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Have you told any people you are suicidal?

  • Yes

    Votes: 151 71.2%
  • No

    Votes: 61 28.8%

  • Total voters


Walking to the bus stop
Mar 29, 2019
If so how did they react, I've only told my Brother and Parents. They didn't quite seem to comprehend what I was saying though. Thought about telling some people I use to work with to get their opinion. Anyone got experience with this?
Edit: Should have included in the title I meant irl
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Beyond solace
Jun 30, 2018
3 people. 1 i told while drunk and thought i could trust him but turned out he's a backstabbing ****. And 2 people who have been in the same state of mind who comprehend the matter but obviously can't help.

Tbh i still wish i never told anyone.
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Dec 30, 2018
Revealing your suicidal thoughts is a one way ticked to either a)facing incomprehension (and being seen as an attention seeker ) b) facing toxic positivity rhetoric : "life is a gift, there's always a chance to turn things around ....!

That's why I don't share it.
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Have a great day!
Mar 24, 2019
I would never tell anyone because there is more chance of being saved.
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Jan 28, 2019
I told my parents a year or so ago. I kinda wish I hadn't tho, because when I do pass it'll probably make it harder for them "we should've done more" and all that.
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Suicide is self expression
Dec 31, 2018
I told friends online. They were accepting of it for the most part.

I also told my mum and it ended up in me going to the psych ward.
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Aug 3, 2018
Only with strangers. When I was younger (14) the one and only time I reached out for help to my mother (I wanted to jump off a building and backed out and messaged her so she'd pick me up) she threw a fit of rage and went on to be emotionally abusive as usual. She asked me if I was doing it to scare her or for attention. Last time I tell any family member.
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Devil’s Advocate
Apr 9, 2019
I told friends online. They were accepting of it for the most part.

I also told my mum and it ended up in me going to the psych ward.
I'm sorry you had to go through that.

As for sharing, I've thought about it one or twice but I don't feel the need to share mostly and whatever small part of me(if any) does, understands that I don't have anyone there who really understands and/or knows me.
Family/friends/co-workers can get you thrown into psych ward but co-workers can get you fired for this/being mentally unstable/similar too, becareful.
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Mar 3, 2019
I said to my brother, he said he wasn't suicidal anymore and to look to the future. Currently I'm living day to day and trying not to focus on suicide
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Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
I don't have to tell anyone that's known me for 30+ years. And those I've know less than that, only a handful know. Anyone I meet now, doesn't know(and I'm anti-social, so meeting anyone is a rarity).
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Sep 10, 2018
I have told lots of people about it: relatives, professionals, etc. They often either outright pretend that they didn't hear me, or rudely ignore me and change the subject, or plainly tell me that I could never be suicidal because I don't look like a person who would commit a suicide which is blatant sexism and lookism. When people think of a person who would commit a suicide, they think of a balding 50-year-old divorcee with alcoholism and a gun. I don't fit their image of a typical suicide committer, so "I can't be one" jfl. Oh, and sometimes they threaten to throw me into a "psych prison", and maybe they have even thrown me.

If they listen to me and don't threaten me with "psych prisons", it's 15 minutes of "Please promise me you won't commit a suicide. Call 911 if you ever have suicidal thoughts." and other virtue signaling, after which they conveniently "forget" that I told them I'm gonna ctb soon, and the next time they meet me, they pretend like all is fine and don't bring up the fact that I nearly committed a suicide right in front of their eyes.

No one has ever shown any understanding for me irl. I wonder what's it in me that immediately turns other people into unempathic inhuman monsters while in my presence. Or maybe I'm just surrounded by evil people.
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Lost and always will be.
Jul 22, 2018
I told friends and family.

lesson learned, never tell a single soul you wanna die, you will just get pro life bull shit and the selfish speech.
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Camille Lejeune

Camille Lejeune

Feb 14, 2019
I told my mom. It was a mistake.
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I see the chaos in your eyes.
Oct 8, 2018
After my failed attempt I was to have a "contract" to tell my mother (I'm 48 years old- I'm sure that maybe this was meant for teens?) The few times I said anything after were a disaster.

My doctor now just asks about ideation. I refuse to be honest ever again with people in the medical profession. "Medical" help is a joke and don't get me started on therapy. Last one I had- I told her I was still suicidal & she told me to do something nice for myself like get my nails done.

I've met some really good friends here that I can tell straight up how I'm feeling. Outside of that, it's best to keep any thoughts or intentions to yourself, imo.
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Apr 5, 2019
I did tell someone, because people always say to reach out. It wasn't a disaster, but I don't recommend it.
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Mar 20, 2019
I tell my psychiatrist every single time, but I also mention that it's nothing I plan to do soon, which is true. I realize she probably could have me hospitalized but that never happens, we just talk about it. My past hospitalizations were not all that bad so it's not something I'm scared of even if it were to happen.

Have I told family? No. I can't help but feel like this is my burden, therefore putting it on them would be selfish. I can't really see any realistic way they could help anyways if I were to bring it up.
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Apr 22, 2019
Yes i did and it doesn't help i think they look at u differently and be like dont be saying that... They dont understand what im saying.... and they never help i always feel worse like they are going to use my words against me
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Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
Yes i did and it doesn't help i think they look at u differently and be like dont be saying that... They dont understand what im saying.... and they never help i always feel worse like they are going to use my words against me
Normal people don't know how we feel. They just like to pretend they do.
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Dead beat dad

Dead beat dad

Mar 5, 2019
Only with strangers. When I was younger (14) the one and only time I reached out for help to my mother (I wanted to jump off a building and backed out and messaged her so she'd pick me up) she threw a fit of rage and went on to be emotionally abusive as usual. She asked me if I was doing it to scare her or for attention. Last time I tell any family member.
My story is really similar to this, I'm so sorry this happened for you brother
Man, so many similar stories on here, let's hope that the world will change and people will be kinder to eachother and listen objectively rather than just preaching.
I'm so sorry to everyone with this story, as it is also mine, I sincerely am.
Good luck brothers and sisters.
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Apr 2, 2019
Told my mam but I don't think she believes me atall so I don't count it.
I also told my childhood bff while drunk and she said she would die if I ctb but then the next morning insisted she couldn't remember anything, which I really I hope is true.
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Apr 11, 2019
Yes I told some friends… And they don't want to hear it… They think I can easily just go talk to a psychiatrist or go to a medical doctor… Im physically compromised and don't wanna live like this my body is disintegrating I just want to die
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Apr 26, 2019
Everyone by this point knows that I'm suicidal, including my parents, colleagues, limited friends, online friends - it's a telltale by the amount of times I have attempted.
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Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
I think mentioning you're suicidal is about the same as mentioning you're homicidal, never a good thing. Being a retard I mentioned it before and the worst is the people trying to shove God's balls in your mouth
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Dec 7, 2018
my parents and family know, so does my work. I'm feeling so stuck. People are sympathetic but I'm wearing my family down as I no only I can get myself out of this mess but I know I haven't got the strength, will or hope.

Messed up my career as I'm now not trusted to work on high value projects and it's set my training back.

I honestly think that my family and work don't understand how serious my situation is and just think I'm crying out for help and using suicide as like an excuse because I haven't topped myself yet. I've been screaming out for help from healthcare professionals but I'm just expected to keep calm and carry on.

I've got to the point where Im just planning my end by myself. Telling people I'm making definite plans will only mess up my ctb.
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Mar 7, 2019
My sister called the cops on me. It was so embarrassing, they were questioning me aloud in public. Completely humiliating. I avoided her for a whole year.
My dad made me feel belittled and said everyone has problems, get over it.

Everyone else thinks it's a cry for attention or that I'm crazy and that I need to find my own "professional help"
When really people push you to this point right? Living isn't worth the pain.

I don't want to sound any worse of a person than I've already had but I despise those people that claim to be anti-suicide and then they turn their backs on you. How do you tell people you're there for them and then turn your back on them when it gets too negative for you to handle? I don't understand that about people in this world.
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Jun 18, 2018
many people i trusted, none have cared.
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Dec 7, 2018
My sister called the cops on me. It was so embarrassing, they were questioning me aloud in public. Completely humiliating. I avoided her for a whole year.
Everyone else thinks it's a cry for attention or that I'm crazy. When really people push you to this point right? Living isn't worth the pain.

I don't want to sound any worse of a person than I've already had but I despise those people that claim to be anti-suicide and then they turn their backs on you. How do you tell people you're there for them and then turn your back on them when it gets too negative for you to handle? I don't understand that about people in this world.
i don't understand other people very well. I've been pretty much abandoned by everyone in my life. It hurts because the last person that abandoned me I had conversations with about how people always abandon me and they said they understood. all I want is for people to like me and want me to stay in their life but it's like I'm toxic/repellant or something.
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Nov 11, 2018
So what keeps you here? doctors and therapists favorite line, usually with a condescending tone. Being a weak insufferable bitch and survival instinct doc! It's difficult to go ahead when you haven't even lived at all. My mother I've told many times but I don't now because it's upsetting and will say to get help. Guess what the system doesn't work and there is no help! just about everyone that witnessed it first hand will tell you that, oh and if you ask for help but don't like their protocol, in the mental ward you go, where you will also receive no advice or help...
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Dec 7, 2018
So what keeps you here? doctors and therapists favorite line, usually with a condescending tone. Being a weak insufferable bitch and survival instinct doc! It's difficult to go ahead when you haven't even lived at all. My mother I've told many times but I don't now because it's upsetting and will say to get help. Guess what the system doesn't work and there is no help! just about everyone that witnessed it first hand will tell you that, oh and if you ask for help but don't like their protocol, in the mental ward you go, where you will also receive no advice or help...
When I was trying to get help I was screaming out for it to health care professionals. I know If I ever was to get through this it will only be with a hospital stay and the chance to start a fresh. But your told to just keep calm and carry on. Problem is my demons have finally outweighed my hope. For a while I was thinking about running away from my shit life and job in the hope that doctors would see how ill I am and section me but I'm passed that. Can't wait until my method is sorted and I can get off this shite planet
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Jun 18, 2018
So what keeps you here? doctors and therapists favorite line, usually with a condescending tone. Being a weak insufferable bitch and survival instinct doc! It's difficult to go ahead when you haven't even lived at all. My mother I've told many times but I don't now because it's upsetting and will say to get help. Guess what the system doesn't work and there is no help! just about everyone that witnessed it first hand will tell you that, oh and if you ask for help but don't like their protocol, in the mental ward you go, where you will also receive no advice or help...
nothing but my own lack of will and strength.
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