I am very suprised that if you know the type of weapon you have, you would eveb ask this question. It concerns me that you may be using someone elses weapon. Consider the gun owner, how they would feel, and also consider who would find you. You likely dont want to leave this world and have a lot of guilt and trauma left for those that are survived by you. I am sorry, I will not encourage anyone to take their own life, nor would I ever provide instruction.
In my opinion this is a very serious subject, and some members of this community need to be much less encouraging and loose with information. If a person choses to attempt suicide, it should be based on their own research and without the help of others. That is just my unpopular opinion.
I wish you the very best, and hope you find a way to heal from whatever ails you.
No matter what this community will support you, but I do not think members of this community should spoon feed a person answers. No matter what I , or anyone else does or does not tell you, this is your life, your choice, and others with to much encouragement or advice are being irresponsible as well as possibly setting themselves up for legal action.