Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Go and read books by famous atheists.
Why? I have been delving into this subject and related ones for over 50 years.

If you read or understood what I said, the idea of even arguing about if there is a God or not is primitive and shows how little we understand of what really is going on here.
Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
I can prove there is no afterlife and god.
ngl you can't prove this. We can say that it's very unlikely, but it's impossible to prove, just as it's impossible to prove that there aren't invisible unicorns that don't interact with any matter or energy all around us. We generally just don't consider these things because there's no point in considering infinite maybes, but that's not the same as saying they are impossible.
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Jul 2, 2020
Why? I have been delving into this subject and related ones for over 50 years.
Arguments are in those books.
ngl you can't prove this. We can say that it's very unlikely, but it's impossible to prove, just as it's impossible to prove that there aren't invisible unicorns that don't interact with any matter or energy all around us. We generally just don't consider these things because there's no point in considering infinite maybes, but that's not the same as saying they are impossible.
I can prove it, but I am too lazy to do it here, the arguments are in the books, written by famous atheists.
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Listen up guys. If you think of God as an old man up in the sky that's probably not correct. If you think of God as a person that's not correct. If you think of "god" as universal consciousness that is closer.

If you can grasp the idea of a universal consciousness, a huge mind that rules over literally everything there is and even controls everything we here see think and do on a grand scale you are closer to the actual truth.

All this suffering we experience, how that fits in or why it happens no one knows and I hope after I cross over that I find the answer to that. I think it has a lot to do with feeling guilty and coming back lifetime after lifetime to try to make amends for some perceived, by us, wrong doing.
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I want to drift into the lucid dream, endlessly...
Jun 11, 2020
If a higher power truly does exist, they care nothing for what they created, and only takes pleasure in seeing man destroy itself, while playing with themselves. The longer this existence continues, the more I doubt there is a higher power at all.
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Jul 2, 2020
Listen up guys. If you think of God as an old man up in the sky that's probably not correct. If you think of God as a person that's not correct. If you think of "god" as universal consciousness that is closer.

If you can grasp the idea of a universal consciousness, a huge mind that rules over literally everything there is and even controls everything we here see think and do on a grand scale you are closer to the actual truth.
Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
Arguments are in those books.

I can prove it, but I am too lazy to do it here, the arguments are in the books, written by famous atheists.
There aren't any such arguments. I am an atheist and even I wouldn't argue that because it isn't true. There are arguments about why the biblical idea of god and the afterlife is not true, but there is no widely accepted logic fully disproving any possibility of an afterlife. The idea of conscious entities beyond our universe and understanding is by definition not something we can work with. We would generally just apply Occam's razor and say there probably isn't a god, but again, very different from saying "it's impossible I proved it."
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Jul 2, 2020
There aren't any such arguments. I am an atheist and even I wouldn't argue that because it isn't true. There are arguments about why the biblical idea of god and the afterlife is not true, but there is no widely accepted logic fully disproving any possibility of an afterlife. The idea of conscious entities beyond our universe and understanding is by definition not something we can work with. We would generally just apply Occam's razor and say there probably isn't a god, but again, very different from saying "it's impossible I proved it."
I can prove it.
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
The idea of conscious entities beyond our universe and understanding is by definition not something we can work with.
They aren't beyond our universe and some of us have interacted with them. I have no interest in arguing as I realize it's pretty hard to believe. Just saying what I've experienced.
Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
They aren't beyond our universe and some of us have interacted with them. I have no interest in arguing as I realize it's pretty hard to believe. Just saying what I've experienced.
This isn't any more believable than what the other guy is saying and I really can't convince armchair philosophers online so I will not try.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
This isn't any more believable than what the other guy is saying and I really can't convince armchair philosophers online so I will not try.
I know it's not believable but there might be a few others around who know what I'm talking about because they have had similar experiences. Otherwise of course no one will believe it and that's ok.


No Brain No Pain
Jun 29, 2020
Great argument! You convinced me!

Where's the laugh reaction when you need it :)
I can prove it.

You keep saying that yet you've failed to say anything that even remotely resembles an argument.
If a higher power truly does exist, they care nothing for what they created, and only takes pleasure in seeing man destroy itself, while playing with themselves. The longer this existence continues, the more I doubt there is a higher power at all.

Sure, no one said it has to be benevolent. I'm just saying that it's essentially impossible to prove either way.
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No Brain No Pain
Jun 29, 2020
Go and read books by famous atheists.

I have actually. Richard Dawkins comes to mind. I used to be an atheist but learned with further life experience that there is no way to know for sure.


Jul 2, 2020
I have actually. Richard Dawkins comes to mind. I used to be an atheist but learned with further life experience that there is no way to know for sure.
Say whatever you want, I don't care.


No Brain No Pain
Jun 29, 2020
Say whatever you want, I don't care.

Ok then stop replying. You're adding nothing to the conversation, just proving that you're incredibly close-minded.
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Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
I am too lazy to explain, just read the books.
Too lazy to read the books, prove it!

So just because someone wrote a book about it makes it proof?
There's lots of books about unicorns and leprechauns
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I think it has a lot to do with feeling guilty and coming back lifetime after lifetime to try to make amends for some perceived, by us, wrong doing.
In other words we are in hell.


No Brain No Pain
Jun 29, 2020
Too lazy to read the books, prove it!

So just because someone wrote a book about it makes it proof?
There's lots of books about unicorns and leprechauns

Something tells me the fact that he's "too lazy" to even attempt explaining his viewpoint means he's too lazy to read a book all the way through or with enough attention to actually gain any knowledge from it. Just using it as a prop to justify the worldview that he's chosen for reasons that he probably doesn't even the maturity to understand.
In other words we are in hell.

Hell as it's described would be a lot worse. I think you underestimate the amount of pain that can be experienced.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I think you underestimate the amount of pain that can be experienced.
I don't think you know the amount of pain some of us are in. . People here are desperate to kill themselves but that isn't evidence enough for you?
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No Brain No Pain
Jun 29, 2020
I don't think you know the amount of pain some of us are in. And there are levels of pain, but it's quite obvious to me this is hell whether you think it's bad enough to be called that or not. I'm in hell.

I've lived with bipolar my entire life undiagnosed until I was 21 and have had chronic daily headaches for the past two years which have been bad enough to land me in the ER so trust me I know both physical and mental pain. The sad thing about this world is that no matter how bad your situation is, it could always be worse. Imagine burning alive for all of eternity. I guarantee your reality is far from the hell described in the Christian bible.


Jul 4, 2020
I don't even know if I believe in God to be honest but if some greater being exists, they're fucking evil. No question.

And if it's just random? I just can't wrap my head around it. I almost hope there's some god-like fuck out there torturing all of us.

I don't even know what I'm looking for here, I probably could/should just put this in a journal. But I just read all the shit you all deal with, and I can't imagine anything close to a human would create or condone this. I always think about how truly awful and unbearable life feels for me, someone who has it pretty damn good, and I just rage at how immeasurably worse it must feel for others who experience true hardship and trauma.

I wouldn't wish existence on anyone, even my very worst enemy. And the presumed only way out? Totally vilified by society and painful. So not only are we socialized to think there's something wrong with us when we want to die, but it's impossible to do it without fear and experience of emotional and physical agony, money/means, and truly lots of luck.

just fucked. how are there so many of us that feel something like this and yet living is still the assumed the standard? do we really believe there are people who enjoy/choose life and still would if it was more socialized that you don't have to? if so are they just dumb dumbs? or is something really wrong with me/the alternative? And there it is again.
I had this same feeling today when I was thinking about things. I used to believe. But now I just think there's some greater being there to fuck with us. Why else would we end up this way? Why else would willfully dying be made so difficult?
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No Brain No Pain
Jun 29, 2020
I don't think you know the amount of pain some of us are in. . People here are desperate to kill themselves but that isn't evidence enough for you?

I'm not saying that people are not suffering horribly. I'm one of those people and wouldn't be here if I wasn't. I'm just saying the hell described in the bible is much worse than almost anything going on in the world as we know it. Burning alive is one of the most painful possible human experiences and it never ends and there is no escape. Which I guess just helps the argument that if God exists he is a massive cunt to throw someone into that pit just because they had sex before marriage or something stupid.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I've been through trauma after trauma after trauma. I have ptsd over and over and over for as long as I can remember.
It's not just me, every living thing suffers. On a huge scale.
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Not so happy as it turns out.
May 29, 2020
I didn't read all of the replies cause there's a lot, but I believe in god and the devil just as much as I believe in reincarnation and ghosts, which is not at all. I have NEVER experienced anything paranormal or out of this world and if by some small chance, there was a god he himself is the damn devil, cause who in the world would take joy or satisfaction in torturing, killing and just letting their 'creation' destroy each other like humans are currently doing. If god is real, essentially he's the most famous serial killer of all time, since he could stop what's happening in the world right now.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
If god is real, essentially he's the most famous serial killer of all time, since he could stop what's happening in the world right now.
Like salmon swimming upstream to our own doom, mindlessly driven on by a force we don't control, we continue to choose to reincarnate over and over into this torture chamber. Those salmon can't make rational decisions for their own good and we don't either. Until our eyes are finally opened by some miracle and we see what we are actually in.
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Not so happy as it turns out.
May 29, 2020
Like salmon swimming upstream to our own doom, mindlessly driven on by a force we don't control, we continue to choose to reincarnate over and over into this torture chamber. Those salmon can't make rational decisions for their own good and we don't either. Until our eyes are finally opened by some miracle and we see what we are actually in.

I don't know what that means but ok...

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