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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
I think you really only have two realistic options: lie and pretend to play their game or give in and actually do the things and see what happens.

Personally, I'd just resign myself to being stuck there and do what they wanted (within reason, of course). It's the path of least resistance, and I might get surprised and find I do get better somehow.

You're already stuck in the worst case scenario: locked in a hospital. So why not just bide your time and cooperate? What are you afraid will happen? They can't lock you up and court order you harder.

Regardless, you're only hurting your case by being hostile and screaming for them to kill you. You need to chill out, or they'll use that behavior to keep you longer. This kind of thing is probably why they aren't letting you out.
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Jul 23, 2020
Are in uk?? And it depends what level of observation you are on, and if your allowed clothing, bed linen in your room?? I really do want to help but also I want to CTB and that's my choice, but I'm not sure how I feel giving you the info for the means to do it, does that make sense? I have been in many uk hospitals and people have done it, my very close friend this year CTB in hospital, and was on obs!! I have also managed to escape from hospital. You have to think rationally and logically, watch other people etc, a light bulb moment will come to you when the times right. Take care

Checks are every hour. I'm allowed clothes, bed clothes etc


Jan 30, 2020
Make friends with the big quiet guy and convince him to throw a sink through a window

LOL.And make sure he suffocates you with a pillow before he does that so you won't need to CTB yourself.
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Sep 21, 2020
I was on a ward once where the doors were locked by a magnetic system, there was a little key pad on the wall for legitimate people, and a button in the nursing office that opened the door.
Myself and another patient 'teamed up', kicked the door as hard as we could, and off we went. The police found us in the pub a few hours later and returned us to the ward.. in quite a state!
I once heard the catering staff tell the code to another member or staff, I quickly wrote it down on the word search I was doing at the time, and waited until night time where I let myself out. I was again returned.
All in all I absconded from that ward 9 times.
The security was shite, but it was hilarious.
-Acopia :heart:
  • Wow
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Jul 23, 2020
I wish it was as easy to escape from this hospital


I'm sensitive
May 2, 2020
As others have said, the best way is to just pretend you're better. Go to whatever groups they have. You dont need to go to the fun game or arts and crafts groups, just the therapy ones. You dont have to participate, just sit there. Take whatever meds are prescribed, you can ask them to lower doses or take away meds. Say it makes you too drowsy since most meds make you drowsy lol. You can try checking meds by hiding them under your tongue or between your check and your molars, but I know some places check your mouth after meds. And as others have said at all, a suicide attempt is very likely to fail and you will stay longer. Ask them exactly what you need to do to leave and act that way. During assessments say you feel like your doing better. Dont act like you're cured bc they aren't complete idiots. Say something like "I think the meds are helping" or "I'm starting to learn/understand the stuff in thoese therapy groups". Best of luck to ya.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
You basically have to be agreeable but not obvious about it, if you want them to fast track you out of there. Now if you literally want to escape, that is a different story. I would have to see a rudimentary blueprint or floor plan of where you are at. One time when I was in there, some woman managed to escape. There were automatic doors that only the staff had the ability to open..as one was opening, she hid behind it, and as it closed, she slipped through and ran. Jumped one fence but couldn't manage the large bricks and iron of the next one. I was asleep at the time so I only saw and heard the aftermath. By the time I was awake, she was a full blown zombie, they drugged her to hell.


Jul 23, 2020
As others have said, the best way is to just pretend you're better. Go to whatever groups they have. You dont need to go to the fun game or arts and crafts groups, just the therapy ones. You dont have to participate, just sit there. Take whatever meds are prescribed, you can ask them to lower doses or take away meds. Say it makes you too drowsy since most meds make you drowsy lol. You can try checking meds by hiding them under your tongue or between your check and your molars, but I know some places check your mouth after meds. And as others have said at all, a suicide attempt is very likely to fail and you will stay longer. Ask them exactly what you need to do to leave and act that way. During assessments say you feel like your doing better. Dont act like you're cured bc they aren't complete idiots. Say something like "I think the meds are helping" or "I'm starting to learn/understand the stuff in thoese therapy groups". Best of luck to ya.

Thanks this is good advice
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I wish I could delete my trauma...
Aug 10, 2021
The Mental Capacity Act.
A court order for a feeding tube
Feeding tube? You have an ed? Ouch! That's rough! Sorry you went through that. I hope you made it out of there.


Almost gone, it almost worked
Oct 24, 2020
Wait until they try a new medication for you or raise the dose of one of them.

Then start spending less time in your room. Smile a bit at jokes even if you don't find them funny. Force yourself to converse with the other patients and don't talk about negative subject matter because sometimes the staff are listening when you think they aren't. In groups, say "I'm feeling a bit better lately" if there's a chance to share. Don't oversell it, stay modest and mention in one of your meetings with the doctor that you're feeling a little different but you're scared that it could change and you'll return to how you were before. This fake skepticism will make it more believable. Don't make any attempts while you're there. Within a few weeks of this they may already begin mentioning discharging you, as hospitals typically want patients out as soon as possible

This will be infinitely easier than trying to escape


I wish I could delete my trauma...
Aug 10, 2021
Wait until they try a new medication for you or raise the dose of one of them.

Then start spending less time in your room. Smile a bit at jokes even if you don't find them funny. Force yourself to converse with the other patients and don't talk about negative subject matter because sometimes the staff are listening when you think they aren't. In groups, say "I'm feeling a bit better lately" if there's a chance to share. Don't oversell it, stay modest and mention in one of your meetings with the doctor that you're feeling a little different but you're scared that it could change and you'll return to how you were before. This fake skepticism will make it more believable. Don't make any attempts while you're there. Within a few weeks of this they may already begin mentioning discharging you, as hospitals typically want patients out as soon as possible

This will be infinitely easier than trying to escape
This was in 2020, they might very well be out by now. (I rly hope so anyway)


Almost gone, it almost worked
Oct 24, 2020
This was in 2020, they might very well be out by now. (I rly hope so anyway)
Oh lol I didn't see the date. It would be really tragic if they were still stuck in there
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