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Well guys when I say that I believe in an after life I don't mean it like "We are going to be Joes and Smiths forever" Of course the personality eventually dies, I mean our souls live forever. That kind of afterlife would be hell
This is interesting. This is the crux of my severe distress of living and dying. Before my posioning by a psychiatric drug I had lots of spiritual awakening experiences premonitions insights that I was sure I was not my brain. But now since poisoning I seem to be experiencing various near death like experiences. I experience myself in a void vaccum with no other existence. I often feel I am trapped outside my brain as an alone consiousness toatlly separated from existence. I experience things visually ..I have this whoosh sound in head and with it is like in minds eye I see spirit leave everyone everything. As this has progressed the vaccum that i was seeing has been replaced by black he'll I can only describe. I'm sure I'm in actual hell whilst still phsycially alive. It matches near death accounts of cut off from god. It feels like my self that I knew was one with spirit god has left and I'm in total hell . Not sure if killing the body will fix anything but there seems no reversal of my condition.
cyans, shadow11, Tiburcio and 1 other person
I could use the Quantum Physics argument which clearly shows that we collapse the wave function therefore we ourselves, the consciousness, create the brain and not the brain creates us, but I will be attacked by "Naaah bruh quantum physics is just weird and no one understands it" kind of guys. I think even scientists know this but because the consciousness model of reality is not practical they just don't recognize it and give us bullshit explanations like "it's just a weird thing that seems to contradict our materialism, but don't worry guys one day we will be able to explain it with our materialism" It's like god of the gaps.
In order to measure electrons they need to directly interact with whatever is measuring them (ie impacts directly on what is measuring them). It is this interaction that changes their behavior.
The video is misleading. The "observer" (measuring equipment) in the experiment is not passively watching off to the side as the video implies but is interacting with the electrons as they go through the slits in order to measure them and that is changing their behavior.
The double-slit experiment illustrates particle/wave duality, not observer-created reality as youtube videos like this one claim.
Your statement "I could use the Quantum Physics argument which clearly shows that we collapse the wave function therefore we ourselves, the consciousness, create the brain and not the brain creates us" is based on an incorrect understanding of the double-slit experiment.
In order to measure electrons they need to directly interact with whatever is measuring them (eg impact on the measuring surface). It is this interaction that changes their behavior.
The video is misleading. The "observer" (measuring equipment) in the experiment is not passively watching off to the side as the video implies but is interacting with the electrons as they go through the slits in order to measure them and that is changing their behavior.
The double-slit experiment illustrates particle/wave duality, not observer-created reality as youtube videos like this one claim.
Your statement "I could use the Quantum Physics argument which clearly shows that we collapse the wave function therefore we ourselves, the consciousness, create the brain and not the brain creates us" is based on an incorrect understanding of the double-slit experiment.
I'm not going to reply to this because I'm not a physicist nor a student of QM, but there are many real scientists who believe in the "consciousness interpretation" of the double-slit like Tom Campbell and Dean Radin.
This is interesting. This is the crux of my severe distress of living and dying. Before my posioning by a psychiatric drug I had lots of spiritual awakening experiences premonitions insights that I was sure I was not my brain. But now since poisoning I seem to be experiencing various near death like experiences. I experience myself in a void vaccum with no other existence. I often feel I am trapped outside my brain as an alone consiousness toatlly separated from existence. I experience things visually ..I have this whoosh sound in head and with it is like in minds eye I see spirit leave everyone everything. As this has progressed the vaccum that i was seeing has been replaced by black he'll I can only describe. I'm sure I'm in actual hell whilst still phsycially alive. It matches near death accounts of cut off from god. It feels like my self that I knew was one with spirit god has left and I'm in total hell . Not sure if killing the body will fix anything but there seems no reversal of my condition.
I'm not going to reply to this because I'm not a physicist nor a student of QM, but there are many real scientists who believe in the "consciousness interpretation" of the double-slit like Tom Campbell and Dean Radin.
Then their interpretation is incorrect. This is not a matter of belief or disbelief. In order to observe electrons (or photons for that matter) you must interact with them directly.
Even if you're not a physicist you can surely understand the following about that part of the experiment:
-In order to observe which slit the electron is going through the experimenter places measuring equipment behind each slit
-Each electron impacts against the measuring equipment and is thus measured
-This impact changes the electron's subsequent behavior
Then their interpretation is incorrect. This is not a matter of belief or disbelief. In order to observe electrons (or photons for that matter) you must interact with them directly.
Even if you're not a physicist you can surely understand the following about that part of the experiment:
-In order to observe which slit the electron is going through the experimenter places measuring equipment behind each slit
-Each electron impacts against the measuring equipment and is thus measured
-This impact changes the electron's subsequent behavior
I've heard of this argument before and I'm sure the other party has a counterargument for it otherwise they would change their beliefs, but I'm not going to reply because of my lack of preparation and understanding of physics. My main reason for believing in the "consciousness creates reality" hypothesis is based on my spiritual experiences and verified NDE testimonies. Have a good day.
I don't want to die miserable and broken. In a way, I feel that if I die that way that i'll always feel that way since my brain has no concept of not existing.
I've heard of this argument before and I'm sure the other party has a counterargument for it otherwise they would change their beliefs, but I'm not going to reply because of my lack of preparation and understanding of physics. My main reason for believing in the "consciousness creates reality" hypothesis is based on my spiritual experiences and verified NDE testimonies. Have a good day.
This is the dumbest argument I've ever heard. Just because NDE don't happen when you're 100% dead that alone can't disqualify patients reporting verifiable data, healing from incurable illness after them or born blind seeing during them.
I've heard of this argument before and I'm sure the other party has a counterargument for it otherwise they would change their beliefs, but I'm not going to reply because of my lack of preparation and understanding of physics. My main reason for believing in the "consciousness creates reality" hypothesis is based on my spiritual experiences and verified NDE testimonies. Have a good day.
Spiritual experience is not exactly something that can be independently verified that easily.
Verified NDEs on the other hand do not indicate consciousness creating reality or an afterlife for that matter. There is no indication of the consciousness actually "creating" something when near death, at most one could say that the near-dead person may be observing the surrounding environment in some way.
This is the dumbest argument I've ever heard. Just because NDE don't happen when you're 100% dead that alone can't disqualify patients reporting verifiable data, healing from incurable illness after them
Now that is an interesting phenomenon but again without verified research and experimentation one shouldn't jump to conclusions as there could be many possible things causing visual hallucinations or dreams for the blind in that state.
The topic of how mind-altering substances work is a pretty big one. I recommend you do research on the effects of mind-altering substances including psychiatric drugs as well as their side effects to get more details on what's happening in your case.
In my understanding of reality. We live in a multiverse. Killing yourself in a universe or leaving that universe will only make you go into another universe. But I heard that you can dissipate or merge with the environment if that's what you want. Nobody is forced to "live" forever, you're just forced to exist forever.
In my understanding of reality. We live in a multiverse. Killing yourself in a universe or leaving that universe will only make you go into another universe. But I heard that you can dissipate or merge with the environment if that's what you want. Nobody is forced to "live" forever, you're just forced to exist forever.
My model of after life is based on the totality of the data I got from many books of altered states of consciousness and oobe researchers like Robert Monroe, William Buhlman and so on.
The merging with the environment thing is a state of consciousness in which your ego dies, you can even experience it if you train yourself. There is a forum (the astral pulse) where some people like Frank Kepple have reached it during their oobe.
Spiritual experience is not exactly something that can be independently verified that easily.
Verified NDEs on the other hand do not indicate consciousness creating reality or an afterlife for that matter. There is no indication of the consciousness actually "creating" something when near death, at most one could say that the near-dead person may be observing the surrounding environment in some way.
All that shows is that some human bodies are more resilient than previously thought.
Now that is an interesting phenomenon but again without verified research and experimentation one shouldn't jump to conclusions as there could be many possible things causing visual hallucinations or dreams for the blind in that state.
The topic of how mind-altering substances work is a pretty big one. I recommend you do research on the effects of mind-altering substances including psychiatric drugs as well as their side effects to get more details on what's happening in your case.[/QUOT
Have done research and not coming up with much..what happened to me is unusual.
Prescribed mind-altering substances are still mind-altering substances. Having the drug approved by some spineless government bureaucrat doesn't change that ^_^
Prescribed mind-altering substances are still mind-altering substances. Having the drug approved by some spineless government bureaucrat doesn't change that ^_^
I daresay that pushing drugs on children is child abuse, but hey they're legal so they MUST be okay!
Someone posted a link to videos made by Peter Breggin (MD), I'll post the link to his channel as he does have some good info about the effects of psychiatric drugs and Electroconvulsive therapy:
There's plenty of medical journals, studies and articles about different drugs too. Try doing a search on google for effects and withdrawal symptoms of the drugs you were given.
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