I know the title is a bit confusing, but basically I need a CTB method that can completely eliminate my brain so I don't get a DMT rush when I die. I know a gun can work, but does anyone know any other methods that completely destroys the brain?
Besides a gun, I guess the other methods that destroy your brain are jumping from a high place and falling on your head, and the train method.
I just want to be done with this life and get over it. If life after death does exist than it will probably be reincarnation anyways.
Highly debatable.
What happens when you die is what you believe will happen.
Everyone goes whererever they want to die once they die.
DMT and Near Death Experiences are the proof of this.
We know, per research by studies, that DMT causes similiar effects to Near Death Experiences.
Studies of people who have experienced 'clinical death,' but were revived, found a common theme of a "Near Death Experience." Research has suggested that the hallucinogen DMT models this NDE very similarly, suggesting that a DMT experience is like unto the final moments of an individuals life.
NDEs are different for everyone, some say that they reunied with their loved ones, some say that they felt a infinite amount of love, some say that they felt scared, some say that they felt nothing, and some even say that whatever they saw, made them believe that the afterlife is some sort of sandbox mode where they could do whatever they want. It varies from person to person.
Our brain releases a large amount of DMT at the moment we die. The brain actively stays alive for about six minutes after the heart stops. And as we know, time acts very differently in a dream state. Now with DMT being completely different than a dream state, time could also be very different. Six minutes could essentially turn into forever and your entire life could flash before your eyes in just a matter of seconds. So what if the DMT realm is actually the afterlife? And what people see when they have a near death experience, is actually due to DMT? (which, see above, is the case). Well,
according to people who do DMT, 6 minutes is forever, one nanosecond becomes infinity. The best way someone was able to explain it: "It is like a sound will get caught, imagine your game freezing on a sound. Before it shuts down it makes that same repeating sound. That will happen, and you'll get caught in one spot, but in reality it's not just one spot it's infinite spots. It's infinite time, the clock never has to move you can feel suspended through dimensions this way and it's usually a very good and profound feeling. Gives you time to look around when a nanosecond becomes infinity."
So if you that believe you go to "____" after you die, you'll go there. And if you believe that "____" happens after death, that's what will happen to you.
If you want nothing after death, you will get nothing. If you want to be reunited with your loved ones or pets who died before you did, you'll be reunited with them.
Once you die, you're not bound by the laws of physics anymore.
Maybe upon your death, you're transported to another dimension? One you desire? If we're going by NDEs, DMT, the astral realm, and the
multiverse/10 dimensions theory, you will (most likely) shift to whatever you believe will happen after you die.
So in your case, it would be nothingness, which sounds nice; I wouldn't mind a rest from all of this as well.
Plus I heard it slows down your sense of time and I don't want to be in my own thoughts for what seems like an eternity
Just because DMT changes your time perception doesn't mean that you would be with your own thoughts for an eternity. From what I know, there is no conception of time during DMT trips. And after reading a lot about dreams, astral projection, and near death experiences, it's clear to me that how we perceive time when we are awake, cannot be applied to those things.
I'm assuming it would be the same when you are dead. There would be no concept of time.
Since you don't want to experience anything after death, it's what you will get. And it's not like we can experience nothingness to begin with, it would be like a dream you never wake up from.