Ok, this might sound ridiculous...someone mentioned wishing they could be ignorant and honestly that's how I'm having more good days than bad recently. Obviously, our pain and suffering is unique to each of us and I want to be clear I respect that and respect everyone's individual journey/decisions. But with Covid and the election among other things like not fitting in and feeling awkward, struggling with my job, family issues, etc., I started kind of limiting where I invested my energy/attention because I saw myself going back down a path of darkness.
If I have to attempt to be a functioning human for 24 hours of the day, I can sure as heck make more of those hours about me and what I want to do....I found some life loopholes, if you will. For example, thanks to Covid I have to work remote...my job is meh but I secretly only really work part of the day, not the full 8 hours...I mean no one is watching (thank goodness). And getting away with that kind of adds to my happiness.
Also, I started feeling so weighed down by the end of the day being on lockdown that I literally just wanted to go to bed at 7pm and could sleep for 12 hours...but I know my dog and being outside was helpful to boosting my mood, at least I feel better in that moment and it usually lasts for a few hours/ the rest of the day. so I force myself to go for a walk with the pupper...I started with hints like that — just one goal for the day that would help me. After weeks, I would eventually add another goal and these activities that I actually enjoyed became routine.
All was great until I hit a wall last week, death in the family (suicide)...and of course before the holidays. I am struggling but trying to be kind and forgiving to myself. Letting myself think all the thoughts (some pretty dark negative ones too), letting myself feel everything and do my favorite vices — it is fine, I need this for me is what I'm telling myself but come Monday...I'm hoping I can pick myself back up and restart my one goal a day: thinking it'll be a 30-min walk with my dog. If i can just do that for one week or two, then I will add other positive things to my routine. Feeling hopeful right now as I crawl back under the cover with my puppy.
sorry for the tangent, probably tmi but my point was basically reframing your situation and limitations to what works for you...what within your realm of possibility can you do that you know you like and boosts your mood? Reading or drawing? Doing zoom happy hours with people you like? (Those are "in" now) Learning new concepts or how to make stuff via YouTube videos? ...and shitty stuff will inevitably come into our frame but if you can redirect your energy and time into what you like and care about, maybe thatll have some sort of positive impact.Doing life comparisons or hindsight 20/20 / grass is always greener type of thinking is a recipe for disaster...I think we do too much of it in western/US culture.