
Voluntary deletion
Nov 28, 2018
Killing your self is a sin. It says in the Bible that your responsible for taking care of yourself. Your body's a temple, dude. But it's my belief that although it's possible to go to hell for committing suicide, it's not auto automatically damning in itself.
"Killing yourself is a sin" < What exactly are you doing on a suicide forum?
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Jul 3, 2018
Frankly, Hell only sounds like a place where a barbaric, primitive person from 2000 years ago would wish to send the people they hate the most (like, for example, people who don't follow their religion or deny it) to suffer for all eternity because they were full of hatred themselves. It's not a place a truly loving, merciful, caring, understanding, wise, logical and happy God would send anyone to.

Anyone who for whatever reason is truly convinced that Hell exists would immediately stop having children and stop spreading their religion to others, and would urge others to do the same, because the chance their children would end up there would simply be too horrible to imagine and surely God wouldn't deem it right to send someone to Hell who never even knew about God nor what God's instructions were towards how they should have lived their life. Anyone who is okay with sending anyone to eternal torture, or even actively desires it, is, frankly, showing the greatest degree of psychopathy and lunacy that can be seen or has ever been seen in this world.

What do we do to criminals? We lock them up in prison so that they can't do any harm anymore - if need be, for their whole lives if they do something really horrible and don't better their ways. At most, the person is executed if the jurisdiction allows capital punishment. Prison also serves a role as a deterrent towards doing crimes because everyone knows you will end up there if you do those crimes. Absolutely no evidence is provided for Hell, let alone even making any sense in the first place, so it cannot be considered a proper deterrent (no one knows if Hell exists or not). If Hell was intended to serve as a deterrent towards committing crimes/sin, then God would certainly make sure that every single human being on the planet is provided with enough proof that there isn't the slightest doubt in anyone's mind about Hell's existence. And, of course, still nothing would change the fact that the punishment would be totally disproportionate to any crime or sin that could possibly be committed in this one speck of dust of the universe.

Bringing a dead person to life again after they have died (and are thus no longer able to commit any crimes or sins or harm anyone) and sending them to eternal torture achieves nothing as the crimes/sins have already been done, and cannot be undone. It achieves nothing but providing some sort of sick satisfaction of revenge to someone who is full of hatred to the core (not really how God is depicted). Hell really is infinite punishment for finite crimes, which shouldn't make logical or moral sense to anyone, certainly not to a truly enlightened and loving being as God is supposed to be.

Us humans, who are far from perfect, have banned torture through international law, yet our allegedly loving and merciful God deems eternal torture acceptable and desirable for most of the world's population? And that is after first allowing us to suffer our lives away on this planet. Makes absolutely no sense at all.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to why did God allegedly create this world in the first place? As no objective legitimate purpose to life has been able to be provided in all of human history, it only seems like a sick, sadistic game created by God of seeing who lives their life well enough to go to Heaven and the rest goes to Hell. Definitely not something a loving, good God would do. In fact I believe that if there really was a good, wise God out there, they would have been wise enough to never create this existence is the first place.

Frankly, the most logical conclusion to all of this is that it's all just a story created by humans and unfortunately it's fed to us from birth (which makes it stick) when we are young, loving and gullible, which is really sickening.

Furthermore, Jesus was a Jew and Jews don't believe in Hell so I really don't understand where Hell even came from if even the alleged son of God most likely didn't believe in it

Lastly, to quote a fellow forum member:
Kev said:
Christians make Hell out to be an awful place because it's what they've been told to believe so that it deters them from "sinning" or leaving the religion. In reality, Hell would be filled with the 99% of the human population, with individuals like Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, most of the founding fathers of the US, great Greek thinkers like Aristotle, most Nobel prize winners, many leaders of charities like Bill fucking Gates, etc. It baffles me that it doesn't occur to Christians that amazing people like these are condemned to eternal torture simply because they didn't want to live according to a specific set of rules in a book, or that they were never even exposed to the Bible because of where they lived, or hell even because Christianity wasn't even a fucking thing for literally 99% of human existence. It is truly astounding that they believe in a god that defaults their "beloved sons and daughters" to eternal torture unless a very specific set of criteria are met while in life, and that same god didn't even let them know what criteria had to be met for the first 198,000 years of human existence. There are so many obvious logical loopholes and it boggles my mind that they have escaped the minds of so many people.
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Dec 23, 2018
I still cant believe that people with common sense (and I'm not the brightest) believe in religion or hell. Reli nutters
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Que sera sera
Nov 11, 2018
No, I am not worried about it. For the same reason, I am not worried about a giant cosmic Yak, digesting me in its belly for all eternity on dying. All because I failed to grasp its mandates delivered in the complicated form of hard to distinguish cow pats, that I should have been able to interpret correctly. All of which will condemn me for not offering up enough salt lick to the Cosmic Yak. I should have known better, so being digested for eternity is my just fate...
You are a genius @Misanthrope and should be on TV with your own show.
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Que sera sera
Nov 11, 2018
I'm not going to QUOTE anyone, but I knew there was a reason I left this thread and that reason has resurfaced.


Aug 9, 2018
i've been wondering if there's an after life. (been a open atheist for years) that'd be cool, however that begs the question will we inadvertently go to hell? i'm sure others have pondered this as well.. the bible has been crammed down the throat's of many.. as well other gods claim this to be the greatest 'sin' if you do accept this form of ideology...
I think is there was a hell we are already in it being alive. Just my opinion.
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Wants to disappear
Sep 25, 2018
No, i dont believe in an afterlife, a god, or other such deities. Life itself is a kind of hell if you thibk about it only briefly interrupted with commercial breaks of heaven.
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Sep 12, 2018
Killing your self is a sin. It says in the Bible that your responsible for taking care of yourself. Your body's a temple, dude. But it's my belief that although it's possible to go to hell for committing suicide, it's not auto automatically damning in itself.

Can you provide the exact quote? Won't believe it unless you can.
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Sep 12, 2018
It doesn't make sense for a god who supposedly loves people to send them to hell.
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Dec 21, 2018
Absolutely. It's in fact the ONLY thing that has prevented me. I am a 100% believer in god.
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Dec 29, 2018
My understanding is that god forgives all sins therefore nobody goes to hell
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Sep 24, 2018
Well if there is a hell as some of you say, I hope they have plenty of spf100 because I don't tan easily.
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Mar 28, 2018
???? this IS Hell. If not, I've been absolutely convinced over the years that this world is Purgatory. Everyone is atoning/coping with something and always waiting for something else, always lost, always needing, always inbetween.
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
He doesn't send you to hell. You send yourself to hell.

please be joking
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blackpilled subhuman manlet
Oct 18, 2018
Most definitely, would have definitely offed myself if it weren't the case.
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blackpilled subhuman manlet
Oct 18, 2018
???? this IS Hell. If not, I've been absolutely convinced over the years that this world is Purgatory. Everyone is atoning/coping with something and always waiting for something else, always lost, always needing, always inbetween.
Considering the description of Hell in religious books, especially the Qur'an I would not compare this world to hell in the slighest bit. Imagine torture forever with fire that causes seventy times more pain than the fire in this world and then consider that your skin will regenerate after the burning only to keep feeling the pain, I don't think anything in this world comes close to that.
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Dec 12, 2018
A distant aquantiance is psychic and barring anyone elses beliefs I do think she has ability based on some things she told me that would have been weird to even guess.
She told me about her friend who comitted suicide and was coming to her trying to get her to relay a message and how nearly impossible it is to get that spirit where it needed to go. I am terrified of getting caught in the inbetween or like a dark place where I cant meet my spirit guides and have them take me where I actually want to go.
The whole point of my ctb is to go see my family and be at peace.
If I get lost there for however long well I am extremely scared really.


Dec 28, 2018
I don't believe in an afterlife, so no.
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Sep 26, 2018
Who created hell and the rules for going to it?
Don't know for sure, but I've heard Hell was made just for demons and such and people were never meant to go there

There's lots of rules.... I only know a few
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Sep 12, 2018
What quote am I looking for again?

Also not everything in the Bible is accurate. And there's way more than what's actually in it.

That killing yourself means you'll go to hell. I'm not a Christian by any means. But am just wondering if that's actually in the Bible (if so, where?) or if it's one of the things people make up.
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Sep 26, 2018
That killing yourself means you'll go to hell. I'm not a Christian by any means. But am just wondering if that's actually in the Bible (if so, where?) or if it's one of the things people make up.
Oh well I can just answer that. Nothing means you automatically go to hell
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Aug 28, 2018
I'm already there
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John Smith

John Smith

Aug 6, 2018
I believe in reincarnation after researching it and Dr. Ian Stevenson's and Jim Tucker's work with factually verifiable past life memories from people all over the world. I've posted this before, yes, but I think if people were to look into it they would be convinced as well. Also, research into factually verified NDEs are intriguing as well.
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