

Jun 25, 2020
Precisely why I don't believe in god anymore. I used to pray, so fucking hard for things to get better, I used to cry and scream into my pillow for god to help me out in some way, but help never came, he never "spoke" to me like what other religious people told me. It's just pure wishful thinking.
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sugar, spice…
Aug 31, 2019
That's not an actual reply. For someone who thinks disproving the existence of God is so simple you're doing a very poor job of it.
this is hilarious
I don't know what that means but ok...
simple. were driven to do things that we otherwise dont want to do, all because a god wills it.

unless you break free from the river, meaning religion and social norms from religion, then we dont have to do these mindless things, or be prevented from things: pray, not eat certain things, dont jerk off, dont fuck other dudes, ect ect

thats what i got from it
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Dec 7, 2019
I personally believe in God, and that He is not evil.


May 18, 2020
I didn't say all religious people are dumb. I was specifically talking about televangelists who are true pieces of shit and don't believe in anything they say they just like flying around in private jets and living in mega mansions. If they truly believed in the scripture they would know "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God" and donate all of their earnings to humanitarian causes.

Regarding the point about suicide, my argument was that people have the fear of hell instilled in them are less likely to commit suicide because that's one of the sins that sends you straight to hell. There may be other reasons as well but that was the point I chose to make in response to what you said.

It's funny that you got so offended by it because that implies you're religious to some extent but certainly don't have the "love your neighbor" part of it down because you're choosing to be a massive dickhole about it.

How do you know it's not a simulation? And what could your definition of God be other than something that exists outside of the natural order of things and has unlimited power over the reality that we exist in?

Im neither offended nor concerned in the slightest, not even religious per se. I'm a taoist. Nice assumptions and projected insecurities though, you're very text book for the anti religious, what was it? religious parent? you couldnt make the standard?


Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
Spirits do exist and I too have interacted with them. However in most cases they are demons, spirits which hate humans and want them permanently gone or tormented. There are higher spirits too but they are not as accessible as the demonic ones in this plane.

I have also interacted with a couple of spirits who passed on, deceased people. I didn't get much info from them but their reason for interacting with me was to assure their remaining living family members they were ok. They wanted me to convey that message to them.
I'm not here to try to convince anyone, just relaying my personal experience.
I aree
I know it's not believable but there might be a few others around who know what I'm talking about because they have had similar experiences. Otherwise of course no one will believe it and that's ok.
I'm on your side on this. Think about this, people offhand say it's impossible for there to be a God. Where is He? Where did He come from? Why doesn't he intervene? Good questions.

Again, sceptics say offhand that there are no aliens. However millions of people have reported encountering them, their ships and even being abducted. There have been reports of extraterrestrial beings for thousands of years, even in the Bible for crying out loud. Yet some know it all somewhere concludes that they were all fake, I'm right. Yes folks, it's mass hysteria stretching over millenia.

Once more, millions, if not billions of people have reported encountering spiritual entities. For millenia. Honestly, how smart is it to dismiss offhand that all these people were dishonest or crazy? These people come from all walks of life, from the lunatic fringe to scholars and nobles.

I personally believe in God, I believe extraterrestrials and spirits are the same thing. That's just me. Nothing justifies this attitude of I'm right and millions across the world are wrong. It's hubris.
I've lived with bipolar my entire life undiagnosed until I was 21 and have had chronic daily headaches for the past two years which have been bad enough to land me in the ER so trust me I know both physical and mental pain. The sad thing about this world is that no matter how bad your situation is, it could always be worse. Imagine burning alive for all of eternity. I guarantee your reality is far from the hell described in the Christian bible.
I'm sorry to hear about your suffering and pain. I've suffered from social anxiety my entire life. It sucks when your brain plays tricks on you. I hope we all find a way out of this suffering.

On the subject of hell, It's not a biblical concept. It's a huge blasphemous interpretation. The Bible actually says that people who die are acquitted from their sin, conscious of nothing. You can't be punished for the same thing twice. If people went to heaven or hell, what would be the point of resurrection?

It saddens me that the so called Christian church has spread these lies far and wide. I just want to assure anyone who reads this that hell is a lie. It's a human concept created to spread fear and promote the catholic church.

If you die, life ends. It's the end of existence. Resurrection is up to God. Whether you believe in him or not is up to you.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I don't remember seeing anything in the Bible about hell.
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No Brain No Pain
Jun 29, 2020
Im neither offended nor concerned in the slightest, not even religious per se. I'm a taoist. Nice assumptions and projected insecurities though, you're very text book for the anti religious, what was it? religious parent? you couldnt make the standard?

Projected insecurities? No, I'm just pointing things out that should be obvious to anyone with a brain, or who's spent any amount of time thinking about religion. You're the one who started insulting me specifically when I was just speaking generally.


No Brain No Pain
Jun 29, 2020
On the subject of hell, It's not a biblical concept. It's a huge blasphemous interpretation. The Bible actually says that people who die are acquitted from their sin, conscious of nothing. You can't be punished for the same thing twice. If people went to heaven or hell, what would be the point of resurrection?

It saddens me that the so called Christian church has spread these lies far and wide. I just want to assure anyone who reads this that hell is a lie. It's a human concept created to spread fear and promote the catholic church.

If you die, life ends. It's the end of existence. Resurrection is up to God. Whether you believe in him or not is up to you.

Where in the Bible does it say this?


May 18, 2019
God and Satan are the same person. They are names for his light and night mode. He also has a personality disorder.
I once had a terrifying trip on drugs once experiencing this exact duality you speak of. At the time it was incredibly powerful but now it is many years later, whos to say if there was any reality or just the drugs fucking about....who knows
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I was told by a spirit, no idea what kind it was, that all evil is a product of the mind. I think what it meant was that you do not naturally do any evil but if you know it's evil and do it then it is evil.

I wonder about as one example sexual perversions; do we know they are evil and that's what makes us want to do them? Surely some of them are so perverse that those who do them must think they are wrong to do and that's the appeal of them. What if someone had no hint at all something was wrong that we usually think of as evil. Would it then be evil if they didn't know it was?


May 18, 2020
Projected insecurities? No, I'm just pointing things out that should be obvious to anyone with a brain, or who's spent any amount of time thinking about religion. You're the one who started insulting me specifically when I was just speaking generally.
ANyone with a brain would have a far more balanced contextual and historical view of the issues of which you speak. Here i'll p[rove my point, now list the very positive things to come from religion?
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No Brain No Pain
Jun 29, 2020
ANyone with a brain would have a far more balanced contextual and historical view of the issues of which you speak. Here i'll p[rove my point, now list the very positive things to come from religion?

Red herring, this has nothing to do with what we were discussing. I also never said that religion had no positives.


Jan 18, 2020
To quote Epicurus:

If God is willing to prevent evil but he is not able,
then he is not omnipotent.
If God is able but not willing,
then he is malevolent.
If God is both able and willing,
then whence cometh evil ?
And if God is neither able nor willing,
then why call him God ?

'Nuff said.
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Jul 9, 2020
"God" as we call it, is both good and evil. Simply put, God is everything. Don't be fooled into thinking God is "on your side" or has to do you favors because you worship it.
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Господи помилуй — мир в Україні!
Sep 7, 2018
I think the traditional Christian answer to Epicurus's paradox is that God has given people free will. God does not (usually) interfere with people's actions, even when they do evil things that adversely affect other people. Apparently, that means that (for example) God thinks it is better that priests molest kids than to prevent such things from happening in the first place. If people do not have free will, they could not choose to love God (or each other, for that matter). God would prefer people to be able to freely love Him and other people, even if it means that some people will conspicuously abuse their freedom to do as they wish. The passion, death and resurrection of Jesus would be useless if people do not have free will.

I personally find it extremely difficult to accept the traditional Christian belief in free will and its implications: to me, free will does not seem worth the trouble, since it is so easy to do hurtful things and so difficult to be consistently good. Also, it makes God out to be an abusive parent. I would prefer not to think of God in that way. I often feel like a meat robot with an immortal soul: I suspect that I am destined to ctb someday, no matter what I do or do not do. Also, since people would not be responsible for their actions, a good God would damn nobody to Hell. However, since the Catholic Church considers it sinful and heretical to seriously entertain a belief in fatalism and universalism, I regularly bring this up when I confess my sins to a priest every month.

To quote Epicurus:

If God is willing to prevent evil but he is not able,
then he is not omnipotent.
If God is able but not willing,
then he is malevolent.
If God is both able and willing,
then whence cometh evil ?
And if God is neither able nor willing,
then why call him God ?

'Nuff said.
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Jan 18, 2020
If people do not have free will, they could not choose to love God (or each other, for that matter).
That's just it, they don't have a choice, if they don't worship him they fear they won't go to heaven.
And why do they bother praying whenever they feel miserable when God doesn't intervene anyway ?


Господи помилуй — мир в Україні!
Sep 7, 2018
That's just it, they don't have a choice, if they don't worship him they fear they won't go to heaven.
And why do they bother praying whenever they feel miserable when God doesn't intervene anyway ?

I think the purpose of prayer is supposedly more to discover what God wants and reconcile oneself with what God wants than to ask God to intervene. After all, on the night before His crucifixion, Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane after asking God the Father to take away the cup of suffering and death, "Your will, not mine, be done." One can legitimately ask God to make things go the way one wants, but one should always add that one wants what God wants and one will accept anything that happens, since God wants it to happen. Of course, this is hard to get my head around, but that is my fault, not God's :heh:

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