
May 28, 2019
God is nothing more than hope in people's mind . if there's no hope, there will be an evil
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Dec 27, 2018
I don't even know if I believe in God to be honest but if some greater being exists, they're fucking evil. No question.

And if it's just random? I just can't wrap my head around it. I almost hope there's some god-like fuck out there torturing all of us.

I don't even know what I'm looking for here, I probably could/should just put this in a journal. But I just read all the shit you all deal with, and I can't imagine anything close to a human would create or condone this. I always think about how truly awful and unbearable life feels for me, someone who has it pretty damn good, and I just rage at how immeasurably worse it must feel for others who experience true hardship and trauma.

I wouldn't wish existence on anyone, even my very worst enemy. And the presumed only way out? Totally vilified by society and painful. So not only are we socialized to think there's something wrong with us when we want to die, but it's impossible to do it without fear and experience of emotional and physical agony, money/means, and truly lots of luck.

just fucked. how are there so many of us that feel something like this and yet living is still the assumed the standard? do we really believe there are people who enjoy/choose life and still would if it was more socialized that you don't have to? if so are they just dumb dumbs? or is something really wrong with me/the alternative? And there it is again.

God(Source) is in all of us...

The way I've seen it, Source is an energetic consciousness that vibrates at a certain frequency I don't have the scientific background to describe.

God is not a he or a she. God is not in human form at all.

Think of Source more like the ocean. Source is vast and omnipresent. Then think of yourself as a drop in the ocean. If you take a drop out of the ocean it is still part of the ocean, it is still made up of the ocean, but now it's having its own individual experience.

If all of us humans are drops in the ocean, together we make up the entire ocean. So in that sense, we are part of Source, and we are in fact Source. We are a drop of Source having an experience as a human before returning to Source when we die.

When we die, we slough off the human body and merge back with the vast ocean that is Source. We bring our unique experiences to the collective. And when we desire to incarnate again, we will form our drop and be individual for a time.

But there is always Source in us.

Another analogy I like is that God is the body and we are the cells inside the body. Some of us are skin cells, some are liver cells, some are red blood cells, etc. Together we make up the body of Source.

And while we may look different to one another, we are all part of what makes the body whole. Everyone is crucial, no one is more or lesser than another cell.

In terms of whether God has a personality, if I had to ascribe a personality to a frequency it would be love. God is love.

Because we carry Source energy inside us at all times, if you can tune in to that Source energy you will remember the unconditional love frequency you hold in your spiritual DNA.
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
There seems to be a strange connection between suicidal tendencies and lack of belief in a creator. I for one believe in God despite being suicidal. However, I never blame Him for the problems I'm facing.

The majority of humanity's problems can be traced back to humans. Apart from natural events, our conditions are either the fault of other humans or our own. Even natural disasters are being exacerbated by human actions. Your existence is the decision of two humans but your death can be your own.

God gave us all the tools to live a good life. A gorgeous planet with nearly unlimited resources. Humans messed that up with our greed, bigotry, hatred and violence. Thus is why I don't blame God for any of my current issues. I also don't expect Him to create a perfect utopia because that would require us to be denied free will and become robots. Who wants to be a robot?

As for the afterlife, I believe science when it says existence ends upon death. Even the Bible says that the dead know nothing, are conscious of nothing at all. I believe God selects from among us those who are fit for eternal life and he'll bring them back at a time in the future.

I don't expect anyone to agree with me but that's just because we all have free will. Otherwise we'd all believe the same thing without question. I credit God for that.

God is not to blame for our problems, humans are.
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Jan 18, 2020
I don't even know if I believe in God to be honest but if some greater being exists, they're fucking evil. No question.

And if it's just random? I just can't wrap my head around it. I almost hope there's some god-like fuck out there torturing all of us.

I don't even know what I'm looking for here, I probably could/should just put this in a journal. But I just read all the shit you all deal with, and I can't imagine anything close to a human would create or condone this. I always think about how truly awful and unbearable life feels for me, someone who has it pretty damn good, and I just rage at how immeasurably worse it must feel for others who experience true hardship and trauma.

I wouldn't wish existence on anyone, even my very worst enemy. And the presumed only way out? Totally vilified by society and painful. So not only are we socialized to think there's something wrong with us when we want to die, but it's impossible to do it without fear and experience of emotional and physical agony, money/means, and truly lots of luck.

just fucked. how are there so many of us that feel something like this and yet living is still the assumed the standard? do we really believe there are people who enjoy/choose life and still would if it was more socialized that you don't have to? if so are they just dumb dumbs? or is something really wrong with me/the alternative? And there it is again.
Of course is evil, like most of the people. Human race shouldn't exist, we may pray for a nuclear war. No joke.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
ive had personal experiences with spirits.
Spirits do exist and I too have interacted with them. However in most cases they are demons, spirits which hate humans and want them permanently gone or tormented. There are higher spirits too but they are not as accessible as the demonic ones in this plane.

I have also interacted with a couple of spirits who passed on, deceased people. I didn't get much info from them but their reason for interacting with me was to assure their remaining living family members they were ok. They wanted me to convey that message to them.
I'm not here to try to convince anyone, just relaying my personal experience.
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Jul 2, 2020
Lol. So you offer an equally bold claim as "there is a God and I can prove it" yet offer no explanation.
You can watch Atheist Experience, they explain stuff pretty well.
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No Brain No Pain
Jun 29, 2020
You can watch Atheist Experience, they explain stuff very well.

It's impossible to prove either way. Though the god of the Bible or any other religions most certainly doesn't exist.
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No Brain No Pain
Jun 29, 2020
Thinking requires brain, so there is no god.

How do you know that?

We could be in a simulation created by a team of advanced programmers who would be like the gods of our world. I think you have a very limited understanding of the potential ways the reality we perceive is created.


Jul 2, 2020
How do you know that?

We could be in a simulation created by a team of advanced programmers who would be like the gods of our world. I think you have a very limited understanding of the potential ways the reality we perceive is created.
Then they are not gods


Jul 2, 2020
That's not an actual reply. For someone who thinks disproving the existence of God is so simple you're doing a very poor job of it.
Humans become gods, if they make a simulation?


May 18, 2020
Atheism has the highest suicide rate by FAR of all denominations, islam has by FAR the lowest.... really makes you think
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No Brain No Pain
Jun 29, 2020
Humans become gods, if they make a simulation?

Yes. What else would you call them? If they are the architects of our world then they are equivalent to gods. They exist outside of our reality and have absolute power over it.


Jul 2, 2020
Atheism has the highest suicide rate by FAR of all denominations, islam has by FAR the lowest.... really makes you think
That's cuz atheists are not afraid of hell. The religious people are way more miserable, cuz they are insane.
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No Brain No Pain
Jun 29, 2020
Atheism has the highest suicide rate by FAR of all denominations, islam has by FAR the lowest.... really makes you think

Yes because religion scares people into staying alive by using the threat of hell. It's just a way to control the population. Most of the televangelists and people who make millions off of religion know it's bullshit they are just manipulating dumb and desperate people.
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Jul 2, 2020
Yes. What else would you call them? If they are the architects of our world then they are equivalent to gods. They exist outside of our reality and have absolute power over it.
Okay then, we have different definitions of god. Also, this universe is not a simulation, so there is no god.
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May 18, 2020
Yes because religion scares people into staying alive by using the threat of hell. It's just a way to control the population. Most of the televangelists and people who make millions off of religion know it's bullshit they are just manipulating dumb and desperate people.
haha ok then, what kind of fedora do you rock?


May 18, 2020
Nice ad hominem. I guess you couldn't think of an actual response.
Because you didnt say anything just black and white generalized childish guff id expect from a 16 yr olds first debate.


No Brain No Pain
Jun 29, 2020
Because you didnt say anything just black and white generalized childish guff id expect from a 16 yr olds first debate.

Ok so what's your explanation for this?

"Atheism has the highest suicide rate by FAR of all denominations, islam has by FAR the lowest.... really makes you think"

Because "really makes you think" isn't an explanation .

And I'd have to say you're the childish one for resorting to insults the second someone says something you disagree with instead of giving an actual reply.
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May 18, 2020
Ok so what's your explanation for this?

"Atheism has the highest suicide rate by FAR of all denominations, islam has by FAR the lowest.... really makes you think"

Because "really makes you think" isn't an explanation .

And I'd have to say you're the childish one for resorting to insults the second someone says something you disagree with instead of giving an actual reply.
Explanation for stating a fact? what? meanwhilst you think all relgious people are dumb or something and scared of death, wow what thought out intellectual insights you offer.


No Brain No Pain
Jun 29, 2020
Explanation for stating a fact? what? meanwhilst you think all relgious people are dumb or something and scared of death, wow what thought out intellectual insights you offer.

I didn't say all religious people are dumb. I was specifically talking about televangelists who are true pieces of shit and don't believe in anything they say they just like flying around in private jets and living in mega mansions. If they truly believed in the scripture they would know "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God" and donate all of their earnings to humanitarian causes.

Regarding the point about suicide, my argument was that people have the fear of hell instilled in them are less likely to commit suicide because that's one of the sins that sends you straight to hell. There may be other reasons as well but that was the point I chose to make in response to what you said.

It's funny that you got so offended by it because that implies you're religious to some extent but certainly don't have the "love your neighbor" part of it down because you're choosing to be a massive dickhole about it.
Okay then, we have different definitions of god. Also, this universe is not a simulation, so there is no god.

How do you know it's not a simulation? And what could your definition of God be other than something that exists outside of the natural order of things and has unlimited power over the reality that we exist in?
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Thinking requires brain, so there is no god.
Maybe God has a brain? I like how everyone is so sure and doesn't follow any logic.

The truth is this; there is a universal consciousness. And physicists have reluctantly come to that conclusion.

That much physicists do know, or most of them at least. They might not describe it in those terms but enough experiments and formulas have proven that. There is something operating here that defies detection by our five senses. Something mystical. Something that in fact makes it clear that what we think of as "reality" doesn't exist the way we think it does. Our 5 senses lie to us, or leave out the bigger picture.

To be arguing about if God exists or not shows just how primitive in this area we really are. It's not even a valid question if you understand a little bit about what kind of space we are really in and what is happening that our limited little brains and sense organs don't pick up.
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