
Jan 6, 2020
Everyday is suffer. I don't even want to wake up next morning. I just want to die in my sleep before next morning.

I just dare not to kill myself. I am really afraid the possibility that deities punish me for this.
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Chupacabra 44

Chupacabra 44

If boredom were a CTB method, I would be long gone
Sep 13, 2020
I understand.

The fear of the unknown is prevalent for myself.
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Jan 6, 2020
I understand.

The fear of the unknown is prevalent for myself.

@Chupacabra 44 Does it appear in your religion too? Have you ever heard of something like that in your religion?
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Account Wipe.
Apr 30, 2020
Maybe it's not your time.

Who knows, what if things get better?
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Aug 7, 2020
Everyday is suffer. I don't even want to wake up next morning. I just want to die in my sleep before next morning.

I just dare not to kill myself. I am really afraid the possibility that deities punish me for this.
arent they punishing you right now ?
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Jan 6, 2020
arent they punishing you right now ?

@almost_dead I don't know. Some people say that it kind of like karma. When I receive bad karma, there will be some bad thing happened on me.
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Serena / Meatball head
Aug 29, 2020
If you are suffering, consider suicide as a Heaven-sent gift. This is my own approach.
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Chupacabra 44

Chupacabra 44

If boredom were a CTB method, I would be long gone
Sep 13, 2020
@Chupacabra 44 Does it appear in your religion too? Have you ever heard of something like that in your religion?

I'm Christian but my immediate family and I didn't practice religion growing up nor do I practice today. As an aside this feels like a void in myself personally. I always had interest in Buddhism after taking a course at University. I kick myself to this day for not pursuing this interest. I know it's never too late and I look into it periodically. There are a couple of Buddhist temples in the city where I live.

I think the issue is just about my over the top, intense anxiety. I have a formal diagnosis of general anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder, for whatever this is worth.

Thank you for showing interest in my story.
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Aug 6, 2020
I'm happy to admit that despite not being religious, I have sincerely prayed many times over the last 11 years.
I have had no response and things just get worse.

A very religious person would turn my experience into a debate about keeping faith during the storm.
But in reality, if a God does exist that pushes people to suicide as a test of faith or to teach you a lesson, that's just awful.

As an aside, I once got very acquainted with a local Hillsong 'church'.
It wasn't a church at all, it was a business masquerading as a religious organisation.
If you weren't giving them money, they made out that you hadn't reached a certain 'level' of faith yet.
They hold various events simply to try to con money out of you (e.g. one was called 'kingdom builders').
Fraud was also common place. How do I know?
Because I did their books.
Also extremely manipulative, and you can imagine their frustration when that didn't work on me.

And before you ask, no I did not commit fraud. I simply saw it happen and reported it.
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Jan 6, 2020
I'm Christian but my immediate family and I didn't practice religion growing up nor do I practice today. As an aside this feels like a void in myself personally. I always had interest in Buddhism after taking a course at University. I kick myself to this day for not pursuing this interest. I know it's never too late and I look into it periodically. There are a couple of Buddhist temples in the city where I live.

I think the issue is just about my over the top, intense anxiety. I have a formal diagnosis of general anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder, for whatever this is worth.

Thank you for showing interest in my story.

@Chupacabra 44 No wonder it make you fear. As I know both Christianity and Buddhism oppose suicide.
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Feb 20, 2020
Gods don't exist, and the bible doesn't forbid suicide.
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Sep 19, 2020
May the deities give you strength to keep going.
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Tell my dogs I love them
May 29, 2020
I'm an atheist. And logically I believe that after I ctb I will just cease to exist, just as I did for the millions of years before I was born. However I have had thoughts like "what if there actually is something after this life?", "What if there really is a hell?", which have worried me at times. But my attitude to this now is that even if that does turn out to be the case, nothing can be worse than how my current life is, I'm already living in hell.
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Sep 19, 2020
I'm an atheist. And logically I believe that after I ctb I will just cease to exist, just as I did for the millions of years before I was born. However I have had thoughts like "what if there actually is something after this life?", "What if there really is a hell?", which have worried me at times. But my attitude to this now is that even if that does turn out to be the case, nothing can be worse than how my current life is, I'm already living in hell.
I share this point of view, but I think afterlife would be more like a neutral experience, nothing to do with heaven or hell. Supposedly.
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Got my ticket
Aug 18, 2020
I'm agnostic and I believe all religions are human made. If there truly is a deity that would punish you in the afterlife for suicide then the universe is a cruel joke. Why would you create life that experiences horrible suffering and then punish that life for trying to escape? Seems pretty sadistic to me. If that's the case what is even the point of life?
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I just can’t get these damn wrists to bleed
Jul 22, 2020
Everyday is suffer. I don't even want to wake up next morning. I just want to die in my sleep before next morning.

I just dare not to kill myself. I am really afraid the possibility that deities punish me for this.

If you believe the gods will punish you for taking your own life, does that mean that they will reward you if you do not commit suicide and instead patiently endure the hardships life throws at you?

I'm just speculating, but, theoretically speaking: Would it not be "better" to suffer a relatively short time on Earth and gain eternal happiness after death, than to put an end to earthly sorrows and risk an eternity of punishment?
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Here Lies My Hopes And Dreams
Sep 4, 2019
I know how you feel. One reason I feel like I can't ctb is fear of a possible hell/the unknown
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Jan 6, 2020
If you believe the gods will punish you for taking your own life, does that mean that they will reward you if you do not commit suicide and instead patiently endure the hardships life throws at you?

I'm just speculating, but, theoretically speaking: Would it not be "better" to suffer a relatively short time on Earth and gain eternal happiness after death, than to put an end to earthly sorrows and risk an eternity of punishment?

@XYZ I just don't know. How will thing go? Can I get eternal happiness? Maybe there will or there will be not punishment, and if there will be maybe it will be not eternal.


Jul 14, 2020
interest in Buddhism after taking a course at University. I kick myself to this day for not pursuing this interest. I know it's never too late and I look into it periodically. There are a couple of Buddhist temples in the city where I live.
from my understanding of buddhism, it's not an answer to anything, but just another man-made trap.
Another way to control and crush individuals which masquerades as a supreme ethical system.
Will to power pretending to be will to nothingness.


Jan 20, 2020
I'm Christian but my immediate family and I didn't practice religion growing up nor do I practice today. As an aside this feels like a void in myself personally. I always had interest in Buddhism after taking a course at University. I kick myself to this day for not pursuing this interest. I know it's never too late and I look into it periodically. There are a couple of Buddhist temples in the city where I live.

I think the issue is just about my over the top, intense anxiety. I have a formal diagnosis of general anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder, for whatever this is worth.

Thank you for showing interest in my story.
The practice of non practice my friend.
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Jul 14, 2020
bible doesn't forbid suicide
this is factually correct
As I know both Christianity and Buddhism oppose suicide
Not early christianity. Opposition to suicide only came later as a doctrinal invention by the catholics, with the nicene creed and theologians like augustine, aquinas etc. Augustine actually articulated the first explicit condemnation of suicide in christianity, by interpreting 'thou shalt not kill' as implicitly including 'oneself', since 'thy neighbor' was omitted. If God only meant 'do not kill thy neighbor', he would have said so, according to augustine. (Then again, if God's word is perfect, surely His commandments shouldn't need to be interpreted by exegesis 1500 years after the fact? Why didn't God just say 'thou shalt not kill thy neighbor or thyself' to avoid any possible confusion? It would have saved a few souls from eternal damnation. Moreover, according to Augustine's reasoning by omission, nobody should kill anything living at all.)
He took the rest of his reasons from plato's phaedo.

Suicide only became a secular crime and actually considered 'sinful' in the 6th century, and additions like it becoming an ecclesiastical crime and denied proper burial only came much later.

I'm certainly not hedging my bets on the side of a repressed 4th century north african theologian with a penchant for sadomasochism, and a set of state laws obviously put in place by those in power to control populations through fear and intimidation.

And buddhism is actually a bit ambiguous when it comes to suicide. It depends on the intentions and the reasons. If you're just committing suicide as a shortcut to nirvana, then it's wrong and will result in more rebirth.
Then again, most intentions/desires result in rebirth according to buddhism. But suicide doesn't have some special karmic status as uniquely bad.
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life is pain
Jul 14, 2020
I can't believe Robin Williams, Kurt Cobain, Chester Bennington, Goo Hara and so many others have gone to hell.
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Sep 14, 2020
OP, I feel the same way. That and obligation to family are the only thing keeping me here.
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Oct 31, 2018
I can't believe Robin Williams, Kurt Cobain, Chester Bennington, Goo Hara and so many others have gone to hell.
Well, if hell exists it must be full of great, interesting people. Rock stars, actors, comedians, philosophers, writes, it surely is like THE place to go. Imagine how boring heaven must be in comparison :D

But for real tho, religion is nothing but a man made bullshit story that doesn't make any logical sense once you actually start thinking about it, don't torture yourself with this crap.
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Chupacabra 44

Chupacabra 44

If boredom were a CTB method, I would be long gone
Sep 13, 2020
Gods don't exist, and the bible doesn't forbid suicide.

Lord knows I'm out of my depth when it comes to philosophical discussions (pun intended), but should we care about the Bible if there is no God, as you are stating? (Not my view - I don't think).
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Sep 7, 2020
this is factually correct

Not early christianity. Opposition to suicide only came later as a doctrinal invention by the catholics, with the nicene creed and theologians like augustine, aquinas etc. Augustine actually articulated the first explicit condemnation of suicide in christianity, by interpreting 'thou shalt not kill' as implicitly including 'oneself', since 'thy neighbor' was omitted. If God only meant 'do not kill thy neighbor', he would have said so, according to augustine. (Then again, if God's word is perfect, surely His commandments shouldn't need to be interpreted by exegesis 1500 years after the fact? Why didn't God just say 'thou shalt not kill thy neighbor or thyself' to avoid any possible confusion? It would have saved a few souls from eternal damnation. Moreover, according to Augustine's reasoning by omission, nobody should kill anything living at all.)
He took the rest of his reasons from plato's phaedo.

Suicide only became a secular crime and actually considered 'sinful' in the 6th century, and additions like it becoming an ecclesiastical crime and denied proper burial only came much later.

I'm certainly not hedging my bets on the side of a repressed 4th century north african theologian with a penchant for sadomasochism, and a set of state laws obviously put in place by those in power to control populations through fear and intimidation.

And buddhism is actually a bit ambiguous when it comes to suicide. It depends on the intentions and the reasons. If you're just committing suicide as a shortcut to nirvana, then it's wrong and will result in more rebirth.
Then again, most intentions/desires result in rebirth according to buddhism. But suicide doesn't have some special karmic status as uniquely bad.

thank you for explaining that. I little knowledge about the bible. What knowledge I do have has been since my son died. I watched some youtube vids about how the catholics changed to many things most people would be surprised. I have looked up is suicide against the bible and found several pages that said it isn't. There is 1 ultimate sin. My brother spent a good amount of time in prison with nothing to read but the bible and spews things at me. I told him from my research all we have to do is ask forgiveness. So I can drink my cup and ask for forgiveness done deal
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Chupacabra 44

Chupacabra 44

If boredom were a CTB method, I would be long gone
Sep 13, 2020
If you believe the gods will punish you for taking your own life, does that mean that they will reward you if you do not commit suicide and instead patiently endure the hardships life throws at you?

I'm just speculating, but, theoretically speaking: Would it not be "better" to suffer a relatively short time on Earth and gain eternal happiness after death, than to put an end to earthly sorrows and risk an eternity of punishment?

I have so many vacillating thoughts on this concept. I tell myself "hey, chupacabra you've stuck this out for so long and you're in your fifties, what's a decade or two more suffering when the alternative could POTNTIALLY be eternal damnation. And, I don't fully grasp how long eternal is, but it sure sounds like a long time to me ."
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I just can’t get these damn wrists to bleed
Jul 22, 2020
I have so many vacillating thoughts on this concept. I tell myself "hey, chupacabra you've stuck this out for so long and you're in your fifties, what's a decade or two more suffering when the alternative could POTNTIALLY be eternal damnation. And, I don't fully grasp how long eternal is, but it sure sounds like a long time to me ."

I love that you address yourself with your user name :pfff:
Deleted member 94

Deleted member 94

Mar 24, 2018
If you believe the gods will punish you for taking your own life, does that mean that they will reward you if you do not commit suicide and instead patiently endure the hardships life throws at you?

I'm just speculating, but, theoretically speaking: Would it not be "better" to suffer a relatively short time on Earth and gain eternal happiness after death, than to put an end to earthly sorrows and risk an eternity of punishment?
In Hinduism the religion I was born into The God Ram and his consort Sita both committed suicide, so they can't judge me and my choice in doing the same.
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Sep 15, 2018
I'm an atheist. And logically I believe that after I ctb I will just cease to exist, just as I did for the millions of years before I was born. However I have had thoughts like "what if there actually is something after this life?", "What if there really is a hell?", which have worried me at times. But my attitude to this now is that even if that does turn out to be the case, nothing can be worse than how my current life is, I'm already living in hell.
man you are going too far, hell is a religious fantasy there's no evidence of its existence and even if it existed who the hell confirmed you and proved you how to enter it or avoid it?
you are rejecting religions so dont take their fantasies as a possibility because whats built upon fake shits is totally a fake shit same thing applies for the hell case since a fake shit has told you about it so its not even a possibility and even if it existed then killing self is not a goddamn sin religion orders to kill people in name of religion and die while doing so(suicide for virgins) and people kill animals to eat what is this stupid logic, ask me im an expert in beliefs stuffs

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