

Jun 11, 2024
I can't argue with what you stated, sad but true. But when scotus struck the right to an abortion from the constitution, it did light a fire and women (and men) voters responded at the state levels. So much for the red wave in the midterm elections. Those battles continue especially against the draconian legislation red states enacted following the very radical, and corrupt scotus courts Dobbs decision. I think women voters understand the threat to their rights at this moment, including some of those who voted for Vonshitzinpants. But yeah, it can't be just them, people have to go out and vote.
most of these women are conservatives so they think abortion is wrong


May 6, 2024
most of these women are conservatives so they think abortion is wrong
Religous conservatives yes, not all conservative women. The midterm elections proved that abortion rights being attacked brought women voters out, even in red states/districts. Outside of the religious right, women naturally want control over their own bodies, their reproductive rights. They are human after all, and being able to choose is a basic human right.


Freedom seeker
Nov 8, 2023
Yeah, because both the Republican and Democrat parties are well known for things, such as taking away reproductive rights and LGBTQ+ rights./s

I feel like this type of mentality stems less from actual political knowledge and more from wanting to pretend to be rebellious and "in the know" about things. It reminds me of those dudes who were try to argue that is centrist was punk, despite that subculture being well-known for generally leaning left. You don't vote for just yourself and your well-being, but also to ensure the well-being of those around you. To act as though both political parties are equal in how bad they are just highlights how ignorant you are to the ongoing issues with each party. One party doesn't mind taking away the rights of others they don't like. There is a reason why a lot of people from marginalized groups in particular are panicking right now and keeping a close eye on the election. There are even republicans who are now advocating for people to vote blue for this election because they are aware of bad things could go if Trump gets elected.

While likely unintentional, you are kind of showcasing that you don't tend to think about how these things impact anyone outside of yourself.
I don't give a fuck about anyone but myself.
And Fuck you for calling me ignorant. If you can't argue you insult,cool.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
I don't give a fuck about anyone but myself.
And it's people with this attitude that makes the world a worse place to live in.
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Apr 10, 2024
I want to CTB because I trusted Donald Trump & his goons. Voted for the guy twice. Supported him vocally. Trump responded by taking all of my money, crashing my health, and destroying my life.

Heads, they win
Tails, you lose.
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
I want Kamela to win just because Trump will throw a meltdown again and it will be really funny.
But still if Kamela wins Trump can still get a second term, he doesn't seem like the type of guy to give up.
One benefit in four years time, is he will be 82 years old at that point. Older than Biden is now. And we'll have had four years of Kamala, and if she's even half as "not-Trump" as Biden was, then reelection should be in her favour at that time.

I don't give a fuck about anyone but myself.
And Fuck you for calling me ignorant. If you can't argue you insult,cool.
Well, hold on a minute. This is glossing over the main point which is that the parties are NOT equal and do NOT have an equal effect on people. You should do some research on them to find out what each of them actually stands for and make an informed decision as to who to vote for.

To reiterate what's already been said in here, you're not voting for the best among them. You're voting for the least-awful option. It's a game of 'Pick Your Poison', and you're looking for the one that's going to do the least harm to you.
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Jul 1, 2024
I personally don't care who wins the presidency, as long as they do their due diligence and steer the country in the right direction.

The great thing about the USA is that you can basically pick a state that supports the laws and beliefs you do. For example, if you like guns and standing your ground, innovation, tech, and Joe Rogan, rodeos, etc..., move to Texas.

If you want to smoke a lot of pot and live on a beautiful beach, enjoy beautiful weather, and enjoy the high life a bit, move to California.

I know these choices aren't ideal for everyone (moving states) but it's better than having one government body that controls the entire country with an iron fist.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I don't give a fuck about anyone but myself.
And Fuck you for calling me ignorant. If you can't argue you insult,cool.
Yeah, as @WhiteRabbit said, people with attitudes like yours are part of the reason why this world is becoming an increasingly worse place to live in. Also, I didn't call you ignorant, I was saying that you were being ignorant. Ignorant is a word that can be used when talking about lacking knowledge around a particular area of interest, in this case, American politics.
To act as though both political parties are equal in how bad they are just highlights how ignorant you are to the ongoing issues with each party
I feel like it's clear, at least in context, that I wasn't using the term to insult you but to call out the fact that you don't seem to have much knowledge on this particular subject, but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe next I'll word it differently to ensure that this doesn't happen again.

With that out the way, to read my post and then proceed to disregard all of the points that I made because of one small part of it that you interpreted as being an insult directed towards you is kind of dumb. You can't say that I can't argue when I did argue. You treating it as though my entire post was one long list of insults doesn't change the fact that it wasn't.
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Sep 17, 2024
My worst self harm incident to date was when he got elected in 2016, and I still have prominent scars from this almost a decade later. The rise of extreme conservatism, White Nationalism, Christian Evangelical theocracy, and plain neo-fascism in the US is extremely upsetting and makes me want to not be alive anymore. I have no hope that this country will ever be "good" but it is destined for failure of this pedophilic, racist, homophobic felon gets in office again.

Project 2025 and the conservatives want to ban everything that makes life even marginally enjoyable. No porn, no alcohol or Marijuana, they want to make all my gay and transgender friends illegal and treat women like A Handmaid's Tale.

I am simply too disillusioned or maybe not strong enough to live through that, seeing all of our rights taken away until all the Bible Belt Boomers can finally feel safe at the end of their life. Fuck off, I hate these virtue-signaling assholes who just want control and theocracy.

If Trump wins in November I think I will be killing myself, I can't do it again.
I hope I'll be long gone before that happens and I totally feel you!
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Apr 10, 2024
To reiterate what's already been said in here, you're not voting for the best among them. You're voting for the least-awful option. It's a game of 'Pick Your Poison', and you're looking for the one that's going to do the least harm to you.

That's been the story of every election in my life. 9 elections and not one good candidate.
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Freedom seeker
Nov 8, 2023
One benefit in four years time, is he will be 82 years old at that point. Older than Biden is now. And we'll have had four years of Kamala, and if she's even half as "not-Trump" as Biden was, then reelection should be in her favour at that time.

Well, hold on a minute. This is glossing over the main point which is that the parties are NOT equal and do NOT have an equal effect on people. You should do some research on them to find out what each of them actually stands for and make an informed decision as to who to vote for.

To reiterate what's already been said in here, you're not voting for the best among them. You're voting for the least-awful option. It's a game of 'Pick Your Poison', and you're looking for the one that's going to do the least harm to you.
This isn't a political forum. Enough,I really don't care what you think or who gets elected. Enjoy your miserable life,that's why we're all here to begin with.
Yeah, as @WhiteRabbit said, people with attitudes like yours are part of the reason why this world is becoming an increasingly worse place to live in. Also, I didn't call you ignorant, I was saying that you were being ignorant. Ignorant is a word that can be used when talking about lacking knowledge around a particular area of interest, in this case, American politics.

I feel like it's clear, at least in context, that I wasn't using the term to insult you but to call out the fact that you don't seem to have much knowledge on this particular subject, but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe next I'll word it differently to ensure that this doesn't happen again.

With that out the way, to read my post and then proceed to disregard all of the points that I made because of one small part of it that you interpreted as being an insult directed towards you is kind of dumb. You can't say that I can't argue when I did argue. You treating it as though my entire post was one long list of insults doesn't change the fact that it wasn't.
Whatever, I don't care what you think or who you vote for. This isn't a political forum. So enjoy your miserable life,that's what this place is for.
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Jun 2, 2024
Politics is all bullshit. Does anyone really think orange man or kameltoe give two fucks about me or you? If you do your wrong. They're two wings of the same fuckin bird. Just there to shit on all o

That's been the story of every election in my life. 9 elections and not one good candidate.
Yeah, I couldn't care less who wins and loses because I'll CTB before such occurs anyways. Call me selfish if you'd like but from my experience as someone approaching 40 nothing will ever improve and everything will just get progressively worse.
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
I feel you. part of why I'm CTBing is large scale societal things I don't want to deal with
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Sep 15, 2023
Not to be an asshole, but you need some serious psychiatric help if politics beyond your events make you that self destructive.

Also Project 2025 was not only canned, Trump didn't endorse it in the first place. Not to mention he's quite literally been president before and no widespread systemic oppression (that wasn't already there) happened under his term.

There's a million valid reasons for someone to off themselves, but doing it over politics is actively stupid and pathetic.
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
That's been the story of every election in my life. 9 elections and not one good candidate.
Fair. They've mostly all been either mid or bad. I'm tired of "better than the other guy".

for me my logic is- neither party cares about me, but a Democrat president is more likely to prevent me getting a gun or make it take longer, which at the moment is the most important issue to me. Also I find Kamala annoying/insincere. The other guy's pretty annoying too, though, and often outright awful. Plus I have trans friends, so- couldn't vote red in good conscience.

But my vote doesn't matter either way since I live in one of the most solidly red states in the country that hasn't been blue in like 60 years. Thus why I'm just not voting- it matters very little (if at all) in shaping the country, and even if it did, I don't really care. Why should I take 1-2 hours I could spend trying to enjoy myself out of my day for such little effect? I'm probably going to be dead long before the next election anyway
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Whatever, I don't care what you think or who you vote for. This isn't a political forum. So enjoy your miserable life,that's what this place is for.
You literally decided to respond on a thread about politics. Your original comment was about politics. This place literally has a section specifically for discussions on politics. What the fuck is the response?

Maybe don't post on a thread about someone killing themselves over certain political matters and then get surprised when others respond to you, talking about politics?
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Sep 11, 2024
But still if Kamela wins Trump can still get a second term, he doesn't seem like the type of guy to give up.
idk if he could run again. he'd be 82 when running next term if he loses this time and tries again, at that point he'd be more likely than not to die of old age before he leaves office. at a certain point even his own base would have to recognize that right?


May 6, 2024
Not to be an asshole, but you need some serious psychiatric help if politics beyond your events make you that self destructive.

Also Project 2025 was not only canned, Trump didn't endorse it in the first place. Not to mention he's quite literally been president before and no widespread systemic oppression (that wasn't already there) happened under his term.

There's a million valid reasons for someone to off themselves, but doing it over politics is actively stupid and pathetic.
...proceeds to be an asshole. comes onto someones thread and tells them how to feel, alluding that they might be "actively stupid and pathetic".
i think you might be actively stupid and pathetic, do you enjoy being actively stupid and pathetic? do enjoy being called actively stupid and pathetic?
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Jun 5, 2024
i think that's fair. even if it's grasping for some sort of reason, it's still quite valid. but i personally wouldn't treat suicide as such a gamble. it's essentially just leaving it up to fate, when suicide should be a choice taken at your own discretion, in order to preserve your own autonomy. having said that, i don't live in America so i can't grasp how your QoL might nosedive after Trump is elected. and i could justify it on grounds of it acting as something that could breach your survival instincts, if that's your wish

controversially, i hope he wins. only because it provides those overseas with more entertainment. obviously i don't personally encourage your decision to commit suicide as a consequence of Trump being elected, though


Jun 20, 2024
People are too easily misled when it comes to politics, believing and exaggerating things that are repeated in their echo-chamber. The responses here show that. There's no objectivity, just changing reality based on biases, feelings, and false repeated statements.

A majority of people lived through both administrations. Be objective and compare the two in terms of quality of life for all people, not just your bubble. Remember there is no such thing as perfect. If perfect is your standard and what you use to win arguments, neither side meets that standard. One thing to ask yourself is, was either administration some apocalyptic hellscape for the underprivileged and minorities? On the other hand, was either one a paradise? If it was neither, then is CTB really worth it based on who wins if it isn't as bad as you imagine? You literally lived through both options. If it were REALLY that bad, then it would've happened the first time that person was president.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
There's no objectivity, just changing reality based on biases, feelings, and false repeated statements.
Whoa, it's almost like being entirely objective is near impossible and people are likely going to, whether conscious of it or not, have biases, think based on feeling, and use heuristics when making judgements on things. There is no such thing as being truly objective, hence part of why things like research usually need to be peer-reviewed and replicated. Hell, even things like AI can still be impacted by the biases of both its creator and the biases in the information it is learning from. With that in mind, there have already been cases of underprivileged people being screwed over by the republican party, both on a national and state level, so the OP's distress is understandable. While some of the stuff has been a bit overblown, being concerned and stressed out is very valid.
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Jun 20, 2024
Ok fair it's not realistic to be "entirely" objective. The point is to try and I don't think people are making the effort at all, just falling succumb to the ruminations that their emotions, exaggerated with apocalyptic scenarios. OP's distress is valid, but to the point of CTB I don't think OP should anchor that decision on an administration choice. OP isn't really trapped in a corner as they think they are based on that.


I'm still here b/c of my dogs
Oct 28, 2021
I'm triggered by this thread. I find these heated political exchanges quite distressing, especially the name calling. This site is where many of us come to avoid this kind of stuff. This site should be about encouragement, understanding, love, and acceptance, not division and vitriol, which is what political discussions usually devolve into. Nobody forced me to click on this thread but I was just curious about the OP's rationale and didn't expect any debating.
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Alive and kicking btw
Feb 6, 2024
Not to be an asshole, but you need some serious psychiatric help if politics beyond your events make you that self destructive.

Also Project 2025 was not only canned, Trump didn't endorse it in the first place. Not to mention he's quite literally been president before and no widespread systemic oppression (that wasn't already there) happened under his term.

There's a million valid reasons for someone to off themselves, but doing it over politics is actively stupid and pathetic.
I kinda agree, but also disagree. If someone causes you pain to this extreme and can't cope, OP should have full choice over when it's enough. This said, please OP, you have a problem bigger than politics. Something is triggering you to the point of leaving horrific scars and it's impossible to live like this. That's the trigger, not the cause.

I feel like while Kamala isn't great she is definitely the lesser of two evils. It's easy to say that both parties equally bad when you aren't the one who has to worry the most about your livelihood being at risk. Based on my knowledge of US politics, a lot of people don't like either party but people still vote because one party is worse than the other.

The Republican party actually leans further right in comparison to other conservative parties in other Western countries. The American political spectrum in general is skewed further right, so voting for republicans can have much more severe consequences for marginalized people in comparison to voting for democrats. It's not about who cares the most about you, it's about who will likely screw you over the least.
While the person you replied clearly lost it by not caring about anything (and flaming lol), this isn't entirely true. The same could be said about Afghans during Biden period or the monetary crisis worsened by his time there. He won't be the candidate, but these exact same arguments were used 4 years ago.

Just because their impacts are very different doesn't mean one will always be better than the other one.

There's also people hate Trump, yet invested time to decide he's the lesser evil too. Or people who after years just left the politic scene because their constant investing threw them into hopelessness for the US electoral system, even people with grades in political sciences.

Just to clarify, I think Trump is at the bottom of morality, one of the lowest persons there are. But just as you said you can be horrible and people still vote the "lesser evil".

"You aren't the one who has to worry the most about your livelihood being at risk" is a strawman implying the logical conclusion for someone to not think Kamala being definitely better is being at risk of losing everything, which isn't true. I get the US is unimaginably bad and it's easier to get radicalized interacting with it, but you also need a wider understanding of opposing sides, not everyone who votes Trump are racists, transphobes or MAGA republicans at all. Sure many are, but it's not the only reason why. Same applies to non-voters, actually - the US politic scene is beyond cartoonish, it doesn't mean all of them are self-centered people who only care about themselves (though in this case, the replied user was).
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
I'm triggered by this thread. I find these heated political exchanges quite distressing, especially the name calling. This site is where many of us come to avoid this kind of stuff. This site should be about encouragement, understanding, love, and acceptance, not division and vitriol, which is what political discussions usually devolve into. Nobody forced me to click on this thread but I was just curious about the OP's rationale and didn't expect any debating.
Is there really any debate? The closest thing to pro-Trump is something along the lines of 'sure he sucks but the world won't end.' I guess it's 'Trump bad' v 'No, Trump REALLY bad.'
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
While the person you replied clearly lost it by not caring about anything (and flaming lol), this isn't entirely true. The same could be said about Afghans during Biden period or the monetary crisis worsened by his time there. He won't be the candidate, but these exact same arguments were used 4 years ago.

Just because their impacts are very different doesn't mean one will always be better than the other one.

There's also people hate Trump, yet invested time to decide he's the lesser evil too. Or people who after years just left the politic scene because their constant investing threw them into hopelessness for the US electoral system, even people with grades in political sciences.

Just to clarify, I think Trump is at the bottom of morality, one of the lowest persons there are. But just as you said you can be horrible and people still vote the "lesser evil".

"You aren't the one who has to worry the most about your livelihood being at risk" is a strawman implying the logical conclusion for someone to not think Kamala being definitely better is being at risk of losing everything, which isn't true. I get the US is unimaginably bad and it's easier to get radicalized interacting with it, but you also need a wider understanding of opposing sides, not everyone who votes Trump are racists, transphobes or MAGA republicans at all. Sure many are, but it's not the only reason why. Same applies to non-voters, actually - the US politic scene is beyond cartoonish, it doesn't mean all of them are self-centered people who only care about themselves (though in this case, the replied user was).
First off, most people who are voting for Trump aren't doing so because they view him as the lesser of two evils. What happened with the Afgans during Biden wasn't even entirely his administrations fault. Trump, prior to Biden going into office, had already made an agreement to withdrawal troops. The Biden Administration would go on to decide to honour this agreement, leading to the mess we are seeing right now. Beyond that, Trump can't really be argued to be the lesser of two evils, especially with all of his felonies, him being an alleged rapist who has even gone after children, his close friendship with Epstein, and the large amounts of suspicions surrounding him potentially going senile. This added on the mess that happened during his time in office back in 2016, along with the increasing amount of Conservatives speaking out against him and saying to "vote blue", it's pretty clear that Kamala is the better choice. Most people who hate Trump aren't the ones voting for him. This isn't really something that you can argue is happening equally to both candidates.

Also, most of the people who are saying panicking the most about the election are from marginalized demographics. The person who I was talking to is an older straight white guy, at least based on what I've gathered from all of his previous posts. The republican party has a history of specifically targeting marginalized demographics, especially queer people, people of colour, and women. You would literally be at less of a risk of being as badly screwed over by that party if you are a part of their demographic. Hence why most people from marginalized communities aren't going around acting as though both candidates are equally bad. Trump's supreme court was the one responsible for overturning Roe v. Wade, for example.
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Alive and kicking btw
Feb 6, 2024
First off, most people who are voting for Trump aren't doing so because they view him as the lesser of two evils.
The point is that you're conflating everyone in there. Sadly many voters think he's a good man, but to remind that outliers always exist.

What happened with the Afgans during Biden wasn't even entirely his administrations fault. Trump, prior to Biden going into office, had already made an agreement to withdrawal troops. The Biden Administration would go on to decide to honour this agreement, leading to the mess we are seeing right now.
If you ask me the administration has been atrocious worsening previous problems, the way it was left was abysmal, and how things turned in the next soon 4 years proven them utterly incapable of such position. You can try and blame Trump for the first thing, but everything else was 100% their fault. Even then, they still had too much responsibility.

I just get why someone wouldn't trust a party who allowed it, even if the man won't run anymore, or that seems like they didn't want to get voted at times by terrible choices, in the same way I can understand fucking hating Trump since I felt the same back in 2016.

Beyond that, Trump can't really be argued to be the lesser of two evils, especially with all of his felonies, him being an alleged rapist who has even gone after children, his close friendship with Epstein, and the large amounts of suspicions surrounding him potentially going senile. This added on the mess that happened during his time in office back in 2016, along with the increasing amount of Conservatives speaking out against him and saying to "vote blue", it's pretty clear that Kamala is the better choice. Most people who hate Trump aren't the ones voting for him. This isn't really something that you can argue is happening equally to both candidates.
He's the lowest a person can be. No doubt about that. A terrible human being and to be fair, I can't defend the world wouldn't be better if he was shot.

But despite he being among the worst, he as president isn't the exact same of he as person. He is terrible at shutting his mouth, an abuser, and that capitol raid does NOT help at all to his image, but regardless he still achieved some small successes, and the economy wasn't as bad back then.

Also, most of the people who are saying panicking the most about the election are from marginalized demographics. The person who I was talking to is an older straight white guy, at least based on what I've gathered from all of his previous posts. The republican party has a history of specifically targeting marginalized demographics, especially queer people, people of colour, and women. You would literally be at less of a risk of being as badly screwed over by that party if you are a part of their demographic. Hence why most people from marginalized communities aren't going around acting as though both candidates are equally bad.
Most, but not all. Even with all that, there have been non-whites who still believed he was better. I don't blame the rest tho. People has historically always voted what seemed to benefit them and this happens in literally every country. Then again, no Western one is as cartoonish as the US, so I can understand people feeling distressed.

I'm also a bisexual man with family not even developed countries and conditions worse than the US. In fact, some of them wish they could live there instead of where they do. Won't say the exact details for privacy but they'd at least some racial group you say. Just saying.

Trump's supreme court was the one responsible for overturning Roe v. Wade, for example.
Of course he has done bad things too, this isn't a pro-Trump argument either.
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Jun 16, 2024
People on both sides talk about the election as if not voting for them will be the end of the country. They're both full of shit.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
The point is that you're conflating everyone in there. Sadly many voters think he's a good man, but to remind that outliers always exist.
If they are voting for him because they think he is a good man then this isn't a "lesser of two evils" situation. This isn't them voting for him because he seems like the better of the two, it's them voting for him because they like him and think good of him.
If you ask me the administration has been atrocious worsening previous problems, the way it was left was abysmal, and how things turned in the next soon 4 years proven them utterly incapable of such position. You can try and blame Trump for the first thing, but everything else was 100% their fault. Even then, they still had too much responsibility.
The example you used was literally partly Trump's fault. Certain things that would go on to happen during Bidens presidency happened in part due to the things that the Trump administration had done prior. I'm not blaming everything on his administration but to ignore the impact that the previous administration had is idiotic.
He's the lowest a person can be. No doubt about that. A terrible human being and to be fair, I can't defend the world wouldn't be better if he was shot.

But despite he being among the worst, he as president isn't the exact same of he as person. He is terrible at shutting his mouth, an abuser, and that capitol raid does NOT help at all to his image, but regardless he still achieved some small successes, and the economy wasn't as bad back then.
Yeah, no. Trump isn't the type of person to try and compartmentalize. Did the classified documents case and Jan 6 just slip your mind? He is literally the first president to ever be impeached twice. For someone who doesn't like him, you seem to really have a hard-on for him.

Also, part of why the economy wasn't as bad back then was because there was no lockdown. The COVID-19 lockdown didn't start until closer to the end of his presidency. Along with that, the economy actually recovered under the Biden administration.

By 2023, the GDP was back to where it would have been if the pandemic had never happened.

Most, but not all. Even with all that, there have been non-whites who still believed he was better. I don't blame the rest tho. People has historically always voted what seemed to benefit them and this happens in literally every country. Then again, no Western one is as cartoonish as the US, so I can understand people feeling distressed.

I'm also a bisexual man with family not even developed countries and conditions worse than the US. In fact, some of them wish they could live there instead of where they do. Won't say the exact details for privacy but they'd at least some racial group you say. Just saying.
When did I say "all" exactly? The vast majority of non-white people do not think that Trump was better and the person who I was responding to isn't even POC. People don't always vote for what seems to benefit their country either. For example, the most avid Trump supporters vote for him because they view him as basically being a messiah, not because they think his views and policies are going to be beneficial for the country.

Also, how does your family wishing they could live in the US have to do with anything? Wanting to escape somewhere with worse conditions for somewhere with better conditions, even if they aren't the best, has nothing to do with anything that's being talked about. Your family are not the ones that going to be impacted the most by whoever gets elected in the US.

Of course he has done bad things too, this isn't a pro-Trump argument either.
You say that while also trying to argue in his defence.

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