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Jul 22, 2018
I understand but racism toward a particular race is okay? We are all equal. We are spiritual beings in human bodies. I just think it's sad that someone would make such a statement. Anyway I wish you peace.
I don't understand why you describe what she wrote as racism towards a particular race. She wrote about white supremacist and she didn't mean white people in general.
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Jun 1, 2019
I understand but racism toward a particular race is okay? We are all equal. We are spiritual beings in human bodies. I just think it's sad that someone would make such a statement. Anyway I wish you peace.

Taking one comment, completely out of context, does not make it racism at all. Even knowing very little about the OP, I understand that much. And we are all hurting here for one reason or another and we all say things that are easily misconstrued by others. Semantics I think they call it. Peace to you as well, its all gravy.
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Jun 2, 2019
Seriously??? The white men are the problem thing is brainwashing gone berserk. I wish you peace but honestly that's very sad you would say something like that.
I'm post postponing had Xanax and Klonopin now I just want to kill people white men in particular

Ita not racist when it's said about white men? If you replaced white with black in that sentence you're reactions would be different programming 101 hope you find peace but racism is racism
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May 25, 2019
I don't understand why you describe what she wrote as racism towards a particular race. She wrote about white supremacist and she didn't mean white people in general.

She said "white men in particular" That's saying "all white men" if I misunderstood she can correct me but I still think that's nonsense. This white male thing is he exact kind of stuff that's floating around in the media like white privilege etc. People are so focused on skin color it's sad.
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Jul 22, 2018
She said "white men in particular" That's saying "all white men" if I misunderstood than she can correct me but I still think that's nonsense. This white male thing is he exact kind of stuff that's floating around in the media like white privilege etc. People are so focused on skin color it's sad.

She then went and wrote "Mean like white suprematists just want to kill them" but I honestly didn't see the post you're referring to until now. I'm guessing she means suprematists but maybe she can clarify everything.

I myself am a trans woman and I sort of understand if she has hate in general towards men. As a trans person having hate towards men isn't necessarily the same as portrayed in social media by other groups that claim to be victimized by men. The hate I'm thinking of towards men is individualistic depending on how hard it was to transition because being in a very dominate culture favoring how great it's to be a man and not all trans women feel it because some had it way better when transitioning young.

The hate isn't rational because most people who made the current today how it is in society are long dead already. One can only trace how everything ended up by going back to creation. Since all events, actions and decisions are outside our control in reality.
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Jun 12, 2018
I can't say anything about the statements made about men but I experienced sexual harassment in the past - before I even transitioned. I definitely looked very feminine already though. My landlord tried to push me towards sex when I was drunken. I think he gave me alcohol on purpose to reduce my ability to defend myself but it was extremely scary. And these kind of experiences definitely make you act more careful when you're alone with a certain kind of people. And you never know, my landlord had a wife and a 6 years old child back then. You wouldn't think he was secretly attracted to guys and even would go so far to abuse his authority he has over his tenants. The power dynamics can be severe in such a case of dependence. Because he could always kick me out of my room and blackmail me into sex. That's why I immediately moved out 2 weeks after it happened. It was literally rushed and I even left behind some furniture. I just wanted to get out from that place. It happened 2 years ago and that's basically the reason why I'm living with my parents again.

Also, let's please not derail a place that is supposed to be a goodbye-thread.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
I'll always remember you. I'm an old member stuck in the rotten life. I really hope you peace and and no suffering. Thanks for everything ❤️
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Jun 1, 2019
All I see is, someone hurting. Hurting so badly, for whatever reason, that they are willing to end their life. To turn something they said, in this current state, into a racism issue is just wrong. I am a white male and took no offence whatsoever in any of the comments made. If you wish to jump on your moral soapbox and be all politically correct, that is indeed your prerogative, all I am asking is, you look hard at the context of this whole thread and show some compassion and understanding instead of bashing someone for just saying that right now, they hate most men especially the ones who have hurt them most, who just happen to be white.

That's all I have to say now, peace to you all, its all gravy, far more important things for me to worry about and apologies to the original poster for hijacking your thread, unintentional on my behalf.
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May 25, 2019
All I see is, someone hurting. Hurting so badly, for whatever reason, that they are willing to end their life. To turn something they said, in this current state, into a racism issue is just wrong. I am a white male and took no offence whatsoever in any of the comments made. If you wish to jump on your moral soapbox and be all politically correct, that is indeed your prerogative, all I am asking is, you look hard at the context of this whole thread and show some compassion and understanding instead of bashing someone for just saying that right now, they hate most men especially the ones who have hurt them most, who just happen to be white.

That's all I have to say now, peace to you all, its all gravy, far more important things for me to worry about and apologies to the original poster for hijacking your thread, unintentional on my behalf.

I wish her nothing but peace. I just couldn't not say anything. It starts here.... When comments like that stop the world will hopefully become a better place. What I read from her and everything that's happened to her I'm deeply sorry and it's wrong on every level. But the whole white men white privilege white men are evil narrative that's floating around society is not doing any good. I just wish people would wake up and realize their worth. People are obsessed with skin color. Like I said we are all spirits in human bodies. Don't let the media tell you who is good and bad. I wish absolute peace to her. I'm going to get out of this thread now. It's just something to consider... Generalizing all white men is dangerous. I shouldn't even be explaining this. Its just sad. I wish the best for all.
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Miss clefable

Aug 23, 2018
Sorry I opened Pandora's box yes I meant white supremacists my method is different now I'm gonna cause chaos and abuse my body until it can't take it no more also not all men are bad
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Lost child in time
May 20, 2019
Why? You deserve a peaceful death and, unlike many, you have the means to do it. Don't hurt yourself; the world has hurt you enough already.
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Miss clefable

Aug 23, 2018
Why? You deserve a peaceful death and, unlike many, you have the means to do it. Don't hurt yourself; the world has hurt you enough already.
Because live fast die young
All I see is, someone hurting. Hurting so badly, for whatever reason, that they are willing to end their life. To turn something they said, in this current state, into a racism issue is just wrong. I am a white male and took no offence whatsoever in any of the comments made. If you wish to jump on your moral soapbox and be all politically correct, that is indeed your prerogative, all I am asking is, you look hard at the context of this whole thread and show some compassion and understanding instead of bashing someone for just saying that right now, they hate most men especially the ones who have hurt them most, who just happen to be white.

That's all I have to say now, peace to you all, its all gravy, far more important things for me to worry about and apologies to the original poster for hijacking your thread, unintentional on my behalf.
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Lost child in time
May 20, 2019
Don't be stupid! The priority should be to cause as little suffering for as few people as possible, especially yourself, given what you've already been through. Don't make this harder for yourself than it needs to be, please...my heart hurts for you already as it is, too.
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Miss clefable

Aug 23, 2018
Don't be stupid! The priority should be to cause as little suffering for as few people as possible, especially yourself, given what you've already been through. Don't make this harder for yourself than it needs to be, please...my heart hurts for you already as it is, too.
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May 25, 2019
I really do wish you peace clef. You been through enough. Take care of yourself and do yourself what you deserve by making it peaceful. You do not deserve suffering. There are so many peaceful ways on here. Hugs.
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Miss clefable

Aug 23, 2018
Hey! Was wondering what became of you. Glad to see you found your way back.

I'm not a white supremacist, does this make me immune to your murderous spree?
Lol yeah
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Kikoo Loool

Kikoo Loool

Feb 25, 2019
So you didnt' ctb, I was swared when I saw your first message. Have rest.


One more attempt on life.
Feb 18, 2019
Some people have caused more pain than they've received ... Some groups I hate..
Im gonna die trust me

I love your attitude across the post. I make you sound 'cool', in my head. I'm here , chilling , just finished a huge task and I'm open for some time of enjoying the accomplishment.

While I'm at it, it crossed-my-mind the idea that you were in it, for the ctb'ing, like just because the world OR people around you were being mean at you, like if your "problem" is the other people.... Am I wrong? Do you have some serious other issue like sweating tons , or getting really crazy or isolating yourself maybe?

Before continuing, am I getting to personal?

Am I right? Or I'm sorry, I surely read this post and I am also in the process of improving my memory, perhaps I forgot something? I hope not! That would mean I'm seriously damaged, hope not!
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Miss clefable

Aug 23, 2018
Some people have caused more pain than they've received ... Some groups I hate..

I love your attitude across the post. I make you sound 'cool', in my head. I'm here , chilling , just finished a huge task and I'm open for some time of enjoying the accomplishment.

While I'm at it, it crossed-my-mind the idea that you were in it, for the ctb'ing, like just because the world OR people around you were being mean at you, like if your "problem" is the other people.... Am I wrong? Do you have some serious other issue like sweating tons , or getting really crazy or isolating yourself maybe?

Before continuing, am I getting to personal?

Am I right? Or I'm sorry, I surely read this post and I am also in the process of improving my memory, perhaps I forgot something? I hope not! That would mean I'm seriously damaged, hope not!
Hugs no more isolating but yes I have lost my mind I'm gonna die before winter either by my hand or someone else's I'm so tired as being seen as weak the guy who attacked me I want to see his boat burn and his car his money disappear I want to strip him until he's nothing just a old homeless man asking me for money and I will whisper no
I feel like it's to easy to just die and give them what they want.Like I said I will ctb but it won't be this season if my money stops then yes ctb right away I'm just gonna keep on buying pain killers and benzo I'm talking hardcore stuff like halocin and Hydromorphone
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Miss clefable

Aug 23, 2018
I want to be a nice person but this world constantly wants to push you towards darkness I wouldn't consider myself an angel or devil I'm just merely chaos like I would give £20 to a homeless person but then see a business man give me an odd look I would walk up to him and say if you look at me again it will be the last thing you see
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
@Miss clefable
Hey, no problem if not but would you be up for a Pm?

Re boat owning bastard, i had a plan when my husband had buggered off to the boat to shag his next missis....
Would happily come down & scuba under his boat & drill a bloody great hole......
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May 26, 2019
Hope you find your peace
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Deleted member 1496

Aug 2, 2018
I want to be a nice person but this world constantly wants to push you towards darkness I wouldn't consider myself an angel or devil I'm just merely chaos like I would give £20 to a homeless person but then see a business man give me an odd look I would walk up to him and say if you look at me again it will be the last thing you see

I remember you: you are a nice person. But awful people in this world mess everything up. The nicest pet, if kicked enough times, will want to fight back. Nothing wrong with that. (And if someone views your reaction as an over-reaction, they fail to see all the previous actions that caused the reaction). You're a great person.
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Jun 13, 2019
So @Miss clefable, did your attempt not work? Will you be trying the same way again? Hope you don't mind me asking ♥️
Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
@Miss clefable
I dont know your timing of ctb but please dont hurt yourself in that way.
People have hurt you so much already.
Please be kind to yourself.
I wish you goodnight xx
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Miss clefable

Aug 23, 2018
@Miss clefable
Hey, no problem if not but would you be up for a Pm?

Re boat owning bastard, i had a plan when my husband had buggered off to the boat to shag his next missis....
Would happily come down & scuba under his boat & drill a bloody great hole......
At Southampton?
Hope you find your peace

Still here it's not over yet I have chaos to hand out
So @Miss clefable, did your attempt not work? Will you be trying the same way again? Hope you don't mind me asking ♥️
I have not proceeded I'm postponing also getting Hydromorphone
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
@Miss clefable
Just a bit further down the east end of the solent, but have been to many of the crappy boatyards around the solent that 'allow' people to live onboard yr round as know quite a few people over the yrs that have needed that kind of housing. Never yet met a non creepy owner or manager of a boatyard that lets to liveaboards.


There's a difference between existing and living.
Sep 3, 2018
I just noticed the cross, Hope your worries are over. Rest In Peace dear.
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Jun 1, 2019
I just hope, wherever you are, in this life or the next, you finally find some peace.
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