

Alive and kicking btw
Feb 6, 2024
If they are voting for him because they think he is a good man then this isn't a "lesser of two evils" situation. This isn't them voting for him because he seems like the better of the two, it's them voting for him because they like him and think good of him.
As I said, many think he's good, and separate to that, some think he's a lesser evil.

The example you used was literally partly Trump's fault. Certain things that would go on to happen during Bidens presidency happened in part due to the things that the Trump administration had done prior. I'm not blaming everything on his administration but to ignore the impact that the previous administration had is idiotic.
Yeah, in part. But not everything. But this is focusing on the faults of others while passing ours under the rug. While I may made it look like Trump admin did nothing wrong (he did), at least I'm not voting for him. And I know I hate the guy, I know myself better than you do.

you seem to really have a hard-on for him.
So everything I said about his person is nullified by trying to understand why some people may think he's better? If the "lesser evil" thing is an excuse and you want me to go full black or full white just tell me and we're done.

Also, part of why the economy wasn't as bad back then was because there was no lockdown. The COVID-19 lockdown didn't start until closer to the end of his presidency. Along with that, the economy actually recovered under the Biden administration.
By 2023, the GDP was back to where it would have been if the pandemic had never happened.
This doesn't address inflation and buying power. Why do I care if the US is rich if the people can't afford things anyway? Those problems spiked until recently. The thing never was this bad for Americans and COVID enough doesn't explain THAT much of a spike. People are still struggling even more than previously.

When did I say "all" exactly? The vast majority of non-white people do not think that Trump was better and the person who I was responding to isn't even POC.
During all this time you've been implying that the only reason to vote Trump is to be white. And if not, it really looked so.

People don't always vote for what seems to benefit their country either. For example, the most avid Trump supporters vote for him because they view him as basically being a messiah, not because they think his views and policies are going to be beneficial for the country.
But I said most, not all. Therefore some cases don't deny that people mainly vote in their benefit. I only said it happened since ever, that always happened. And even the most ignorant, culty right people have usually something to win from their politics that is not merely religious.

Also, how does your family wishing they could live in the US have to do with anything? Wanting to escape somewhere with worse conditions for somewhere with better conditions, even if they aren't the best, has nothing to do with anything that's being talked about. Your family are not the ones that going to be impacted the most by whoever gets elected in the US.
Yes they'd be if they come. When they settle in that land it will affect them yet they wish to proceed. There are cases of the groups not agreeing with your point. I know about the same case but with already Americans. But it doesn't matter.

All I was saying is that other people who aren't even me have their own angle and reasons to think the way they do. The "good side" is not a magic bullet. The "best side" doesn't even make it actually worth voting it if it isn't notably better or they don't lie (which there's no way to tell). This stupid approach of vowing to something you know it's trash in the first place, just because it may be a little little less bad than the other and passing the other sides as either ideologically possessed of hedonists who don't give a shit about anything but themselves, not only has a history of doing absolutely NOTHING, since the very same problems have been snowballing regardless of your favorite ice-cream favor in form of elected president, but also created a brutal problem of division, radicalization, and mental health harm as clearly seen by OP.

Since you seem willing to believe I'm pro-Trump, I just told before I was horrorized when he got elected. The only reason I'm even writing all this is because the political bar has been pushed to low it doesn't even exist anymore.
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Aug 11, 2022
Honestly feel the same way. I am not living through that again. I refuse to suffer through a second Trump presidency.
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Global Mod
Aug 26, 2024
Keep this a civil discussion without resorting to name calling or insults or this thread will be closed and warnings will be given out. Thank youu šŸ¤
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Sep 5, 2024
As I said, many think he's good, and separate to that, some think he's a lesser evil.

Yeah, in part. But not everything. But this is focusing on the faults of others while passing ours under the rug. While I may made it look like Trump admin did nothing wrong (he did), at least I'm not voting for him. And I know I hate the guy, I know myself better than you do.

So everything I said about his person is nullified by trying to understand why some people may think he's better? If the "lesser evil" thing is an excuse and you want me to go full black or full white just tell me and we're done.

This doesn't address inflation and buying power. Why do I care if the US is rich if the people can't afford things anyway? Those problems spiked until recently. The thing never was this bad for Americans and COVID enough doesn't explain THAT much of a spike. People are still struggling even more than previously.

During all this time you've been implying that the only reason to vote Trump is to be white. And if not, it really looked so.

But I said most, not all. Therefore some cases don't deny that people mainly vote in their benefit. I only said it happened since ever, that always happened. And even the most ignorant, culty right people have usually something to win from their politics that is not merely religious.

Yes they'd be if they come. When they settle in that land it will affect them yet they wish to proceed. There are cases of the groups not agreeing with your point. I know about the same case but with already Americans. But it doesn't matter.

All I was saying is that other people who aren't even me have their own angle and reasons to think the way they do. The "good side" is not a magic bullet. The "best side" doesn't even make it actually worth voting it if it isn't notably better or they don't lie (which there's no way to tell). This stupid approach of vowing to something you know it's trash in the first place, just because it may be a little little less bad than the other and passing the other sides as either ideologically possessed of hedonists who don't give a shit about anything but themselves, not only has a history of doing absolutely NOTHING, since the very same problems have been snowballing regardless of your favorite ice-cream favor in form of elected president, but also created a brutal problem of division, radicalization, and mental health harm as clearly seen by OP.

Since you seem willing to believe I'm pro-Trump, I just told before I was horrorized when he got elected. The only reason I'm even writing all this is because the political bar has been pushed to low it doesn't even exist anymore.
Not weighing into this discussion too much but you've pretty much summarised the situation quite well. A lot of people who can't understand the appeal of Trump are the same sort of people who can't understand why he got in in 2016 or just don't want to. The system is fucked, corrupt, doesn't work for people. Politicians like Clinton, Obama, Biden are too deep in the machine to see that or just don't want to because to change things threatens their bubble that has suited them. Trump is part of that bubble too but is still more in touch with the way people want a change. The Project 25 stuff is real, a lot of that stuff will probably happen or will be attempted to implement. But at this point you have a majority that is prepared to go along with it to get to a change in the system, until you have politicians that are prepared to acknowledge change and are prepared to argue for change people will rush to someone like Trump
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Even the stars make room for new stars
Sep 3, 2024
I know we are not supposed to judge on reasons for CTB (and I am probably a great example of having a "bad" reason for CTB, which is a breakup), but PLEASE don't CTB over an election..

The fact that people care so much about it and would even CTB just makes me feel everyone is brainwashed..

Politics is an ACT. Harris doesn't care about you any more than Trump. They are just there to make sure you care about things that the elites don't care about, like racism, woke-ism, transgenderism, bla bla bla. So you don't start protesting about things the elites do care about, like equal wealth distribution and getting money out of politics.

One thing that brought it home for me is when they investigated how much time Senators spend on fundraising. Not reviewing laws or coming up with ways to improve the country. Plain old fundraising. Guess what the investigation found. And guess why people give them money.
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Apr 29, 2024
That's been the story of every election in my life. 9 elections and not one good candidate.
Some have been MUCH worse than others. None are perfect at ALL but I don't like the "they're all equally as bad" stuff because it frankly isn't true. Trump is uniquely terrible
I know we are not supposed to judge on reasons for CTB (and I am probably a great example of having a "bad" reason for CTB, which is a breakup), but PLEASE don't CTB over an election..

The fact that people care so much about it and would even CTB just makes me feel everyone is brainwashed..

Politics is an ACT. Harris doesn't care about you any more than Trump. They are just there to make sure you care about things that the elites don't care about, like racism, woke-ism, transgenderism, bla bla bla. So you don't start protesting about things the elites do care about, like equal wealth distribution and getting money out of politics.

One thing that brought it home for me is when they investigated how much time Senators spend on fundraising. Not reviewing laws or coming up with ways to improve the country. Plain old fundraising. Guess what the investigation found. And guess why people give them money.
Yeah but that "woke ism" that you seem to think is so bad is the difference between some people having rights in this country or being treated as subhuman filth that needs to be eradicated. They are not "equally as bad." No politician is a saint, no, they're all rich assholes BUT

One side wants affordable healthcare, abortion rights and gay marriage, the other side wants to deport every immigrant, make being gay illegal and set up electroshock conversion camps, ban interracial marriage, divorce, hell they would probably bring back segregation and slavery if they could. I'll actually terrified, I don't want to go back to the 1950s where women can't open a bank account and need permission to go outside. I don't want my gay or trans friends to be rounded up and sent to conversion camps, I don't want kids being indoctrinated by the Bible at age 2.

I appreciate the sentiment and thanks for the comment, but this stuff DOES have real effects on real people, and a ton of marginalized people are very scared
Not weighing into this discussion too much but you've pretty much summarised the situation quite well. A lot of people who can't understand the appeal of Trump are the same sort of people who can't understand why he got in in 2016 or just don't want to. The system is fucked, corrupt, doesn't work for people. Politicians like Clinton, Obama, Biden are too deep in the machine to see that or just don't want to because to change things threatens their bubble that has suited them. Trump is part of that bubble too but is still more in touch with the way people want a change. The Project 25 stuff is real, a lot of that stuff will probably happen or will be attempted to implement. But at this point you have a majority that is prepared to go along with it to get to a change in the system, until you have politicians that are prepared to acknowledge change and are prepared to argue for change people will rush to someone like Trump
Project 2025 keeps me awake at night, the fact that there are so many people (10s of millions if not more) who think that stuff is reasonable. They want to ban pornography and make women dress modestly like we live in Iran or Saudi Arabia. They want to ban abortions entirely, make gay marriage illegal, make it illegal to be transgender. Many of my friends' very existence would become illegal and they would be essentially fugitives in a "free country."

The people who say it doesn't matter and all politicians are the same are absolutely straight, white, male Christians. Everyone else I know who isn't totally delusional is terrified. My transgender friends will have to go into hiding and murdering them will be EVEN more common, because they are subhuman according to these conservatives.
The country isn't going to be good regardless who wins, all politicians are corrupt.
Don't believe everything the media says. Trump may be secretly lying but he says he doesn't have involvement with project 25.
You say don't believe everything they say but then expect me to trust DONALD TRUMP of all people at his word? I don't think that man has ever told the truth once in his life. It is just as bad as people say it is.

And no both sides aren't equally as bad. One side wants to make gay and transgender people illegal, the other side wants affordable healthcare. This stuff has REAL affects on marginalized people, it is not "just politics"
Religous conservatives yes, not all conservative women. The midterm elections proved that abortion rights being attacked brought women voters out, even in red states/districts. Outside of the religious right, women naturally want control over their own bodies, their reproductive rights. They are human after all, and being able to choose is a basic human right.
If conservatives had it their way, women wouldn't be allowed to vote, hold public office, open a bank account, dress their way, drive a car or even leave the house without male permission. We would be just like Iran or Saudi Arabia in our treatment of women, that's what these people want.
I feel like while Kamala isn't great she is definitely the lesser of two evils. It's easy to say that both parties equally bad when you aren't the one who has to worry the most about your livelihood being at risk. Based on my knowledge of US politics, a lot of people don't like either party but people still vote because one party is worse than the other.

The Republican party actually leans further right in comparison to other conservative parties in other Western countries. The American political spectrum in general is skewed further right, so voting for republicans can have much more severe consequences for marginalized people in comparison to voting for democrats. It's not about who cares the most about you, it's about who will likely screw you over the least.
People who say they are equally as bad are 110% white, straight, Christian males. Most women I know and most people of color, gay people, trans people etc are all rightly terrified. If you're a privileged WASP yeah your life probably won't change much, but my transgender friends are looking into seeking political asylum abroad it's so bad, and that's before a potential 2nd Trump term.
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Jun 11, 2024
Some have been MUCH worse than others. None are perfect at ALL but I don't like the "they're all equally as bad" stuff because it frankly isn't true. Trump is uniquely terrible

Yeah but that "woke ism" that you seem to think is so bad is the difference between some people having rights in this country or being treated as subhuman filth that needs to be eradicated. They are not "equally as bad." No politician is a saint, no, they're all rich assholes BUT

One side wants affordable healthcare, abortion rights and gay marriage, the other side wants to deport every immigrant, make being gay illegal and set up electroshock conversion camps, ban interracial marriage, divorce, hell they would probably bring back segregation and slavery if they could. I'll actually terrified, I don't want to go back to the 1950s where women can't open a bank account and need permission to go outside. I don't want my gay or trans friends to be rounded up and sent to conversion camps, I don't want kids being indoctrinated by the Bible at age 2.

I appreciate the sentiment and thanks for the comment, but this stuff DOES have real effects on real people, and a ton of marginalized people are very scared

Project 2025 keeps me awake at night, the fact that there are so many people (10s of millions if not more) who think that stuff is reasonable. They want to ban pornography and make women dress modestly like we live in Iran or Saudi Arabia. They want to ban abortions entirely, make gay marriage illegal, make it illegal to be transgender. Many of my friends' very existence would become illegal and they would be essentially fugitives in a "free country."

The people who say it doesn't matter and all politicians are the same are absolutely straight, white, male Christians. Everyone else I know who isn't totally delusional is terrified. My transgender friends will have to go into hiding and murdering them will be EVEN more common, because they are subhuman according to these conservatives.

You say don't believe everything they say but then expect me to trust DONALD TRUMP of all people at his word? I don't think that man has ever told the truth once in his life. It is just as bad as people say it is.

And no both sides aren't equally as bad. One side wants to make gay and transgender people illegal, the other side wants affordable healthcare. This stuff has REAL affects on marginalized people, it is not "just politics"

If conservatives had it their way, women wouldn't be allowed to vote, hold public office, open a bank account, dress their way, drive a car or even leave the house without male permission. We would be just like Iran or Saudi Arabia in our treatment of women, that's what these people want.

People who say they are equally as bad are 110% white, straight, Christian males. Most women I know and most people of color, gay people, trans people etc are all rightly terrified. If you're a privileged WASP yeah your life probably won't change much, but my transgender friends are looking into seeking political asylum abroad it's so bad, and that's before a potential 2nd Trump term.

Let's assume Trump wants to pass project 25, you don't know anything about it, they won't ban being gay or trans just permit discrimination. Also why would they ban divorce and interracial marriage and set up electroshock therapy. You seem paranoid, they legally cannot do this, sure maybe if they could but that literally isn't going to happen.

They will ban abortion, and permit discrimination against lgbt which is still bad, but you shouldn't commit suicide over that.

Also what does being white and male have to do with your political views? My family is hispanic and most of them support trump. I also think both sides are bad because they literally are. People who aren't white and women can be bigoted.
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Eating Disordered Junkie
Jun 2, 2024
Can def relate. His first run around threw me back into a devastating opiate habit that should have killed me but sadly did not. I can't deal with it again, I already didn't want to make it to my next birthday, if he wins, it just means I'm moving the date up.


Sep 5, 2024
Project 2025 keeps me awake at night, the fact that there are so many people (10s of millions if not more) who think that stuff is reasonable. They want to ban pornography and make women dress modestly like we live in Iran or Saudi Arabia. They want to ban abortions entirely, make gay marriage illegal, make it illegal to be transgender. Many of my friends' very existence would become illegal and they would be essentially fugitives in a "free country."

The people who say it doesn't matter and all politicians are the same are absolutely straight, white, male Christians. Everyone else I know who isn't totally delusional is terrified. My transgender friends will have to go into hiding and murdering them will be EVEN more common, because they are subhuman according to these conservatives.
Plenty of black/female/gay/categories that aren't straight white males voters support Trump, that's what you're missing here. His support is a lot broader than the stereotypes which is why he is enduring and getting through to people when he could have been crunched years ago. The people who say all politicians are the same are not all just white straight males, Trump has come through because there is a status quo that is fundamentally built on right wing politics but is not interested in evolving to suit the people that it should be and thats what politics is all about at the end of the day. Project 2025 is a reflection of how right wing the US really is and always has been, pointing out how extreme it is is useless if you have no argument that addresses it but ultimately I don't believe the most extreme ideas can be implemented or are in some ways already being implemented, the culture is already there for someone like Trump to take advantage of, the divisions are not being addressed, it's a deeper problem than identity, the system is affecting people surviving full stop


Apr 10, 2024
the other side wants to deport every immigrant, make being gay illegal and set up electroshock conversion camps, ban interracial marriage, divorce, hell they would probably bring back segregation and slavery if they could.

You say don't believe everything they say but then expect me to trust DONALD TRUMP of all people at his word? I don't think that man has ever told the truth once in his life. It is just as bad as people say it is.

If conservatives had it their way.....
It's a shame what Trump did to the freedom movements. There was legitimate opposite to government overreach that led to grassroots movements to reign in the power of the federal government. Trump HI-JACKED those movements. He replaced their agenda with his.

Look at the issues that got Trump elected in 2016. Roe vs Wade wasn't a top 10 issue for REPUBLICANS, nevermind the US population as a whole. Trump went from anti-drug war to calling for the death penalty for marijuana. wtf.

Trump is the biggest con man in human history. He is NOT conservative. Trump is a puppet of the military cartel.

Trump was pro-choice and anti-drug war his entire life until he ran for POTUS. He partied with the Clintons and Jeff Epstein for 15 years. They busted Trump doing really shady stuff. They stuck a caddle prod up his ass and told him what to do. He could either be a puppet or join Jeff Epstein dead or in prison.

I choose death over being a Nazi puppet. Satanics SOBs poisoned me, took all my money, and crashed my life. Trump's puppet masters are BAD human beings. They're not just trying to rule America. They're trying to rule the world.

I'm old and I've never for a Democrat in my life. Trump really had to go out of his way to lose my support. Fuck Trump's dead parents. Nazi pos.


Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
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Apr 29, 2024
I can empathize OP, my mental health further deteriorated when Vonshitzinpants was first elected but hope you don't ctb should
he win, which i don't think is going to happen. I think women voters especially may thwart his return but everyone who can vote, i hope they do vote.

Harris is easily the lesser of two evils, to claim they are exactly the same is BS.
Only one of those two are linked with exactly what the OP laid out.

I especially would call out all the men who claim they are exactly the same, when women's rights, lgbtq rights and
even civil rights have deteriorated thanks to Vonshitzinpants. Easy for you to say since you must not be concerned
with being a rape victim and being forced to give birth, even if you're a child. Not concerned about racism
and christian white nationalism.

Only one of the two led an insurrection on the capitol not to mention numerous other crimes and misdeeds, yet they're both the same?

And Project 2025 is very real and very organized.

You yourself began it, scroll up to see your post.
The people who say they're the same are 110% straight, white Christian males. Meanwhile my transgender and gay friends are wondering if they can seek political asylum abroad if Trump gets elected. They are not the same.
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Jun 11, 2024
The people who say they're the same are 110% straight, white Christian males. Meanwhile my transgender and gay friends are wondering if they can seek political asylum abroad if Trump gets elected. They are not the same.
This might be surprising but not everyone who is conservative is a "straight white christian male". My mom is literally a hispanic woman and supports Trump. Wtf kind of logic you're assuming peoples race gender and sexuality, because they say "they're both the same", And how does saying they're both the same make you a conservative? Did you know you can be neither conservative or liberal? .
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Aug 24, 2024
This is only my opinion and I am most certainly not looking to start any arguments: I don't give a damn who wins the election because I think they are both self-serving, narcissitic individuals who don't give a damn about anything other than their careers. I think they both are being controlled by someone higher than them who has the sole purpose to divide Americans in every way possible. Even if I'm wrong about that, there is no such thing as an honest politician. A nation divided cannot stand, and I think that's the point. I refuse to watch TV, read the news, listen to political ads, or any of that other garbage. My blood pressure is high enough without all that bullshit. I'm trying to take care of an elderly family member plus upkeep my own, separate home plus work full time at a job I hate. Screw politicians. Again, just my opinion.
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Jan 11, 2024
I also think both sides are bad because they literally are.
As others have said, one side is taking away rights from women, LGBTQ+, immigrants and others. We need to cut out this 'oh they're equals' perspective because it's false.
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Sep 5, 2024
As others have said, one side is taking away rights from women, LGBTQ+, immigrants and others. We need to cut out this 'oh they're equals' perspective because it's false.
Look at it like this, one side is bad because of rights issues whereas the other side is bad because they'll maintain the same failed economic/foreign affairs policies of the last 4 years, the both sides are bad argument definitely stands.
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Jun 11, 2024
As others have said, one side is taking away rights from women, LGBTQ+, immigrants and others. We need to cut out this 'oh they're equals' perspective because it's false.
there is no proof trump will take away peoples rights its an assumption

trump says he doesn't have ties to project 25 and even project 25 say they don't have ties to trump

if trump will pass project 25 then yes hes worse than kamela your argument stands then


Nov 25, 2018
Politics is all bullshit. Does anyone really think orange man or kameltoe give two fucks about me or you? If you do your wrong. They're two wings of the same fuckin bird. Just there to shit on all of us.
Couldn't agree more. I'm not letting rich fucks affect me. I'm just gonna keep living as I always have. If I have the right to take my life however I want, then I have the right to live it however I want. If these political nutjobs want to harass and murder each other for politicians that don't give a fuck about them, that's on them. If that's how you wanna spend your time here, go ahead. I'm gonna hike, camp, and spend time with loved one's while they lose their fucking minds over nothing. Seems like such a waste of time
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Jan 11, 2024
there is no proof trump will take away peoples rights its an assumption

trump says he doesn't have ties to project 25 and even project 25 say they don't have ties to trump

if trump will pass project 25 then yes hes worse than kamela your argument stands then
They already took away a woman's right to federally have protection to control their reproductive rights.

Anyone who can't see how this man and the Project 2025 project are linked - even if they deny it - needs to read more before being allowed to post on this. I'm not about to be lectured on by a 'student'. If you support Trump you are not worth interacting with.


Jun 11, 2024
They already took away a woman's right to federally have protection to control their reproductive rights.

Anyone who can't see how this man and the Project 2025 project are linked - even if they deny it - needs to read more before being allowed to post on this. I'm not about to be lectured on by a 'student'. If you support Trump you are not worth interacting with.
I don't support trump. Do you pay attention to what I say? I literally said both sides are the same, because they both suck.
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Sep 10, 2023
Let's get a hitman who can actually aim for once.
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Jul 6, 2023
I don't care too much about the election, but the idea people would associate Kamala and having a better life is beyond me, no matter what organic or engineered identity group they're a part of. It wont matter anyway because I've got nothing in front of me.

Trump's a disaster, but watch that Kamala and Oprah interview, dear god.
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Oct 31, 2023
My worst self harm incident to date was when he got elected in 2016, and I still have prominent scars from this almost a decade later. The rise of extreme conservatism, White Nationalism, Christian Evangelical theocracy, and plain neo-fascism in the US is extremely upsetting and makes me want to not be alive anymore. I have no hope that this country will ever be "good" but it is destined for failure of this pedophilic, racist, homophobic felon gets in office again.

Project 2025 and the conservatives want to ban everything that makes life even marginally enjoyable. No porn, no alcohol or Marijuana, they want to make all my gay and transgender friends illegal and treat women like A Handmaid's Tale.

I am simply too disillusioned or maybe not strong enough to live through that, seeing all of our rights taken away until all the Bible Belt Boomers can finally feel safe at the end of their life. Fuck off, I hate these virtue-signaling assholes who just want control and theocracy.

If Trump wins in November I think I will be killing myself, I can't do it again.
Regardless of who wins, our tax money will still contribute to genocides around the globe which is enough for me to not want anything to do with being here.
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Aug 25, 2024
I don't live in the USA and I fear it.

He plans to turn American into a far right Christian dictatorship theocracy and he's been open about that.

If you're not white, male, straight and Christian, you'll be on the list.
  • Aww..
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Jul 6, 2023
I don't live in the USA and I fear it.

He plans to turn American into a far right Christian dictatorship theocracy and he's been open about that.

If you're not white, male, straight and Christian, you'll be on the list.
That's an idea people have been told to have


Jul 18, 2024
I hate Evangelicals the most. I wish they all would dissappear from the face of the Earth. The ongoing Holocaust in Gaza they made to summon Jesus, their asympathy towards the Palestinians like we are sub humans existed to be erased for Jesus second coming, I will never forget them for that. These hunchbacked fat dying old people killed my three cousins in the west bank in the hope that their fairytale would come true. One was a minor and she was as old as I am and we were in high school. She was so smart and had a dream to be a doctor. She was killed in her way back from school, after her death, her brother wanted to take revenge and he was killed too. Her childhood friend also wanted to take revenge and he was killed too. I don't know how I would react if I saw an Evangelical in person. Crazy fanatic maniacs.

But I won't lie to you, I want Trump to win so only then the US will fall forever and the world will finally be free. If I was American, I would vote for him.
Politics is all bullshit. Does anyone really think orange man or kameltoe give two fucks about me or you? If you do your wrong. They're two wings of the same fuckin bird. Just there to shit on all of us.
This. Finally someone who gets it.
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Jan 11, 2024
But I won't lie to you, I want Trump to win so only then the US will fall forever and the world will finally be free. If I was American, I would vote for him.

If you don't live here, I have know idea why you'd want people to feel the misery of having their rights taken away, including trans people. It disgusts me to share a community with you. I really want to start a separate community for women who are kind and don't support dictators.


Jun 11, 2024
I hate Evangelicals the most. I wish they all would dissappear from the face of the Earth. The ongoing Holocaust in Gaza they made to summon Jesus, their asympathy towards the Palestinians like we are sub humans existed to be erased for Jesus second coming, I will never forget them for that. These hunchbacked fat dying old people killed my three cousins in the west bank in the hope that their fairytale would come true. One was a minor and she was as old as I am and we were in high school. She was so smart and had a dream to be a doctor. She was killed in her way back from school, after her death, her brother wanted to take revenge and he was killed too. Her childhood friend also wanted to take revenge and he was killed too. I don't know how I would react if I saw an Evangelical in person. Crazy fanatic maniacs.

But I won't lie to you, I want Trump to win so only then the US will fall forever and the world will finally be free. If I was American, I would vote for him.

This. Finally someone who gets it.
I want kamela to win just so trump gets all pissy again and has a meltdown, more chaos, more entertainment.
I want kamela to win just so trump gets all pissy again and has a meltdown, more chaos, more entertainment.
Well actually it would be even funnier if trump won, but this time they made him a dictator then impeach him, then he would get super pissed.
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died a long time ago
Aug 13, 2023
Not to be an asshole, but you need some serious psychiatric help if politics beyond your events make you that self destructive.

Also Project 2025 was not only canned, Trump didn't endorse it in the first place. Not to mention he's quite literally been president before and no widespread systemic oppression (that wasn't already there) happened under his term.

There's a million valid reasons for someone to off themselves, but doing it over politics is actively stupid and pathetic.
This is an ignorant take. Project 2025 has not been canned, it is alive and well. Obviously trump isn't going to endorse it in front of the masses. He is using the same tactics Hitler did. Luckily, he isn't succeeding this time but it doesn't matter as far as Project 2025 goes. That is happening with or without him according to the other republicans that are a part of it and already in power.

Politics can absolutely effect someone's day to day life in many ways. People having access to health insurance is one really big example that people off themselves over anddddd in the last 20 years several people have lost access to health insurance or health care over political issues. Not to mention what it says to the millions of sexual assault survivors when the American people vote for someone who has been not only convicted of these things but also has said so many minsogynst things on camera. That speaks volumes to people.

It was quite stupid and pathetic of you to be unable to empathize with parties who may be effected by these things and quite stupid and pathetic of you to put someone down who was already stating they are down in a suicide forum. Not saying you are stupid or pathetic, just saying you can do better and should.

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