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Oct 13, 2020
I just think it's problematic suggesting you have 'earned' your right to be suicidal by living longer than others. So you're in your 40s? So am I.. and someone in their 60s could think we're too young to ctb because there's still hope and good things could happen in the future, the same way you are looking at 20 somethings and saying that..
It's also bringing in the question of validity of member's reasons to ctb, which is completely subjective. If you are going to start to say no under 30s because they 'might be wrong', well.. that's a judgement call and your opinion.. someone else might think parents shouldn't be here, or over 50s shouldn't be here, or whatever.. And as has been said previously I feel it would be wrong and damaging to turn 18-30s away based on the fact they are supposedly too young to make a rational/ mature choice. If I was 20 right now I'd be pissed off reading that.
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Похорони меня возле МКАДа
Jul 4, 2020
I never read so much BS before and I think that you might be "one of them" who actually wants to troll us.
Yeah, this might be a great explanation for all this crap you wrote here.
It's like saying that guns are killing people and they should be completely banned. It's not like people can buy them from certain places without any license or just 3D print them at home, which might sound silly at first but is actually a real thing.
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Wanderer of worlds
Jan 28, 2021
I just think it's problematic suggesting you have 'earned' your right to be suicidal by living longer than others. So you're in your 40s? So am I.. and someone in their 60s could think we're too young to ctb because there's still hope and good things could happen in the future, the same way you are looking at 20 somethings and saying that..
It's also bringing in the question of validity of member's reasons to ctb, which is completely subjective. If you are going to start to say no under 30s because they 'might be wrong', well.. that's a judgement call and your opinion.. someone else might think parents shouldn't be here, or over 50s shouldn't be here, or whatever.. And as has been said previously I feel it would be wrong and damaging to turn 18-30s away based on the fact they are supposedly too young to make a rational/ mature choice. If I was 20 right now I'd be pissed off reading that.
Soon to be 20 years old here, it really sucks for all of my sufferings to be deduced to failing tests, breakups,... and even if that was the problem, I can assure you that the people/environment/culture here could make those seemingly mundane problems be living hell. I don't think I want to gamble with my life and "wait a bit" just to prove to myself that life is worth living just because something got a bit better, and if it turns out to be even worse then now, I would be the one to suffer, not some "good gatekeepers". And I'm pretty sure life fuck all of us equally regardless if you're under 40 or not so why do we need an age restriction to essentially earn the right to discuss about/attempting CTB"?
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Jul 5, 2020
Well, there's lots of fully grown adults on here who have mental illnesses that have impulsivity and rash decision-making as symptoms who are free to post. There are also people who are going through normal grief events (e.g. divorce, break up, or losing a loved one) who end up here. Then there's the people who are going through their very first depressive episode in adulthood. You can argue that those people are acting much less rationally than a kid who's been planning to kill themselves after a failed test, because they have a miserable life and a horrible family that will give them hell over that grade. Lack of rationalization is inherent to mental illness. None of us are really thinking the way we should be, which is why we are here.

I don't think anyone here ends up here by accident. You need to make a lot of very purposeful Google searches to end up here. I think anyone in the state of mind to stumble across SS is already at a much higher risk of attempting suicide. And why is the focus on the kids being so easily influenced by what they read? Maybe theyre so easily influenced because they had a hard life. When no one listens to you, when therapy is inaccessible, when you have fucked up parents like the ones on FixThe26 who bully suicidal people even after their child has died of suicide, then yeah, you're gonna go on a site like this and feel pushed to the brink. But the real issue is expensive and inadequate healthcare, shitty people who are unfit to be parents, neglectful school officials who don't push to get kids help, etc. SanctionedSuicide is not to blame, the mods don't send out someone to tie your noose or feed you your N-juice. It's like blaming Investigation Discovery for all homicides because they give the details on the exact weapons and actions done during a case.

I understand the desire to motivate younger people towards recovery. I can tell it comes from a good place in your heart. Its just that there's lots of slippery slopes and it's easy to start assuming things about people's experiences that you don't know the full story about. That's never fair to do, especially not on a site full of people in pain. You can encourage people towards recovery and give them resources, but theres no forcing it. It's better if this information is free and available to the people who need it. Not everyone needs it to commit suicide specifically. Sometimes seeing that there's options and that you're not alone is enough to keep someone alive for a while longer.
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Jan 31, 2021
I'm 28 and feel offended. I probably went through much more in life than many people in their 30's here. Not sure why I shouldn't be welcome here.
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Dec 19, 2020
I don´t see why people under 30 years should not be able to have a place to speak open und freely with people who understand their issues. You would not help them by banning them from this forum.
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Here lies my hopes and dreams
Mar 10, 2020
I'm 21, and I find the idea that one has to be 30 and older to make a decision for themselves is quite misguided. It comes of as infantilising that they/us can't make a well considered decision to end our own lives. Where would you propose these under 30's go if this were to be implemented? Given that many are here because they (including myself) have no where else to unload all there feelings and thoughts to and have them heard and not dismissed as irrational and ignored. I find it incredulous that this site only serves the purpose of killing yourself, and that I think is the misconception many have of this place and if all these measures were rolled out it would be confirming to all those people that this website is solely meant for ctb. It important to remember that we are all entitled to autonomy of our own bodies that including to choose to end our lives - granted it's something that has been wholly thought out and isn't on impulse. On impulsivity, like many above have mentioned is something experienced across all ages and not reserved for under30's, which undermines the idea that only people 30+ can have permission to these resources.
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May 27, 2020
I disagree with this. Just because someone is young/younger that does not mean their opinions on the world around them, or their suffering, is any less valid. Yes there is always the argument that older people tend to have more life experience, but experience does not always equate to skill, or being "right" - maturity and age are not exclusive. This mindset can contribute to a young person feeling as if their words are worthless, and why so many of them do not seek help - on top of the already-existent stigma of suicide that affects people of all ages as well.

How is it decided on whether or not somebodies reason(s) for wanting to join this community are acceptable? You used the example of a young person wanting to commit suicide due to breaking up with their boyfriend; that may seem like a silly or impulsive reason to another person, but to the individual who has went through said break up it could mean everything. Every human processes pain differently and so it is difficult to have a set scale on which we judge if an individuals suffering has been enough to warrant ending their own lives. Also, and keeping on this example, if a young person commits suicide because of a so-called "minor" reason then that could point toward other issues. There could have been a lot going on - such as abuse for years on end, so they were in a bad state already. The break-up might have been the one small pin that pops the balloon.
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Jun 25, 2020
I believe anyone should be welcomed here. No suicidal person regardless of his/her age or reason for wanting to ctb or any other things should be discriminated especially by other suicidal ppl. I'm 23 (soon 24) and I've unfixable problem. Someone can be 9 or 60 and have any kind of problem that made them suicidal. All of us should be welcomed here.
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Dec 18, 2020
I agree with OP. My reasons: there are a number of people, many, probably most of them, who want to commit suicide under the effects of a depressive episode. If the depression is treated successfully, they wouldn't want to commit suicide.
Most depressive episodes just go away in months/years without any treatment. People who commit suicide during this time would have changed their minds given enough time to recover.
Now, for those with a treatment resistant depression that lasts years, there is still a chance that there's something out there to try which could improve their life quality -and therefore changing their minds about suicide- maybe a TMS, ketamine shots, ECT, another kind of medication like MAOI's, etc.....
So it depends on each case but I suspect -I don't have evidence though- that a vast majority of people in their 20's (again I'm not saying EVERYONE) that want to commit suicide are under a temporary impairment of judgement that would go away with time or proper treatment.
So that's why I think OP idea is not bad. Maybe investing in the recovery section a little bit more, idk, more resources. I'm pro choice but I definitely believe that many people that come here don't really want to die, it's their depression speaking or they're crying for help. And it's true that the site is unable to "filter out" who falls in each category. I don't think that is possible but we have to find how to be more careful to bring assistance for those who are looking for a way out that may not be suicide - even if it looks like the only way out at the time
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
"How to keep young people off the site." Short answer, you can't.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
Well, there's lots of fully grown adults on here who have mental illnesses that have impulsivity and rash decision-making as symptoms who are free to post. There are also people who are going through normal grief events (e.g. divorce, break up, or losing a loved one) who end up here. Then there's the people who are going through their very first depressive episode in adulthood. You can argue that those people are acting much less rationally than a kid who's been planning to kill themselves after a failed test, because they have a miserable life and a horrible family that will give them hell over that grade. Lack of rationalization is inherent to mental illness. None of us are really thinking the way we should be, which is why we are here.

I don't think anyone here ends up here by accident. You need to make a lot of very purposeful Google searches to end up here. I think anyone in the state of mind to stumble across SS is already at a much higher risk of attempting suicide. And why is the focus on the kids being so easily influenced by what they read? Maybe theyre so easily influenced because they had a hard life. When no one listens to you, when therapy is inaccessible, when you have fucked up parents like the ones on FixThe26 who bully suicidal people even after their child has died of suicide, then yeah, you're gonna go on a site like this and feel pushed to the brink. But the real issue is expensive and inadequate healthcare, shitty people who are unfit to be parents, neglectful school officials who don't push to get kids help, etc. SanctionedSuicide is not to blame, the mods don't send out someone to tie your noose or feed you your N-juice. It's like blaming Investigation Discovery for all homicides because they give the details on the exact weapons and actions done during a case.

I understand the desire to motivate younger people towards recovery. I can tell it comes from a good place in your heart. Its just that there's lots of slippery slopes and it's easy to start assuming things about people's experiences that you don't know the full story about. That's never fair to do, especially not on a site full of people in pain. You can encourage people towards recovery and give them resources, but theres no forcing it. It's better if this information is free and available to the people who need it. Not everyone needs it to commit suicide specifically. Sometimes seeing that there's options and that you're not alone is enough to keep someone alive for a while longer.

the mods don't send out someone to tie your noose or feed you your N-juice

(couldnt pick one lol)
I'm pro choice but I definitely believe that many people that come here don't really want to die, it's their depression speaking or they're crying for help.
i wont disagree. i know i dont want to die. however, im sensitive to medication so i have to be very careful of what i take. my disorders are constantly fucking with each other and all of this feels fake to me yet im still suffering like its not. ive been working on recovery for 4 years. the way my disorders are i am literally backed into a corner. i would love to know what you suggest because no one else seems to know and i havent found it
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Feb 20, 2021
I'm 24, I get where your coming from but there are some exceptions. Maybe reddit r/suicidewatch would be better for those people.
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Aug 18, 2020
I am 23. I really think a lot about a rational suicide. I really tried a lot. 2 psychologists gave me up. They said nothing can be done anymore. I have suicidal thoughts since i am 15. I have almost daily suicide thoughts till then. Most times i had no suicide thoughts i was manic. My life is ruined since my parents abused me when i was 5. This is quite irreversible.
I think waiting 7 years to make a rational decision is not necessary.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
quick question. did it ever occur to anyone how quiet it would get here? im sure you can see but thats more then half (keeping mind that yes its only 1000+ but how many of the 16 000+ members are active?)
Pie gragph
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
I've met some pretty mature 20-25 year olds on here that are wise beyond their years while I also came across boomers who's minds never made it past the 1950s. What one event could be a multitude of events that have already occurred and that one broke that person. When I first came on here, I had marriage problems, but people told me that I should suicide over her, not knowing I had a history of attempts and other shit that has gone bad, so this would be the icing. "Nah bruh don't kill yourself over a woman", "You lucky to have a woman, even if she abuses you..." etc. were some of the responses. I knew by the time I was 16 that I was going to have a hard life and a lot of struggling. I lived as a homeless teenager for a couple of years, I was introduced to sex when I was 5. Don't tell me it gets better. Shit doesn't get better, it just becomes numb the longer you live.

Secondly, children will find a way to get on this website just like Pornhub is readily available for children even though it's a site designed for 18+. It's up to the parents to enforce rules in the house that prevents children from accessing sites they shouldn't have. There are plenty of programs out there and even content filtering on some of the AV products. One can even modify the hosts file on their computers to block site urls if they're specific. Parents don't want to do it because their lazy or figure their children know better.
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Can’t do this anymore
Jan 28, 2021
quick question. did it ever occur to anyone how quiet it would get here? im sure you can see but thats more then half (keeping mind that yes its only 1000+ but how many of the 16 000+ members are active?)
View attachment 62702
Whoa! That chart indicates that there are 14-17 year olds on here? I don't recall anyone replying to that question saying that they were under 18.
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Dec 18, 2020


(couldnt pick one lol)

i wont disagree. i know i dont want to die. however, im sensitive to medication so i have to be very careful of what i take. my disorders are constantly fucking with each other and all of this feels fake to me yet im still suffering like its not. ive been working on recovery for 4 years. the way my disorders are i am literally backed into a corner. i would love to know what you suggest because no one else seems to know and i havent found it
What is your diagnosis and what have you tried so far?


Dec 8, 2019
After trolling the stupid FixThe26 people and reading their stories, I think maybe they have at least one point that young people....younger than 30 I'd say...aren't ready to handle what's on this website. There needs to be an official, lengthy application process to get on here. You need to really prove that you're a mature adult who can make these decisions. It's always the college and high school students that are like "My boyfriend dumped me" or "I failed a test" or "I didn't get the sorority I rushed my life is over." and then they die because youthful impulsivity is a force more powerful than even SI...and leave SS open on their phones. They may have not been beyond help. Maybe they had crappy parents, but they may have been able to eventually break free of them and live a good life.

For some of us...like me in my 40s...there's no more things to escape from. This is my life. I am an adult now, I'm middle aged. There is no more hope. I've fucked up everything so many times over. I think I've earned my way into this world and into this suicide conversation.

If you're in your 20s and you think you should kill yourself...at least wait a bit. You might be wrong. Like, you really really might be wrong. There might be loads of hope for you.

Get mad at me if you want. Gatekeeping is not evil. Gatekeeping is incredibly important for maintaining the mission of a project or the goal of an institution or the vibe of a group. There has to be a gate. You can't just leave your front door wide open so anybody can walk in. Not a popular view these days but hey i'm suicidal and everyone hates me anyway so WTF do I care? I'm more honest here than anywhere.
Gatekeeping and ageist like wtfff so people over 30 don't bitch about losing relationships and how its effected them?

Horrible idea. Horrible post.

Also, sorry NOT sorry but things just get more difficult the older you get in regards to A LOT OF THINGS but especially with mental/physical health reasources etc etc etc etc so telling people that they should wait is a horrible take. Resources become scarce/ soo much nore difficult where I am after 29. Take from that what U will.

I will never encourage someone to ctb or advocate for pwople young being suicidal or whatever but this is just no.

So irritating too when people that are older advocating for "sticking around to see" without knowing wtf anyone thats young has seen.
If I've seen the pits of hell in other people lives and had it impact me why would I be aiming for that shit? Why would I wanna stick around for that?

This whole post is just so problematic and glossing over so many thinga while trying to advocate for "whats best"

Anyway (most likely incoherent) rant over.

Stop thinking of ways to protect this site while excluding like most the people here jesus.
I see your point. HOWEVER, this is a community and in a community we take care of EVERYBODY!! This includes young adults and children. The fact that there is NO PLACE FOR THEM is even more sick than them NEEDING a place at all. They should ALL be welcomed here as long as they are 18-21 and older. To me, THESE ARE MY FUCKING KIDS and I'm not going to let a bunch of cunts tell me that I cannot help them or that they should not have a place! Every story here counts! In fact this is the last place that they all seem to count which again is a fail of moron proportions from a false and pussy society of vain and self righteous fucking twats!! The fact that no family member, friend, peer, social network, or reliable government help exists and has failed enough to push anyone here is a FUCKING HAMANITARIAN CRIME!! So no! Our children are fucking welcome here every fucking day of the fucking week any time of day! This is what it means to be fucking human!! We take care of our own no matter what!! Everyone who can't handle that is weak and should find a corner to hide in because all I've seen here is strength and love. ❤
Peer to Peer perspective that we need in everyday more and more :heart:
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
What is your diagnosis and what have you tried so far?
i think i can see where this is going, considering i know what im about to say, however ill give you the benefit of the doubt.

depending on which one where talking about, i handle them more individual rather then a diagnosis. problem by problem basically. (oh and im probably going to forget stuff)

- multiple anxieties, phobias stuff like that (honestly theres so many i have no idea how i get through the day. assumable because they arent constant things but instead like, needles, taller stairs i can handle a few, things like that, there is also what i cant see. no i wont say the dark because it pisses me off. "haha youre scared of the dark" yeah we'll see whos alive while im watching my back and whatever kills you (human-city/ animal-woods))
-bpd so i got the whole fucked up emotion thing goin on along with different personalities
-capgras, i sometimes struggle with believing my cats werent replaced
-i dont even believe any of my problems exist
-i feel hyper sensitive. like my skin is constantly crawling
-i have ptsd and cptsd
-i use to be physically dissociated on a constant for about 6 months now im just dissociated with the world which fucks up my hearing so i end up ignoring a lot without even meaning to
-voices, oh i love those little fuckers
-trust issues/paranoia, i believe that literally everyone in the world including my loved ones is playing a huge ass game on me where in the end its all a joke and they get to laugh at me while i feel like shit. so im waiting for that day to blow up in my face
-theres my fucked up relationship situation that has zero possibility of being 'fixed', thank you bpd.
-i lose touch with reality where these scene things play out in my head. sometimes someones getting murdered sometimes im getting r*ped

i could keep going but i feel my point was made plus like i said im probably going to forget stuff so i dont plan on sitting here all day

as for things ive tried i think the list would be smaller if it was things i didnt try considering i went to a wiki page of therapies tried all that applied then googled the more 'complex' (lol) ones and did them too the whole time also doing my own "this feels what i need to do" thing. the only thing i havent tried is the farther out stuff like hypnosis. actually pet therapy is where the cats came into the picture.

as for medications if you want to go there as well. (im probably going to fuck up these names fyi)
risperidone made me more suicidal (oh and i even tried a lower then recommended dose with zero change)
olanzapine literally had me sleeping for half the day (on the lowest dose) 15 -20 hrs then i cut the pill in half and it was only 12hrs
and there was another medication that i dont remember but it made my gut and head hurt really bad

im currently on buspirone which has the voices talking in the other room (ah peace) however they are still there.

all of this work and the only thing that has changed is i finally have peace and quiet sometimes

edit: i also feel that i should add that im fairly confident im on my last try. its obvious i cant take antipsychotics. i looked into mood stabilizers and ill pass and now im looking into antidepressants however im really not holding my breath on this one (or maybe i should lol) point is im serious if you actually have a suggestion id love to hear it.
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Jan 10, 2021
you know another young person here i'm 18 and all but when you say we aren't ready to handle the things that are on here and that because you're older you've realized your life has come to nothing and there's no moving forward i get where you're coming from, but a lot of what people are also saying is that they became suicidal in their old age and that they have only realized now there is nothing left. For me 18 years is my entire life and i get for some of you older people that's only a fraction of yours but if i have been depressed for 18 out of 18 years and i am unaware of other ways or how to have a hopefully outcome of life, well then that's an etiernity for me. I do get some people haven't had that maturity and are maybe not ready but i also am not one to amount age with maturity because too many older people still are not ready for mature conversations
disclaimer this wasn't to attack anyone or call anyone out i'm just relaying how i feel about maturity vs age
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Dec 8, 2019
And one last thing thats very valid and been repeasted in this thread:

Life isn't a fucking pissing contest but as someone that has friends with trauma and such, I can admit when they've been through more.


Point blank and simple. I know there are kids who have been through more than me.

You don't get to decide whether it's right for someone to be suicidal (and want an open comminity within that) ESPECIALLY without knowing their story first.

I have been through more shit in the first 20 yrs of my life than I (hopefully) EVER WILL for the rest of my damn 30's 40's 50's etc. That isnt a reason to fucking live it literally just makes things worse.

It makes it worse to go through shit at such young ages and not be properly equipped mentally and otherwise. To have your development fucked up.
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Nov 30, 2020
Violence. Extreme, unadulterated, violence. That's how.
Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
Yeah, you can't put a number on these things. I would encourage anybody no matter what their age to try and find a path to recovery if they can do so. If a person has tried everything like medication, therapy, mentoring, group support etc... but things still don't improve then okay, I get it. I myself have tried and failed. I blame most of it on biology and society fucking me up the most. Still, I would encourage others to try and find help before ever thinking of cbt. You can't come back once you pull that plug.
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Dec 18, 2020
i think i can see where this is going, considering i know what im about to say, however ill give you the benefit of the doubt.

depending on which one where talking about, i handle them more individual rather then a diagnosis. problem by problem basically. (oh and im probably going to forget stuff)

- multiple anxieties, phobias stuff like that (honestly theres so many i have no idea how i get through the day. assumable because they arent constant things but instead like, needles, taller stairs i can handle a few, things like that, there is also what i cant see. no i wont say the dark because it pisses me off. "haha youre scared of the dark" yeah we'll see whos alive while im watching my back and whatever kills you (human-city/ animal-woods))
-bpd so i got the whole fucked up emotion thing goin on along with different personalities
-capgras, i sometimes struggle with believing my cats werent replaced
-i dont even believe any of my problems exist
-i feel hyper sensitive. like my skin is constantly crawling
-i have ptsd and cptsd
-i use to be physically dissociated on a constant for about 6 months now im just dissociated with the world which fucks up my hearing so i end up ignoring a lot without even meaning to
-voices, oh i love those little fuckers
-trust issues/paranoia, i believe that literally everyone in the world including my loved ones is playing a huge ass game on me where in the end its all a joke and they get to laugh at me while i feel like shit. so im waiting for that day to blow up in my face
-theres my fucked up relationship situation that has zero possibility of being 'fixed', thank you bpd.
-i lose touch with reality where these scene things play out in my head. sometimes someones getting murdered sometimes im getting r*ped

i could keep going but i feel my point was made plus like i said im probably going to forget stuff so i dont plan on sitting here all day

as for things ive tried i think the list would be smaller if it was things i didnt try considering i went to a wiki page of therapies tried all that applied then googled the more 'complex' (lol) ones and did them too the whole time also doing my own "this feels what i need to do" thing. the only thing i havent tried is the farther out stuff like hypnosis. actually pet therapy is where the cats came into the picture.

as for medications if you want to go there as well. (im probably going to fuck up these names fyi)
risperidone made me more suicidal (oh and i even tried a lower then recommended dose with zero change)
olanzapine literally had me sleeping for half the day (on the lowest dose) 15 -20 hrs then i cut the pill in half and it was only 12hrs
and there was another medication that i dont remember but it made my gut and head hurt really bad

im currently on buspirone which has the voices talking in the other room (ah peace) however they are still there.

all of this work and the only thing that has changed is i finally have peace and quiet sometimes

edit: i also feel that i should add that im fairly confident im on my last try. its obvious i cant take antipsychotics. i looked into mood stabilizers and ill pass and now im looking into antidepressants however im really not holding my breath on this one (or maybe i should lol) point is im serious if you actually have a suggestion id love to hear it.
I don't know why you say "I know where this is going". I guess you are expecting me to say something invalidating about your desire to die.
Honestly I can see why you are suicidal. So I'm not going to invalidate that but I wouldn't invalidate your desire to live either (you said "I don't want to die"). There seems to be a part of you that wants to keep going so I would listen to that as well.
What I'm trying to say is that all those diagnosis don't mean you can't have something good out of life. Obviously a good psychiatrist and finding the right meds would make a huge difference.
Is there something you enjoy in life? Or someone? Something that makes it worth living?
I think people are invalidating towards us with mental illnesses but we have contempt about those who claim to live happy lives because they're "normies" who know nothing.... well that's invalidating too.
I think there must be valid reasons to live.


Jan 10, 2021
I don't know why you say "I know where this is going". I guess you are expecting me to say something invalidating about your desire to die.
Honestly I can see why you are suicidal. So I'm not going to invalidate that but I wouldn't invalidate your desire to live either (you said "I don't want to die"). There seems to be a part of you that wants to keep going so I would listen to that as well.
What I'm trying to say is that all those diagnosis don't mean you can't have something good out of life. Obviously a good psychiatrist and finding the right meds would make a huge difference.
Is there something you enjoy in life? Or someone? Something that makes it worth living?
I think people are invalidating towards us with mental illnesses but we have contempt about those who claim to live happy lives because they're "normies" who know nothing.... well that's invalidating too.
I think there must be valid reasons to live.
i get what youre saying i will admit tho if you look at things like economics and the decisions are made by doing a risk benefit analysis and there is more good than bad in your life its not irrational to be wanting of death. not that i support or am against its all a personal decision of course im just saying to try and sway peoples decision isnt the most necessary thing


Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
Is there something you enjoy in life? Or someone? Something that makes it worth living?
doesnt matter. that wont make my pain stop. also why would it matter if i think everyones out to get me?
What I'm trying to say is that all those diagnosis don't mean you can't have something good out of life. Obviously a good psychiatrist and finding the right meds would make a huge difference.
the chance of me finding the right meds...im literally looking for a needle in a haystack considering i cant take over half of them
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Dec 18, 2020
i get what youre saying i will admit tho if you look at things like economics and the decisions are made by doing a risk benefit analysis and there is more good than bad in your life its not irrational to be wanting of death. not that i support or am against its all a personal decision of course im just saying to try and sway peoples decision isnt the most necessary thing
I hate /r/SuicideWatch and their "everything is gonna be alright" speeches. But I don't want the exact opposite, something like FixThe26 portrays. That's why I don't agree that once an individual says he wants to die we have to shut the fuck up. Just because somebody says so doesn't mean he or she really WANTS to. Maybe it's a cry for help, maybe he or she is fucking depressed and that will change. I think we should hear people's stories and also contemplate the possibility of life.
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Jan 10, 2021
I hate /r/SuicideWatch and their "everything is gonna be alright" speeches. But I don't want the exact opposite, something like FixThe26 portrays. That's why I don't agree that once an individual says he wants to die we have to shut the fuck up. Just because somebody says so doesn't mean he or she really WANTS to. Maybe it's a cry for help, maybe he or she is fucking depressed and that will change. I think we should hear people's stories and also contemplate the possibility of life.
yeah i think for sure we should try to help them realize the decision maybe i just misinterpreted what you said my bad i was just thinking you were on the way to give one of those "everything is gonna be alright" speeches lol
my bad i just wanted to make sure we are on the same page <3
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