

Nov 5, 2018
According to the depiction of the realms of the afterlife in Dante's "Divina Commedia" if you are not baptised/lived before the coming of Christ and you were still a good person you'll end up in Limbo. There the poet in his journey finds Latin and Greek writers and philosophers whom he admired but can't go to Heaven because they never knew Christ and didn't have the chance to accept his message. The people in Limbo are not damned but are unhappy inside because they know they'll never see God.

Purgatory is only for Christians (actually is just a Catholic thing, and is not mentioned in the Bible as I said), almost all of the people who die and don't go straight to Hell end up in Purgatory for some hundreds of years to purify themselves and go to Heaven. The people in Purgatory suffer but are happy because they know that they'll eventually be with God.

IDK if that makes sense, none of Christianity does to me.

Sorry, I didn't convey my tone very well, I think it's all codswallop. The Vatican having official meetings to decide where the souls of unbaptized babies go is like something out of the year 12.
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Que sera sera
Nov 11, 2018
I was never a believer in Hell. It made no sense to me. But I've since had experiences and have been given knowledge that has led me to believe that Hell DOES exist. And fear of Hell is one of the biggest reasons I decided not to suicide.
Is it possible to share this knowledge with us? I'm extremely curious.
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Que sera sera
Nov 11, 2018
Sorry, I didn't convey my tone very well, I think it's all codswallop. The Vatican having official meetings to decide where the souls of unbaptized babies go is like something out of the year 12.
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J Tizzle

J Tizzle

Dec 7, 2018
I've had this fear for a long time but it has mostly abated. I was raised Pentecostal by a mentally ill mother, so as I child my mom regularly told me about her encounters with demons and hearing voices. Hell wasn't some arbitrary place when I was a kid - it was very real, and it's inhabitants visited this world. My mom told me she saw a demon outside of our house (she described it as looking like an alligator and said it put a thought into her head), she told me the demons talked to her, and even told me one of the demons told her to kill my dad. We went to churches and watched TV shows that validated her experiences and I believed it all as very real. Then I grew up, and could recognize mental illness for what it was. It was actually pretty mind-blowing for me to realize that the spiritual world I fully believed in my whole life was nothing but the ramblings of someone who was sick, which is why I never experienced those things.

Sometimes the fear of hell will creep up, but I really believe there is no afterlife. It makes me kinda sad, but Id rather not exist than exist in a "lake of fire," as my mom put it.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Atheist here. No, I am not deterred by the chance of going to hell as a result of suicide. Suppose (for the sake of argument) that God does in fact, exist and there was a hell, I'd still take glory in the fact that I've exercised my free will in choosing death during my time on Earth and then deal with the consequences of the afterlife should there be one. During most of my life I was controlled and had little or no free will, looked down upon, was meek and a sissy, but the moment of ctb shall be my greatest exercise of free will.
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Nov 14, 2018
I dunno why, but I don't believe in god, but I'm still crazy scared of me or loved ones (especially loved ones) going to hell...
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Dec 7, 2018
I think heaven and hell are here on earth, they exist in our heads in a very literal sense... I am in a living hell... The only thing im afraid of is being unable to ctb out of fear (and i already had a failed attempt which has left me somewhat crippled) and living longer
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Nov 8, 2018
i've been wondering if there's an after life. (been a open atheist for years) that'd be cool, however that begs the question will we inadvertently go to hell? i'm sure others have pondered this as well.. the bible has been crammed down the throat's of many.. as well other gods claim this to be the greatest 'sin' if you do accept this form of ideology...
We're already in hell
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Nov 11, 2018
I think it was a creation of the catholic church to scare people into being a gang member and worshipping the false God Jehova. I believe in archons though and other dimensions and evil beings but that's just me. At very worst I think it would be for very evil souls to be cleansed by nature. I would be lying if I said i had no fear of judgement afterwards though.
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take me somewhere nice
Nov 13, 2018
I feel like I'm in purgatory every day, waiting to make a move.
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Sheet slinger
Nov 28, 2018

Not scared of those stories.
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
People need to use logic when it comes to this. You really gonna think everyone who ctb goes to hell? People who are tortured for years ctb all the time and we are told that they will go to hell for it.

People profit off of the sick and ill. Keeping them around means more money to leach off of so of course the bible will make it seem like you'll go to hell if you kill yourself.
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Nothing Special
Nov 24, 2018
Idk if I believe in hell but the idea that there COULD be one does completely terrify me. I already feel like I'm in hell so I don't want to go to an eternal hell
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Red star

Red star

Sep 15, 2018
To me it doesn't exist, what I am a little scared about is what my soul will reincarnate into.
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Dec 7, 2018
Raised Catholic, but agnostic now. When I was younger I did believe in such notions. However as I got older and questioned more things, it made less and less sense. I also believe there is no hell. While agnostic, I'm spiritual in some ways. When I do CTB, I don't think anything will happen. When I think about, the survival instinct is pretty strong in humans, if humans are capable of trying so hard to keep themselves a live, then this would mean there probably is no after-life. However at worse, I'd probably just end up in purgatory or limbo for a little while, if such things actually do exist, but I'm doubtful on it.
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Sep 26, 2018
I didn't use a bible quote to disprove the existence of hell, I took a piece of scripture and explained to OP that he's not going to hell if he dies.

' nor will your punishment take place in something that was added into the bible 300 years after Jesus walked the earth.'

If we want to argue about whether hell exists, I'll just leave this here.

What about all the quotes in the Bible explaining how sacred life is and that it is a sin to take your own life?
You are not one who can tell OP if he will go to Hell or not.

Every argument against Hell makes way more sense to me than the argument for Hell. It's hard to believe in.
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Sep 26, 2018
Is it possible to share this knowledge with us? I'm extremely curious.

I can message with you on a different medium like kik or discord if you'd like
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Dec 3, 2018
I was raised atheist and converted to Judaism, I fear Hell as much as I fear Zeus. There's 0 evidence of Hell, and evidence for any kind of an afterlife is already really shoddy. There are Muslims who think all non-Muslims go to Hell, and of course Christians who think the same about non-Christians, so no matter what we're all going to Hell in someone's view anyway. Why fear it any more than whatever bad things in lesser-known religions that have no proof of existing?

As for the Bible, the prohibition on suicide only applies to Jews, unless there's something in the Christian Bible not in the Jewish Tanakh that I don't know about. There's always been a lot of debate about it within Judaism because Judaism is also about minimizing harm, and there were highly religious Jewish groups who were strongly in favor of euthanasia. It's a "sin" against Gd and no one else so its morality is up to Gd, and I highly doubt a loving god would think suicide is a bigger sin than everything that led up to it, especially since no one is perfect and we've all done things that actually did something bad to another person before.
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Dec 13, 2018
There will be no hell after death. Life is hell. :D
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Sep 12, 2018
I've heard people who have studied the Bible say there's really no mention of hell. So I'm not religious and know hell was made up by the religious, not the Bible. So no.
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Sep 14, 2018
honestly, yes.
my family are religious bunch they won't bury me with my beloved if i suicide, not to mention the act will leave them devastated.
also if that means i could go to hell and can't be with him in the afterlife...i can't take any chances.
i still want to die 900% everyday tho.
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dont cry for me im already dead
Nov 20, 2018
imageine being allmighty and then getting offended when some peasant ends his shitty life and suffering through ctb

either the story they tell us about god are made up or this dude really needs treatment for his narcissism and vulnerable ego. dude needs to chill out. besides he didnt give a fuck while we lived but when we die all of the sudden he cares? give me a break
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dont cry for me im already dead
Nov 20, 2018
honestly, yes.
my family are religious bunch they won't bury me with my beloved if i suicide, not to mention the act will leave them devastated.
also if that means i could go to hell and can't be with him in the afterlife...i can't take any chances.
i still want to die 900% everyday tho.

overdose bro


Sep 24, 2018
I'm quite committed in the belief that suicide doesn't result in an automatic trip to hell. Our God is all-loving and sending someone who is suffering to hell would go against the all-loving spirit.
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Oct 4, 2018
I've heard people who have studied the Bible say there's really no mention of hell. So I'm not religious and know hell was made up by the religious, not the Bible. So no.

The Bible does talk about hell. More than once. But I'm almost 100% positive that there is no mention of going to hell after suicide...
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Nov 25, 2018
i've been wondering if there's an after life. (been a open atheist for years) that'd be cool, however that begs the question will we inadvertently go to hell? i'm sure others have pondered this as well.. the bible has been crammed down the throat's of many.. as well other gods claim this to be the greatest 'sin' if you do accept this form of ideology...

Hell is a state of mind not necessarily a place one goes. There are many beings that are in hell right here on planet Earth. "Hell" in the biblical sense is a complete and total fabrication used as a mechanism of control. I recommend to anyone that fears hellfire and brimstone as a consequence of choosing ones own exit point or even in general, to begin a daily meditation regimen. I've meditated daily for many years and I've had my own up close and personal experiences with the afterlife(And YES, I am emphatically stating there IS an afterlife). And I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt there is absolutely no hell waiting for anyone on the other side, save for the hell one is already carrying in their own consciousness. But even that is only a temporary state.
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Sun is rising
Dec 27, 2018
I'm sure that afterlife is going to be just like beforelife was.
You remember what beforelife was like, right?
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