

May 18, 2019
good luck, thanks for updating us so we can all benefit from this instead of wasting money, following this post!
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Nov 22, 2020
Thank you so much! Just sent one!
I have received new one last friday in your area, so not even wishing you good luck but rather good reception.

However, hope you paid with Monero, or at least BTC

Apparently LE is in touch with either WU / MG and/or the postal company for monitoring because email leak is ruled out ...unless the password is known and extra security feature like 2FA wasn't enabled on top but a quick check of all past and present mailboxes rather implies the concern isn't there but on payment mean presumably

View attachment 52195
Are you in the US? I saw you posted on the mega thread about a recent alarm regarding the US and was hoping you could share more on this info
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Are you in the US? I saw you posted on the mega thread about a recent alarm regarding the US and was hoping you could share more on this info
People in the US get visits from homeland security and have their packages seized, according to what I've read recently.
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Rad maker
Jul 30, 2020
Oh, you meant Monero. It's an independent cryptocurrency, that functions autonomously without a centralised company involved. I'm not advertising it but certainly noting that it's the way to go (among others) if we want the sources to continue existing in the long-term, as simple as that.
It's adopted by the DarkNet broadly for a reason, is untraceable in practice, unlike Bitcoin which is transparent, deanonimysed and fully traceable publicly.

Members who use anything less like Western Union potentially harm us, the community (you bet they have no problem to force a public company to comply with investigation under the threat of sanctions). Sorry, but that's the truth. But they'll also unwillingly be in position to become the first victims of their own neglect
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Nov 22, 2020
People in the US get visits from homeland security and have their packages seized, according to what I've read recently.
That's terrible! I wonder if anyone has gotten their packages without interception or LE visits out here...
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Nov 24, 2020
Hey all, i have the tracking info. The order has left the point of origin.
write me a pm, please
I ordered from A 3 years ago and then he had a pretty good service
It's seems strange to me that he will suddenly turn illegit
The price rocketed though, i ordered 3 bottles for 600$
Powdered N can be tested either with testing kit or in a lab i think there's info about that in the pph
write me a pm, please
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Nov 18, 2019
That's terrible! I wonder if anyone has gotten their packages without interception or LE visits out here...

IF LE are working with MG and WU their strategy is perplexing since they could simply block all monetary transactions going to A if he's been identified. I don't want to speculate further on A's way of doing things, nor do I think anyone else should along these lines. Something doesn't add up with how LE is acting compared to basic logic hence our increased confusion. What is the cause of package seizures as suggested by actions that we know of to this point?

From what I've read haven't seen anything detailing what homeland security says about intercepting a supposed illegal package with controlled substance. Anyone know specifically?? Seems to be a big question. Not following up with questioning, prosecution or mental health check is counterintuitive.

My inclination is to think 1 of 3 things:
1. the overall numbers are too low for them to pursue in the US and policy doesn't exist to deal with people who order this solely to kill themselves so LE doesn't know what to do
2. they are attempting to build a case against A with little success
3. the seizures are a result of educated guesses on which packages to search based on location and collaboration with WU/MG... due to the same specific dollar amounts being repeatedly sent to the same area making it easy to flag (most likely, along with #1)

I have also read accounts of people in the US having success through A. This was tough to validate although I believe it's true. Also believe Bitcoin was used IIRC.

My conclusion is the standard set on this board moving forward should be NO MORE WU/MG to A!!! Particularly from America. Not doing so puts everyone at greater risk, but most likely just you and your N. It seems A can confidently work around this on his end like many people doing similar things in his area but never know how long it'll hold up when risk is added by taking shortcuts.

I hope you get your package OP! Thank you for creating the thread to help the community.
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I’ve got a war in my mind.
Jul 25, 2019
Please could someone message me about getting n. I really need it. I'm desperate. I hope I can get some legit sources. Good luck to all that have ordered.
I'm in the uk if that changes anything.
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Rad maker
Jul 30, 2020
IF LE are working with MG and WU their strategy is perplexing since they could simply block all monetary transactions going to A if he's been identified as implied by package seizures. I don't want to speculate further on A's way of doing things, nor do I think anyone else should along these lines. Something doesn't add up with what seems to be our perception of how LE is handling this in the US. Let's face it, we are in the dark. But what are their motives as suggested by actions?

From what I've read haven't seen anything detailing what homeland security says about intercepting a supposed illegal package with controlled substance. Anyone know specifically?? Seems to be a big question. Not following up with questioning, prosecution or mental health check is counterintuitive.

My inclination is to think 1 of 3 things:
1. the overall numbers are too low for them to pursue in the US and policy doesn't exist to deal with people who order this solely to kill themselves so LE doesn't know what to do
2. they are attempting to build a case against A with little success
3. the seizures are a result of educated guesses on which packages to search based on location and collaboration with WU/MG... due to the same specific dollar amounts being repeatedly sent to the same area making it easy to flag (most likely, along with #1)

I have also read accounts of people in the US having success through A. This was tough to validate although I believe it's true. Also believe Bitcoin was used IIRC.

All I can say is the standard set on this board moving forward should be NO MORE WU/MG to A! Particularly from America. Not doing so puts everyone at greater risk, but most likely just you and your N. It seems A can confidently work around this like many people doing similar things in his area but never know how long will hold up when risk is added by taking shortcuts.

I hope you get your package OP! Thank you for creating the thread to help the community.

insert that payment recipients could cycle and it's also quite easy to fool companies with fake documents. In general, the compliance departments suck at verifications so a simple clerk even more. Still, it remains like walking on eggshells to encourage the pursuit

thanks for the conclusion. It should have been the merchants' duty to refuse WU/MG since a long time but since they favour sales, given the fact that clients are either lazy asses (principally) or incapacitated/disabled (less so), they have been fully flexible, thus the situation doesn't improve. The customers lead. change your habits
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Nov 18, 2019
It should have been the merchants' duty to refuse WU/MG since a long time

Exactly! You're spot on with the other stuff too. However when combined with seizures in the US via ordering through this route leads me to believe they are actively allowing $ to be sent and working with LE. LE's response in America seems confusing but also unclear regarding what they do when meeting the intended recipient. Hopefully someone can provide more insight and verification about this.
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Rad maker
Jul 30, 2020
To tell the truth, as soon as in 2015, written black on white inside the PPeH was the concern that Interpol was already on the back of the merchants, which may be true or a supposition. I'm not sure what was their source back then to claim this. But it's definitely amazing that the supply lasted for so long. The will has not been high to shut the path down or there is indeed a conflicting interest of some sort which is at play and defended.
People are reckless but should instead be wary about how they operate, for themselves and for the ones coming next. The sellers will adapt but the impulse must come from the prospects because sorry to say, we sometimes happen to bring more competency to the table that these drug dealers who seem mostly reactive only after shit happens but not as prevention
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Dec 26, 2019
No worries just curious, the information should be in the e-mail where he gave you information and prices.


No it is not, it just states 1 item for x price or 2 items for x price.
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Rad maker
Jul 30, 2020

That's excellent news what N is A sending you dolethal or pisabental.



None of the 2, and actually Pisa has been replaced since more than a year :) PM'ing you
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Dec 26, 2019
Let's not rule out the fact that there are bound to be shills right here on this board - people who ask us for A's email address and probably even pretend to be buyers just to find out what methods he is using and suck info out of him. This is why A asks us not to share his details on open sites like this. By open i mean anyone can join, not like Exit. People here (the bona fide users) need to be careful and follow basic opsec, e.g. use a VPN as an absolute minimum. If using MG, pay cash, not with card. If possible, get a trusted friend to do it in their name (with you rmoney) so there is no direct link between you and the point of origin, that sort of thing. And last but not least, if you don't have upwards of 750USD to gamble with - don't do it.
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Nov 22, 2020
Let's not rule out the fact that there are bound to be shills right here on this board - people who ask us for A's email address and probably even pretend to be buyers just to find out what methods he is using and suck info out of him. This is why A asks us not to share his details on open sites like this. By open i mean anyone can join, not like Exit. People here (the bona fide users) need to be careful and follow basic opsec, e.g. use a VPN as an absolute minimum. If using MG, pay cash, not with card. If possible, get a trusted friend to do it in their name (with you rmoney) so there is no direct link between you and the point of origin, that sort of thing. And last but not least, if you don't have upwards of 750USD to gamble with - don't do it.
That's awful! And only decreases the willingness of said suppliers when these things happen. I feel as though I'm at a loss for not having this contact info, though I would do most anything to obtain it having suffered from multiple chronic conditions for so many years now (yet I'm not eligible to be an exit member). Fuck. Well, if anyone is willing to share via PM, I can't tell you how much I would appreciate it. Shit, I was scammed a week before joining here, lost $800USD, and am STILL willing to gamble that money to get N as my long awaited ticket.
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Tell my dogs I love them
May 29, 2020
Crossing my fingers for you!:hug:
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New Member
Nov 15, 2020
Hope everything works out!
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
The one person who said homeland security visited him would not give any further details even when I asked what exactly they said. He said they visited him. Why would they do that? They have agents out running around visiting people for no reason I guess.
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Nov 22, 2020
The one person who said homeland security visited him would not give any further details even when I asked what exactly they said. He said they visited him. Why would they do that? They have agents out running around visiting people for no reason I guess.
Strange. Did they say if they were in the US? Or no details at all?
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Rad maker
Jul 30, 2020
The one person who said homeland security visited him would not give any further details even when I asked what exactly they said. He said they visited him. Why would they do that? They have agents out running around visiting people for no reason I guess.

I don't know if it's the same person than at Exit but this one wrote there he/she was too traumatised / scared to talk any further and answer questions, which can be understood. Certainly the one at Exit is likely not a fake member. However here, we never know
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Nov 22, 2020
It would definitely be frightening. I'm just not sure why they would bother visiting someone. Although Homeland Security has a very indefinite purpose and agenda and probably aren't sure themselves what they are supposed to be doing.

It was established to protect against terrorist threats so how is ordering small quantity of N a terrorist threat? It sounds like they haven't much else to do.
That's what's confusing to me. That, and why they are allowing for deliveries to be fulfilled prior to stopping by. Seems to me that if they were trying to prevent N from getting into the hands of citizens they would intercept the package entirely, especially as some visit claims have been made after a week, two weeks, or longer. Wouldn't that allow for the risk of actual consumption of the product prior to their arrival? None of it makes sense to me, though I can't say I don't believe these claims, I just wish to understand them a bit more clearly!
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Nov 18, 2019
That's what's confusing to me. That, and why they are allowing for deliveries to be fulfilled prior to stopping by. Seems to me that if they were trying to prevent N from getting into the hands of citizens they would intercept the package entirely, especially as some visit claims have been made after a week, two weeks, or longer. Wouldn't that allow for the risk of actual consumption of the product prior to their arrival? None of it makes sense to me, though I can't say I don't believe these claims, I just wish to understand them a bit more clearly!

And it doesn't make sense people who order N aren't going to be nearly as afraid of prosecution as the average kid bc ctb is on the mind and can happen a number of other ways then let the cops clean us up. Check, raise.

So yes it is very unclear what US policy is other than people aren't getting arrested/charged/institutionalized right now.
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Maybe there is a hope!
Aug 14, 2020
Why bother with N when we have SN?
N - officially illegal, possibly a scam, too expensive, and you can receive a diluted batch
SN - legal in most countries, cheap, you can test it easily with aquarium test so that you know that it's 98%+
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
people aren't getting arrested/charged/institutionalized right now.
They would thoroughly investigate and run it by the proper people first. They have a couple of years to bring charges and the initial visit is just part of the overall investigation and putting the case together for a possible arrest. There is nothing stopping them from coming back.

Them acting friendly is part of the act to get the person to loosen up around them.
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Dec 26, 2019
They would thoroughly investigate and run it by the proper people first. They have a couple of years to bring charges and the initial visit is just part of the overall investigation and putting the case together for a possible arrest. There is nothing stopping them from coming back.

Them acting friendly is part of the act to get the person to loosen up around them.
I really don't think they have the time or resources to investigate such small transactions. Too busy arresting people for wrongthink and calling out the controla virus for the monumental hoax it is.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I really don't think they have the time or resources to investigate such small transactions.
Oh they have all the time and resources in the world. You don't know american law enforcement. They go after the low hanging fruit. It is a huge bureaucratic machine that needs constant supply of new cases. They have millions of dollars in excess funds. They have thousands of employees who have to be kept busy. We have the highest rate of incarceration in the world. It's just what we do: lock people up. The little fish get swallowed up much before the big fish. It's easy work for them.
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