping and sn doesn't compare in any way.
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Que hart

Mar 8, 2024
A guy livestreamed his SN CTB in 2020. Sounds awful to me. But he did die in about 30 minutes.

Is there a vod of it
Yes jumping only takes a few seconds but for me personally, the terror of jumping from that hight doesn't come close to drinking a 50ml salty solution. Plus, yes we can do everything to insure success but the possible failure from jumping and sn doesn't compare in any way.
Yeah but I'm scared of becoming a vegetable after I take sn
  • Aww..
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
Yeah but I'm scared of becoming a vegetable after I take sn
When the proper guide line is followed sn is pretty lethal. I have yet to see a data showing vegetative state from sn failure. With sn the most common senerios are you either die shortly or even on the route to or in the ER. Or you throw up and survie it at home or survie after given an antidote. The few survivors seem to be fine and on the way to their next attempt.
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Sep 12, 2023
After reading here in sasu. it seems way more peaceful (like not violent and stuff) then other methods. But I would prefere nitrogen. In my opinion, and after switching things faster then fast. I found that nitrogen may be the best most peaceful way to go. Anyways Good luck to you.
And ps: I do not think sn is the worst way to leave considering fallowing the protocol here.
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Deleted member 65988

Oh, another SN thread, fantastic..
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Deleted member 65988

Yeah but I'm scared of becoming a vegetable after I take sn
As if any other method in comparison doesn't carry the risk of some kind of damage to vital organs. It comes with the territory when you are attempting to ctb.
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Deleted member 65988

This is very helpful. Thank you. Really.
The point here is, we've seen discussions go round and round in the same circles, some members state that it's awful and takes too long to ctb while others state that out of the methods left that aren't available to them, it's the best method they have because they can't get anything else they'd consider superior to SN, and thanks but the snarky sarcasm was definitely not necessary from you. At the end of it, a topic like this have been beaten to death already over the years and are rather repetitive at this rate. Everyone knows what to expect from this method so nothing else should be a surprise regarding its overall subjective experience.

Here are two examples of sn ctbs.
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Que hart

Mar 8, 2024
As if any other method in comparison doesn't carry the risk of some kind of damage to vital organs. It comes with the territory when you are attempting to ctb.
Ion know why you responded in a hostile manner when I was only stating my fears about my own ctb


Apr 7, 2023
Another good alternative. I love the fact that there are many accedental deaths with this one. It shows you how peaceful it can be with the right concentration level. But if you don't have a CO meter to insure that or a tight seal the effects of CO can be hell.
I would really appreciate it if you could help me understand exactly what you're supposed to do with this method.

Do you bring the charcoal into the room, wait for the CO level to peak, and then enter the room? Seems problematic as you would be suffering from the effects of the CO, and SI would kick in.

Do you go inside the room at the same time as the charcoal and go to sleep? Well this is also problematic because there's no way you'll be able to fall sleep knowing you're about to die.


Aug 30, 2022
The two are totally different. Every pentobarbitol/Nembutal (N) CTB I've watched on video, which is at least 10 of them, all of them were unconscious in less than a minute, and dead within 3-4 minutes.
Where have you seen 10 videos of N suicides? 🤔
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Feb 16, 2024
A guy livestreamed his SN CTB in 2020. Sounds awful to me. But he did die in about 30 minutes.

I've read the GT and probably he didn't died in 30 minutes, absolutely unconscious. As I understand it usually takes 1-3 hours.


Mar 15, 2019
A guy livestreamed his SN CTB in 2020. Sounds awful to me. But he did die in about 30 minutes.

Wow, just read the post that outlined the details minute by minute. Must be very difficult to actually witness it happening live. That witness definitely has a strong mind

Does seem like a lot of vomiting involved. There is a chance the cigarette also triggered the vomiting, since it happened almost right after it. Probably not the best idea to smoke after ingesting SN
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Tommen Baratheon

Tommen Baratheon

Dec 26, 2023
The point here is, we've seen discussions go round and round in the same circles, some members state that it's awful and takes too long to ctb while others state that out of the methods left that aren't available to them, it's the best method they have because they can't get anything else they'd consider superior to SN, and thanks but the snarky sarcasm was definitely not necessary from you. At the end of it, a topic like this have been beaten to death already over the years and are rather repetitive at this rate. Everyone knows what to expect from this method so nothing else should be a surprise regarding its overall subjective experience.

Here are two examples of sn ctbs.
You're projecting; the snarky sarcasm actually came from you hence my reaction. If it had been accompanied with the links you now provide it really would have been helpful. But yours was a sarcastic remark and don't you deny it.

Back to the OP...


Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
I would really appreciate it if you could help me understand exactly what you're supposed to do with this method.
Sorry, I haven't yet considered the charcoal as my method since I live in a hot area and would cause suspicion, so I haven't researched it in depth and can't help you but using the search bar you can find many other helpful threads on the CO method including the megathread.


Feb 16, 2024
I think sn is rather peaceful after Nitrogen or OP od. Everything else like jumping, drowning, firearms, hanging looks terrible.
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Mar 15, 2019
I think sn is rather peaceful after Nitrogen or OP od. Everything else like jumping, drowning, firearms, hanging looks terrible.
Should be rather peaceful for most people. There have been members on here that survived after ingesting SN, and shared their experience. I recall some of them said the overall discomfort level was comparable to the feeling of being very sick from a flu

So in some ways, maybe its similar to a more serious flu, and the feeling last for around 15 minutes, before going unconscious

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