
Dec 25, 2023
This entire thread is completely crazy and shows his much everyone had been brainwashed by legacy media to vote against their own interests and wellbeing.

Under Trump there was an economic miracle. There was low inflation, low energy and gas prices, high employment (and goid jobs at that). Biden threw all this away and utterly wrecked the economy, stealing money from everyone with prolonged high inflation. Combined with out of control and reckless government spending, the country now faces bankruptcy before long and can barely cover the cost of the interest on the debt!!

Trump defeated ISIS, calmed tensions in North Korea, negotiated successful peace deals in the Middle East and avoided wars there. Contrary to media propaganda, he's the only President who ever kept Russia in check, whereas his predecessors and successor oversaw invasions.

He secured the border secured energy independence whereas Biden has engineered an invasion by millions of dangerous illegal aliens in an attempt to overthrow democracy. Biden even drained all the important oil reserves Trump had painstakingly restored.

Biden/Harris have engineered corrupt kangaroo courts to invent unique laws or interprets law in news ways specifically to attack democracy. Meanwhile Trump didn't even imprison Hillary, despite multiple serious crimes. We even the Communists trying to get the best hope for the country off the ballot without even the hint of any legal justification.

Under Harris-Biden the USA is worse than a banana republic where political opponents of the regime are harassed, jailed and murdered. The projection the left is off the scale.

Everyone with the slightest bit of common sense knew Biden was an utterly corrupt senile pedophile, but some people actually believed the media when they constantly pretend otherwise.

The main dirt on Trump during his presidency was a hoax dossier illegally paid for by Hillary's campaign funds yet the media spent forever pretending it was real. Meanwhile, we had a laptop full of scandal after scandal after scandal, yet leftists and the media had to pretend that was fake even though they all knew otherwise. Its just lie after lie after lie after lie.

Trump isn't perfect, and the best solution overall ultimately is less government and more power to citizens and states such as with the baby killing laws . I really hope if elected he can carry out real reforms, prevent the currently inevitable bankruptcy of the country and kick out as many invaders as possible, preferably prosecuting those who engineered such a scandal for treason.

Oh, and it's simply incredible how people have to resort to fictional creations such as the Handmaidens Tale to attack Trump. In the real world there are of course hundreds of millions of women already living handmaidens tale lives all around the world right now. The cause of such oppression isn't minor overturning of unconstitutional laws, but the evil medieval death cult known as Islam. This cult is constantly praised and supported by the left and its evil completely ignored, meanwhile Trump opposes it (albeit not nearly strongly enough).
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Jul 18, 2024
If you don't live here, I have know idea why you'd want people to feel the misery of having their rights taken away, including trans people. It disgusts me to share a community with you. I really want to start a separate community for women who are kind and don't support dictators.
I don't. If you actually think that the US isn't a dictatorship, you're so delusional. The US is a huge prison where everyone is brainwashed to think they are free and democratic and in control. Kamala winning will ensure this prison keeps running as it always did. Trump is different. Trump is the only one who will make the American people wake up and see that they are actually slaves in a big prison. When he start applying Project 2025, the American people will start a revolution and make a real change. Not only the Americans will get their freedom, but all the people in the world will be freed from the American Empire enslavement.
I want kamela to win just so trump gets all pissy again and has a meltdown, more chaos, more entertainment.
Genocides aren't entertainment show
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