SaSu has given me a platform and space to discuss about topics that most other places (the other 99% other spaces in this world) wouldn't allow or have any safe space from. It also has allowed me to share my thoughts and find some temporary solace knowing that I'm not the only person who has a contrary perspective that isn't really accepted elsewhere. Furthermore, it has given me knowledge of certain methods that are horrendously misrepresented and actually debunk any myths and false claims about method success rates, which almost no other place can do (to name a few: hypothermia, hyperthermia, jumping, cutting, hanging, alcohol poisoning, and overdoses, etc.). Hollywood and mainstream views on certain methods and even popular ones are badly skewed and oftenly grossly incorrect on success rates whereas people on the SaSu community knows more and would give an honest, accurate assessment on a particular method. Then of course, not having the constant unsolicited bombardment of platitudes, gaslighters, and other people probing one's reasoning or wish to die as it's a pro-choice platform (not to say that trolls and pro-lifers, anti-choicers don't lurk about, but they are quickly dealt with).
I suppose the difference is even though I still want to die (by my own hand) and probably will given the right time and circumstance (or certain catalysts combined), at least I would have the best information on success rates and also some camaraderie before I take the final act or even for many years to come.