

The Cake Is A Lie
Aug 12, 2021
The reaction wasn't that severe, but I did see a doctor at a walk-in clinic. I had hives and itching across my whole body and mild breathing difficulties for several days following the first shot.

My GP basically instructed me to take a shitload of anti-histamines for a week before/after the second dose. I had no breathing troubles with the second shot, but the itching still happened.
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Sad Millennial
Mar 28, 2021
To protect the elderly and immunocompromised around me. I don't intend to live very long so I don't care about getting sick and dying myself, but I don't want to transmit anything to anyone either. I did it to do my part in tackling this virus. Nothing more.
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Apr 23, 2020
To protect the elderly and immunocompromised around me. I don't intend to live very long so I don't care about getting sick and dying myself, but I don't want to transmit anything to anyone either. I did it to do my part in tackling this virus. Nothing more.
Same here. I'm hoping to die no later than age 60, if I don't CTB earlier. But I also don't want to knowingly harm a person who does want to live longer. So I got my Biden-19 vaccine. The side effects were a little bit like smoking weed, so no skin off my nose.


Apr 19, 2018
I want to prevent the spread of the virus.


Aug 12, 2021
I'm new here but I am really surprised that people are just tearing each other apart in this thread... I get that politics in general are toxic, but geez... I figured we were all messed up here enough to at least treat each other with respect and dignity since we all decided to join here lol..

I'm getting my first Monday. Nothing political for me. I'm an independent. I'm doing it for a lot of reasons, but one big one is my grandmother is in an assisted living facility and I want to be able to visit her without worrying about giving her COVID. She is vaccinated but yet still has COVID right now, and it just felt like the right time for me to do this. The basic reasons are that even though COVID probably won't kill me, I still don't want to deal with the possible symptoms and I don't want to spread it if I can help it nor do I want to go out that way if it did in fact kill me. I usually keep to myself anyways so that on top of finally being vaccinated will hopefully keep me from getting and spreading. I can't say I 100% trust the vaccine, but I also can't say I trust COVID either and so I'm just picking what I consider to be the lesser of two evils at this point.

Also, just to note, I would never ever tell someone that they need to or don't need to do something like this. To me, it's an individual's choice. I can't make that decision for anyone, nor would I want to. I respect your decision either way as much I respect your right to live or not.
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Feb 9, 2021
Had to have it to go to graduate school and if I'm going to stay alive I might as well go to school. Probably would have had it regardless because I have a relative known for getting sick a lot and don't want to give them COVID


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Aug 13, 2019
Because it was a requirement for working, the sober living home I'm currently residing in, and that's it. Otherwise I wouldn't have gotten it at all.


Aug 23, 2020
Can't believe people are getting these fake American vaccines. I'll only get the Chinese one, they made the virus so of course their vaccine is going to be the best.

Jokes aside, I got the Pfizer vaccine, only got it because I think it would be more of a hassle not to get it.


May 14, 2018
Biden-19 vaccine
ROFLcopter! I just laughed so hard, I spit rice and beans all over my keyboard. Please don't call immigration, I'm legal.
Just so we are on the same page, the virus which started in another country, on Trump's watch, which he caught, then he took credit for the vaccine, but now it's Biden-19.

Covid effects every country in the world and why don't they politicalize it, do nothing and blame it all on US politics?



no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
Covid is a nasty, nasty death. No thanks on that one. I'd also rather not kill anyone, especially not my own medically fragile friends and relatives.

I'd also like to second others' cautions about long covid. I probably have it myself. At least I had covid for about a week in November of 2020, and I've been sick as hell ever since. Maybe 3-5 days of actual covid symptoms, and then months of inexplicable fatigue, weakness, mental confusion, and nausea. I don't know when or if I'll ever get rid of it. Ironically, ketamine infusions have lifted my depression just enough to blunt my desire to die. So I pretty much spend the day hauling myself from bed to chair to different chair to bed. I almost missed my baby sister's wedding because I felt so awful. I look like a propped-up corpse in the wedding photos.

Covid is not a joke or a hoax. This is a virus that will wreck you. You can maximize your chances of catching it if you want, I guess. No one can stop you. You can beat yourself over the head with a hammer if you want, too. It seems weird that I would have to say those things, even to suicidal people, but we live in a weird world now.
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disabled • slowly withering away 🍂
Aug 14, 2021
To prevent severe covid. This bitch doesn't get to kill me, I want to die on my own terms.
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Professional fence sitter
Mar 15, 2019
Like some said before me, I did it to protect others. I have had pneumonia and bronchitis before and that is NOT just a cold. I'll pass on the living misery of long covid and choose my own way to ctb.


Apr 23, 2020
To prevent severe covid. This bitch doesn't get to kill me, I want to die on my own terms.
That makes one of us. I've been going to crowded parties, traveling out of state, and doing things that'd give Nazi Fauci a heart attack---like French kissing a woman whose health status I knew nothing about. All pretty much since May 2020. And still didn't get Biden-19.

Last year, I'd sell my soul to get Biden-19 and die from it, because I was suicidal from the social isolation. This year, I'm more ambivalent, because I made like-minded friends, who see through Nazi Fauci's lies, and still want to socialize. But I'll take death pretty willingly if it comes to me.
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Jun 13, 2021
Might get it eventually but for now I'm a shut in and you can't take the vaccine within three weeks of antibiotics.
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Ancient of Mu-Mu
May 18, 2021
It's impossible to prove any allegations that the vax has been the direct cause of death yet. Something that serious will equire an indepth autopsy,coroners inquest which will take a least a year.
But if anyone does think hey have suffered side effects PLEASE report them as this is how we find out about it's safety,beyond the extensive clinical trials