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Have you told any people you are suicidal?

  • Yes

    Votes: 151 71.2%
  • No

    Votes: 61 28.8%

  • Total voters


May 2, 2019
SN. I was about to order it, actually. I'm just checking this seller's reviews.
Are you in the US? If so can you PM me where to get it? I'm so mentally incompetent due to severe illness
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Kringle's Curse

Kringle's Curse

May 1, 2019
Apparently I was saying stuff like, "I should just put a bullet in my head" and "I'm a worthless piece of shit" in front of my parents and a few other people. I don't remember any of that because I was drunk as shit. The next day, two officers came to my house asking me if I'm suicidal and all that shit. Of course I lied my ass off to them and said I'm not, I'm fine blah blah blah. Good times lol.
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May 18, 2019
So many social workers and therapists, hoping that they would help me get rid of these debilitating thoughts. I ended up in a psych ward. My ex boyfriend because he is very supportive. Random strangers. The guys I dated. I never directly told my parents about my SI's but they know I was hospitalized for SIs and attempted suicide. Also as a result many other family members.

Dang, there are so many!
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May 20, 2019
I never talked about my suicidal thoughts. I had a friend who was suicidal, even though I completely agreed why he wanted to do it, I told him to change his mind.
I know how hard it is to react properly to the person who wants to die. So I decided not to speak about my plan to kill myself nor my level of depression etc to anyone else. I think its the burden I need to carry by myself.
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May 9, 2019
Not IRL, too risky. Just folks on here.
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Mar 25, 2019
I told friends and family.

lesson learned, never tell a single soul you wanna die, you will just get pro life bull shit and the selfish speech.
I regret ever telling any of my IRL friends about my suicidal thoughts. All I got was toxic positivity and the occasional "only selfish people think about suicide" speech.
  • Aww..
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May 27, 2019
I've told a couple of family members and a 'good' friend, I tend to come across as being relatively resiliant though, so I'm of the opinion that they think I'm just having a bad phase.

I've also told some health 'professionals'. Where I am though, I assume you have to have made attempts to score enough points to be really taken seriously.

I don't have any regrets about sharing the information, as I've always liked to attempt to debate things that people like to shy away from and try to make them empathise.
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May 27, 2019
Yeah and it got me locked in a mental ward. Which made me worse. I felt locked up and just wanted to get out.

No follow up from there.
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Apr 3, 2019
I've done it a couple of times to my family or to my Facebook "friends" (ex-coworkers, ex-college) and either I get dismissed or I just get some empty platitudes. Then everyone forgets about me again.
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Conflicted Cat

Conflicted Cat

May 23, 2019
No. Not until after I actually attempted for the first time. I don't recommend it. That's how you get locked up in a psych ward.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
I only ever said anything (To my parents) with the hope that maybe it would force someone to realize just how seriously my issues affect me and maybe just maybe there was a way they could help solve the actual issues. But no, that's not what anyone wants to do. They just don't want to help solve the actual problem. Granted mine are pretty much impossible to fix at this point. And they are not temporary.

I have also expressed it to people with the same feelings online and on the phone. But those are the people that can be trusted and have their own hells to deal with. So it's just for an understanding ear, not to get full blown assistance.

Beyond mentioning being suicidal,
I will never tell anyone when I'm actually going to CTB. I do not want to be stopped or interfered with when the day comes.

When you let the cat out of the bag, be prepared for everything you say to be used against you. That's what I've experienced. Your final plea can turn into the final push.
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Dec 17, 2018
Are you in the US? If so can you PM me where to get it? I'm so mentally incompetent due to severe illness

I'm not in the US. I have just looked it up on Ebay. I checked if they shipped to Europe, checked if the seller had positive reviews, and I ordered. Now I just hope I will actually receive it...
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Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
I told some close friends before. If I do decide to ctb, I won't be telling anyone.
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May 27, 2019
I told my brother and he said I was calling for attention.
I asked for a suicide prevention service in a fb group in my country and they took it as I was saying I will do it. They wrote the positive things, life is good, i'll send you huge, i'll add you so we can talk and all that. Some told they personal experience of how the went out.
Someone told to call emergency for just having the thought and she was told: you have 0 empathy!

Well you know mostly the positive phrases but some people said things a little deeper.

I was just asking for a number... Not opinions though
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Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
My sister called the cops on me. It was so embarrassing, they were questioning me aloud in public. Completely humiliating. I avoided her for a whole year.
My dad made me feel belittled and said everyone has problems, get over it.

Everyone else thinks it's a cry for attention or that I'm crazy and that I need to find my own "professional help"
When really people push you to this point right? Living isn't worth the pain.

I don't want to sound any worse of a person than I've already had but I despise those people that claim to be anti-suicide and then they turn their backs on you. How do you tell people you're there for them and then turn your back on them when it gets too negative for you to handle? I don't understand that about people in this world.
That's true, I had a friend that was supportive and once I had made a plan to die that was it, no more support. People for the most part don't understand much about suffering unless they see a wheelchair or something similar
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Nov 20, 2018
I've only told my psychiatrist, if that counts. Although she later told my mom, because I just couldn't.
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May 19, 2019
Yes i did and it doesn't help i think they look at u differently and be like dont be saying that... They dont understand what im saying.... and they never help i always feel worse like they are going to use my words against me
I get looks all the time im in public because i look like im dying but im not yet dead. There are numerous people who know that im dying. my cousin knows that im killing myself but thankfully he keeps it to himself.
Yes i did and it doesn't help i think they look at u differently and be like dont be saying that... They dont understand what im saying.... and they never help i always feel worse like they are going to use my words against me
I get looks all the time im in public because i look like im dying but im not yet dead. There are numerous people who know that im dying. my cousin knows that im killing myself but thankfully he keeps it to himself.
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May 5, 2019
Told both parents but backed out, "No, I'm not serious...sorry I said that...I won't do it." Now my dad wants me to come live with him. He's so kind but I don't know if that would accomplish anything.

Told younger brother, whose best friend in high school killed himself. He was mad and I can't really blame him. Actually, I'm happy for him. I want him to be strong and view self-destruction with disgust.
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May 22, 2019
If so how did they react, I've only told my Brother and Parents. They didn't quite seem to comprehend what I was saying though. Thought about telling some people I use to work with to get their opinion. Anyone got experience with this?
Edit: Should have included in the title I meant irl

I've vocalized that I've wanted to die since I was a child, but nobody took me seriously until I started attempting during my teenage years. Those attempts pissed my mother off, but as of now, I believe she understands why I want to, and just wants to make sure that I'm comfortable and die peacefully. The only other people who know right now besides my mother is my half-sister and best friend who lives in Australia.
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New Member
May 31, 2019
In a pro-life society telling people you're suicidal is likely to result in either being dismissed, belittled or cause a moral outrage and excessive worry which might result in some sort of punishment, which usually means fun & games at your local psych ward.

Also people might interpret sharing suicidal intentions as a cry for help or even emotional blackmail as in, help me or I'll hurt/kill myself. Often they're not completely mistaken. This is merely my opinion and observation and not a judgment of those who do this. Desperate situations create the need for desperate measures.

Please keep in mind that attempting ctb or even declaring concrete and life-threatening intentions of self-harm is de-facto illegal in most countries. Take a look at your country's mental health legislation. You get no lawyer to defend you, no trial, just the expert opinion of a doctor. I'm not saying it would be any better if suicide attempts were handled like "normal" crimes, it would probably be even more tragicomical than the current proceedings.

To answer your question, I have told a couple of people about my suicidal thoughts and it's been mostly counterproductive for me, them and our relationships. Even posting here might backfire disastrously, but I'll take my chances.
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May 31, 2019
Yes my councillor who I don't see anymore. His response was tell me how you'd do it, all these other dumb questions, absolutely zero help.
I told a few friends, can't say that helped either.
Sat in front of my partner and cried, and the response was "you'll be fine".
I don't know what response i would even be looking for in telling someone, to be honest.
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Jun 1, 2019
I told my parents when I was stupid enough to think getting help would make things better. All that got me was time in the psych ward and antidepressants that didn't work. I told my best friend and he reported me to our college (I didn't say it on campus, reporting it to the police would have made more sense) and I had to get a note from my therapist before I was allowed to return to class. Telling anyone outside of sites like this is a bad idea unless you really want to try getting "help"
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The Whale

The Whale

Mar 18, 2019
I told a lot of people that I'm suicidal. Online and in real life. I always told them to not worry about me, that I wouldn't CTB. When I'll decide to CTB, I'm sure they will all say "we saw it coming".
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Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
I made the mistake of telling my dr I was feeling suicidal and it was only because of the alprazolam wearing off just before the appointment and he carelessly prescribed dangerous meds and I nearly died. Now I'm suicidal often because of the damage it caused, talk about irony
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May 31, 2019
Have told parents, friends and health care professionals. Don't know whether that is good or bad. Of course nearly every person will tell you not to try or think about it, which i have no problem with, I would do the same every IRL person I know even if he or she has very reasonable reasons to think that way.


i'm trying.
May 30, 2019
Revealing your suicidal thoughts is a one way ticked to either a)facing incomprehension (and being seen as an attention seeker ) b) facing toxic positivity rhetoric : "life is a gift, there's always a chance to turn things around ....!

That's why I don't share it.
This is the exact reason why I don't tell people I'm suicidal. They tell me I have "a whole life ahead" and that "there's nothing to be sad about!" Pisses me off.
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Oblivion Lover

Oblivion Lover

No life, no suffering
May 30, 2019
I attempted suicide a few months ago by overdosing on prescription meds, and to be honest I just told my family so I could be taken to the hospital. They are so stupid that they wouldn't have realised otherwise. They didn't seem to care very much except for my mother. She told me that if I ever tried to kill myself again and failed she would finish the job with her own hands for making her suffer, after all, only her suffering matters.


ᴡᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴍᴏɴsᴛᴇʀs
May 27, 2019
No. People know about my depression and self harm but not the fact I'm going to ctb. And to be honest, no one would give a damn. I think I make it pretty obvious with the amount of 'dark jokes' I tell but apparently not.

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