

To complete the ending
Jan 26, 2019
Back again after a break from here we'll due to a damaged phone an needed time away. Anyway I suffer from really extremely bad anxiety anyway my doctor has me on Alprazolam/Pregabalin/seroquel/ for sleep zolpidem. Times of meds I take at.

lamictal (epilepsy) 9am
Alprazolam 9am
Pregabalin 9am

Pregabalin. 1pm

Seroquel. 9pm

Zolpidem/lamictal bed times 11pm+

My new meds are alprazolam anyone have any tips on them as in would they relax me more than the Pregabalin (Lyica) for a hanging? I've never bin on these before so just curious thanks all xx Sarah
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Feb 15, 2019
Welcome back :)
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Feb 13, 2019
I dont know Pregabalin, but one entire pill of alprazolam knocks me out in 30 mins. Just to be relaxed i take half a pill or even a quarter if its in the mornings and then i can continue taking quarters during the day if the anxiety goes higher.
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Dec 17, 2018
I don't know much about these meds, but I'd just like to say that I'm happy you're here.
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
Welcome back @Irishsarah88
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Dec 25, 2018
I cant imagine how doctors prescribe these cocktails and expect people to function properly. If you can take all these and not be a walking zombie thats really mind blowing.
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Feb 27, 2019
Aprazolam is Xanax which is a benzo, it's the drug that has a huge part into why I am here. It is very powerful although you will not feel it you will feel quick relief and dont feel drugged.

If you are desperate for anxiety relief then it works great. But tolerance with daily use can build fast but not always. Once you are a daily xanax/benzo user coming off them will be horrible.

I am no doc and if you need them you need them. But if you still have hope for a normal life I strongly suggest not getting addicted to benzo's. But that IMO but seeing you are ready then it would be a good med to take away anxiety. It will even make you think hey I feel pretty good maybe I will wait ;)
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Apr 25, 2018
Back again after a break from here we'll due to a damaged phone an needed time away. Anyway I suffer from really extremely bad anxiety anyway my doctor has me on Alprazolam/Pregabalin/seroquel/ for sleep zolpidem. Times of meds I take at.

lamictal (epilepsy) 9am
Alprazolam 9am
Pregabalin 9am

Pregabalin. 1pm

Seroquel. 9pm

Zolpidem/lamictal bed times 11pm+

My new meds are alprazolam anyone have any tips on them as in would they relax me more than the Pregabalin (Lyica) for a hanging? I've never bin on these before so just curious thanks all xx Sarah

Sarah. You are under demonic attack. I dont mean to scare you. But you just fine. It will go away, but you have to be strong. And ignore it.


Jan 7, 2019
Alprazolam (Xanax) is bad knews. It's been known in scientific circles for decades now that this class of drugs can cause brain injury after being on it long term (anything over 2-4 weeks is long term). There's much more to it than just tolerance/dependence, "addiction", etc. They are dangerous prescriptions to be on and a main reason why I am here.

Also, long-term benzos cause cognitive issues, so your thinking will be diminished, and you may end up too mentally disabled to ctb even if you wanted to.
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Feb 27, 2019
Alprazolam (Xanax) is bad knews. It's been known in scientific circles for decades now that this class of drugs can cause brain injury after being on it long term (anything over 2-4 weeks is long term). There's much more to it than just tolerance/dependence, "addiction", etc. They are dangerous prescriptions to be on and a main reason why I am here.

Also, long-term benzos cause cognitive issues, so your thinking will be diminished, and you may end up too mentally disabled to ctb even if you wanted to.
You are here because of benzo's too? Me too for the most part. The have been the catalist... Have seen a few posts here and there because of people damaged by benzo's and psych drugs. It's a fucking discrace to put it mildly. People have ctb because of this poison and many people are suffering horribly for years. What a fucking mess... I wish these psychs would get a taste of their own medicine..
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Dec 25, 2018
You are here because of benzo's too? Me too for the most part. The have been the catalist... Have seen a few posts here and there because of people damaged by benzo's and psych drugs. It's a fucking discrace to put it mildly. People have ctb because of this poison and many people are suffering horribly for years. What a fucking mess... I wish these psychs would get a taste of their own medicine..
I'm here because benzos as well
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Jan 14, 2019
Back again after a break from here we'll due to a damaged phone an needed time away. Anyway I suffer from really extremely bad anxiety anyway my doctor has me on Alprazolam/Pregabalin/seroquel/ for sleep zolpidem. Times of meds I take at.

lamictal (epilepsy) 9am
Alprazolam 9am
Pregabalin 9am

Pregabalin. 1pm

Seroquel. 9pm

Zolpidem/lamictal bed times 11pm+

My new meds are alprazolam anyone have any tips on them as in would they relax me more than the Pregabalin (Lyica) for a hanging? I've never bin on these before so just curious thanks all xx Sarah

Welcome back:-)

I don't know any of these meds you just mentioned, but if any of them are strong narcotics you are very lucky I think. I wish I had access to strong narcotics myself.

I see from the thread that you got benzos? That is narcotic, isn't it? These can probably be useful for something.

Once I was using an anti depressant called cipralex, but that was not narcotic. As far as I know you can't use those to ctb. I wish it was possible though since I easily can get them back.

I know very little about drugs and narcotics but I really wish I knew a lot! I have tried to do some research on the subject, but it's difficult, even on this site.

I wish I had fentanyl patches though. 6 of the strongest ones. Than suicide would be very easy!
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Feb 27, 2019
I'm here because benzos as well
Im so sorry... It angers me and I wish I had the strength to fight this. I mean we took a medicine given by a doctor who we trusted and u end up suicidal. It is as twisted as it can be.
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Mar 3, 2019
Glad you're ok hopefully the new medicine is helpful to you!
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Dec 30, 2018
I was on Xanax 20+ years as well as other anti depressants. I was detoxed from everything but Xanax & developed a seizure disorder either from it or because I developed seizures it seems I can't come off. Please study & run from this drug if there is anything else that helps. it's a living nightmare.
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Dec 25, 2018
Im so sorry... It angers me and I wish I had the strength to fight this. I mean we took a medicine given by a doctor who we trusted and u end up suicidal. It is as twisted as it can be.
How long have you been off them? I was on Klonopin I've been off probably close to 5 years now. It took me till just last year for my normal sleep to return and most of the spasms to stop.
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Feb 27, 2019
How long have you been off them? I was on Klonopin I've been off probably close to 5 years now. It took me till just last year for my normal sleep to return and most of the spasms to stop.
Im not off yet :(
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Dec 25, 2018
Im not off yet :(
How long have you been on them? Sometimes I feel like I should have never came off. They are pretty much a trap you either spend all your life a slave to them letting them destroy your brain and make you suicidally depressed or you get off them and experience the same things and a withdrawal that can lasts months on top of it.
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Mar 14, 2019
Back again after a break from here we'll due to a damaged phone an needed time away. Anyway I suffer from really extremely bad anxiety anyway my doctor has me on Alprazolam/Pregabalin/seroquel/ for sleep zolpidem. Times of meds I take at.

lamictal (epilepsy) 9am
Alprazolam 9am
Pregabalin 9am

Pregabalin. 1pm

Seroquel. 9pm

Zolpidem/lamictal bed times 11pm+

My new meds are alprazolam anyone have any tips on them as in would they relax me more than the Pregabalin (Lyica) for a hanging? I've never bin on these before so just curious thanks all xx Sarah
i got do i use them?
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