Of course, it would just be so relieving to have the option to peacefully cease existing in a guaranteed way. I mean after all we are all just waiting to cease existing anyway so I see it as the most ideal to die in a peaceful way on my own terms. In my case I'd certainly see it as better to cease existing no matter what, it isn't like anyone can suffer from being eternally unaware, the non-existent have no problems or concerns after all.
And in comparison existence just causes suffering and so much harm, it's terrifying how there is no limit as to how much one can suffer in this evil world. So having the option to be euthanised certainly would be so incredibly relieving, I despise how it's not allowed where I exist. Euthanasia could only ever be something positive as it means finding peace from the burden of existing as a human, to me human existence was a terrible, tragic mistake in the first place, only non-existence is desirable. I don't have any interest in deteriorating from age in this meaningless existence there was never a need for, in my case ceasing to exist would solve everything.