From my point of view, it's simple. If you don't want to be accused of being a scammer. Don't give out sources! It may seem harsh but tough! Members need to take charge of their own destiny, do their own research on sources and methods. Make their own decisions. Isn't that what this forum is about?
Well of course I can only state my personal opinion, which is :
A primary function of this forum is for us to help each other.
If someone wants to find something, and someone knows where that something can be located, then it should be possible for that exchange of information to take place, via PM only.
But certainly we should place HUGE warning signs in as many places as possible, to make people aware that there's a high percentage chance of any new sources being a scam. Those warnings should include a statement such as "DON'T SPEND WHAT YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE". We can also have checklists of things that are scam red flags.
Such warnings and checklists should be posted onto any thread that hints at a possible source.
People will therefore have to decide what risk level they are willing to take.
I believe it's correct to label things as "HIGH CHANCE OF BEING A SCAM", or even "VERY HIGH CHANCE", depending on the red flags present.
Those labels should be sufficient to make people pause and think.
I don't agree with labelling things as "Definitely a scam", unless the red flags are truly overwhelming of course.