Today, I am at a 5, which means that it is trending higher(once again).
The scale tends to rise/fall in cycles and, each 'peak'(9), brings myself closer to CTB; it can be an unbelievably frustrating process.
The frequency of "cycling" appears to be increasing. I'll go through week-long periods of staying at an 8-9 and, if I manage to not CTB, I'll come out of 'the fog', have a week that revives my hope and, briefly, live with a powerful internal strength/resolve.
For one week, I'll be totally determined to continue fighting but, suddenly, the world becomes dark and reality completely shifts. I'm trying to find out how to be aware of the increases.
Once 'the darkness' envelops my consciousness(7+), I cannot see any 'light'. It's a miracle that I've come out of 'the dark hole' at all, let alone multiple times.
The "cycling" used to be very drawn out; I'd normally have several months in-between falling back into 'the darkness'.
The last time that the scale reached 10, was the closest that I've ever come to CTB. Alcohol, ironically, actually saved my life on that blackened night.