Idk but my case is severe, and its been too long have not recover not even 10% i have already order SN, i just cant deal with it... i'm also on reddit, there is a forum for pssd sufferes... this shit destroy all i was, i dont see the point of keep breathing and barely eating so far, i used to have a normal life but after this i have abandoned all hope, even i know my wife and family will be debastaded i just cant keep existing like this... severe anhedonia, 0emotions, 0motivation, cant feel music, lost my personality, skills, brain fog, severe immsonia, no more joy from my hobbies, no more sex, cant feel orgasm feels more like takimg a pee in 2 minutes, very little wateri semen and it hurt after, cant hold conversations like before, cant find much to say, just barely repliying, no apetite, digestive problems.... its just way too much to cope.