Not being a jerk, BUT unvaccinated people ARE a breeding ground for NEW variants of covid, think delta variant. I am 65 and I have seen everything from teenagers to people a lot older than me on ventilators AND if on a ventilator too long it can have issues from the ventilator. Also I have been around people who test positive for covid BUT they do not come down with it, BUT they can pass it all around and I would HATE to give it to someone and have them get sick or worse. Walter
Walter, you really need to stop watching the news and go and learn the science. All you're doing is repeating what the tv told you with no thinking at all.
It's the vaccinated who are the breeding grounds, you have a "leaky" "vaccine" inside you that doesn't stop you contracting or spreading it. The CDC now admit that jabbed people are spreading it, potentially more than unjabbed. And this makes sense. IF it does lessen your symptoms, then instead of laying at home in bed, you're wandering around spreading it.
Fauci has admitted the viral load between jabbed and unjabbed is the same, therefore the same spread. [
Anyway, you have a jab, you get the disease, the disease mutates inside you just like in everyone, and what will eventually pop out the other side is a variant that is jab resistant. That can't happen in unjabbed people, only jabbed people.
In Israel the numbers of people in hospital and dying are predominantly jabbed, if 78% of a particular age groups are jabbed, 80%+ in hospital are jabbed up.
Except in 20-29 year olds, where 71% are jabbed and the hospitalisations are 78%+'
How can that be?
If 0% of the population were jabbed then 0% in hospital would be jabbed.
If 100% of people were jabbed then 100% in hospital would be jabbed.
If 75% of people are jabbed, and the jab gives you some form of protection at all, then how can more than 75% of people in hospital be jabbed - more than the unjabbed?
If you cannot see the logical fallacy in this, then there really is no hope for you.
If the jab makes the symptoms less and avoids hospitalisation, then how can more people as a percentage be in hospital who had it?
דשבורד הבריאות של משרד הבריאות הינו פורטל חדשני במגזר הציבורי ובכלל, להחצנה והנגשת נתונים לציבור הרחב. מטרת הדשבורד להעמיק את הידע על תחומי האחריות של משרד הבריאות, לעודד מחקר, דיון, גיבוש תובנות ופעולות מבוססות נתונים. משרד הבריאות רואה חשיבות רבה בהשבחת נכסי המידע והצגתם לציבור בצורה פשוטה...
Go to:
Investigate morbidity and vaccination
Go to: Active Patients - Age and Hospitality
Select: Absolute Numbers - not the "per 100,000 that's how we fudge the numbers" guff, the ACTUAL NUMBERS OF PEOPLE ILL>
Then read it and weep.
To put it another way:
I have an amazing new diet pill, the government, scientists and celebrities all tell you it's an amazing new diet pill.
Half the people take it, half don't, and 6 months later when they get on the scales no one has lost any weight.
In fact some people who took it put on weight, even though their eating habits didn't change and they consumed the same numbers of calories.
"Oh no, the diet pill definitely works, the gubment said so, and those people who didn't lose weight or put weight on, it must have been a new variant of calories that made it not work, or they were unique "breakthrough cases" where eating less makes you add more weight".
But the diet pill - it definitely works, the gubment said so. I'm going for my booster diet pills, just to make sure.
Fauci - masks don't work, they're useless. Fauci: masks are essential. Fauci: masks aren't needed. Fauci: we should all wear masks again. Fauci: The vaccines are safe and effective. Fauci: The people jabbed and unjabbed have the same viral load. Fauci: Jabbed people definitely need to wear masks.
WHY are you listening to these clowns still?
You do realise a virus makes you ill by replicating inside your body, the more it replicates the more viral load you have and the iller you get.
So if jabbed and unjabbed have the same viral load, how the flippety flop is the jab doing ANYTHING to help you?
It isn't magic, it's basic, simple biology, but it seems mr common sense left the building 18 months ago and mr fear of death has taken over the establishment.
And your brains, rendering all of you incapable of simple, rational thought.