Hello, I am really sorry to hear about your situation, I can't even imagine what it feels like, and I am very sorry to hear you are abour to face something so difficult for you again.
I am not sure where you live or what is your current financial situation, nor what the job was or what your skills are. However ...
1- in some countries you are allowed for a unemployment benefit. Do you have access to it?
2 - do you have any savings that can help you keep going for a little while? As you have some experience you may soon find another job.
3 - Are you able to get any other job you can get quickly? Like waiter, or hotel staff, something like that? That would keep you going for a little while and pay expenses.
I am just trying to give you ideas (if you have not thought about already).
Can you interview for jobs?
Which country are you in? I know they say in UK to call your local council asap...
(I've been homeless - was just recently housed)