Hello, I'm happy that I discovered SS a few days ago and wanna introduce myself a little bit.
I am in my mid 20s and I'm at a crossroads if I will continue living or do the shortcut and stop this torture experiment called life. I have a massive attachment trauma from my childhood (severe operation as a baby and being alone in critical care unit, forced attachment therapy by my dominant mother, send to psychiatric hospital trying to break my will there, a slob as a father, bullying in school, no friends and zero people who I trust and could talk to, ...), with 13 I had concrete suicide plans if life gets worse, but after treatment I was "officially cured" (that means I was just a mask outside and inside empty, so empty that I didn't even realize my situation and how bad I feel.) Some years I proceeded as a solitary "good boy" in school, but after my grandpa died, i fell into depression which last with some ups und downs until today.
My major point is not depression, but the inability to come close to people, on both counts, in sexual way and in relationship issues, and if I ctb, this unbearable loneliness will be be the reaseon in combination with no hope of enhancement. Regulary I got frozen, stand beside me, tremble, loose all feeling within seconds or act like a little child who's looking for unconditional love, combined with so much shame about me, being so sensible, when I meet a girl closer, then I cannot bear it and subsequently need to keep distance again and this is so painful that with every time I try I come nearer to the threshold of death.
I'm an open-minded, sensible, spiritual interested, sarcastic and loyal human. In my leisure time (therefore all the day) I do reading books, sleeping, eating, sitting in front of my PC, being in nature or just waisting time. Either my degrading life is getting significant better this year or we'll see us in Partners Megathread then.
Love you all!